Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1553: shock the world

"Wow haha! Kill brothers!" Xia Feng reacted first, and then rushed up with a roar.

Driven by one person, everyone reacted.



"Tu Guang Tu Jing!!"




boom! boom!


The battlefield instantly changed into a counterattack of China God Realm. All the members of Wadao did not fight back at this time, because they were still in shock, and many people were shocking the fact that Long Island Dragon was killed...

Crazy offensive, crazy yelling, including the shouts of spectators, the atmosphere on the scene became extremely intense.

But Su Mu in the air was still suspended in the air and didn't do any more. His task was completed. It was enough to kill the two supreme gods and kill the Long Island Dragon!

At this time, the morale of the members of Washima was low, and they were even not in the mood to continue fighting. Therefore, even though there are only more than one million people in God's Domain, the Wadao still defeated was defeated and the scene was in a mess...

at this time.

Whether it is Yinsan or Han Fei, everyone who saw the battle stood quietly. Although it is not a global live broadcast, there are still live broadcasts sent by people from their own country among the onlookers. This It is necessary and inevitable, but after watching this battle, many high-level countries have a feeling of shock that cannot be added.

Is this a **** human? Is it the same game? What about this kind of combat power, no matter how many **** pets? Is anyone his opponent in the whole reincarnation?

Game manager? According to the current urine, is the game manager who appeared twice before still his opponent? And the game manager did not appear during the entire battle... What does this mean? Does it mean that the General Administration of Games has nothing to do with him?

Somewhere in Wadao is deep in the mountains.

Ying stood there and lowered his head to explain the battle.

But the woman in white clothes inside the screen smiled slightly: "Is the second stage of God's Domain merged?"


"I see, you will stay here tomorrow and don't go out..."

Ying Ying shook slightly, she nodded and walked out. What did she mean by this? Isn't he coming to Wadao tomorrow? If this is the case, wouldn't it be in the arms of the dragon soul group?

The Sun God Guild.

George sat in the game hall watching Anna's excitement holding the crystal ball.

"Haha, George, are you his opponent? Do you dare to fight the Huaxia Empire?" Anna's sunny and lovely face was full of pride and excitement.

George glared at her and said: "Which country are you from? You actually support others?"

Anna put down the crystal ball in her hand and chuckled: "I don't care. I just know that he can win. I only ask you, are you his opponent? For seven years, you refused to accept it every year, and said that he left Zeus this year. Later, the power will be reduced, because there is no support from the guild, I see how you say, this year he is more powerful than in previous years, haha!"

Talking about the exquisite figure, he left the hall with a laugh.

George looked sad. Is she his daughter? Has this started to crook his elbow before marrying someone?

"Oh... the son is not the fault of the father..."

"Haha, have you also learned the Analects of China? Anna is still young, so naturally she wouldn't care about the righteousness of the nation, just take it easy." A middle-aged woman, ID Wild Rose.

"Do you see how her appearance can be changed? I doubt that in the future the American Empire and the Chinese Empire will fight against this girl!"

"I think you don't care, let her go to China."


"You can't control it. Now she doesn't leave you because she is going to make a shadow liner. I think you might as well let her go."

"..." Fuck, who are the people around me, my daughter is making eyeliner for others? Your own woman discourages herself from throwing her daughter to the enemy? Mom sells batches!


Inside Zeus.

Mei Qianer's big ocean horse stood in the hall and looked at Jace with a smile: "This time it was a good show. Will you still challenge him this year?"

Jace smiled: "It can't be avoided."

"It's hard for you to win with his strength."

"Then you say we really fight who can win?" Jace looked at this big beauty Mei Qianer who was in the heart of Cao Ying in Han, but you were in Zeus thinking about the pastoral shadow of the Chinese Empire. What the **** is it?

Mei Qianer laughed haha, and then thought for a long time before dragging her chin with her green fingers: "Let's open five or five."

"You have so little confidence in me? Isn't it four or six?"

"The problem is that now I don’t know what other abilities he has besides seeing the power of the shadow. If it’s just today’s performance, you might win, but don’t forget, he is the shadow of God for seven consecutive years. He is the founder of the name of the Shadow of God, and he has many unknown abilities in him. You can restrain his shaking sword, you can restrain his speed, and even restrain his attack power. I don’t know how to restrain it, right? So, I won’t give you any more at most, lest you be proud.

"Haha, lest I be proud, Mei Qianer, I think you can go to China too." Jace stood up and walked to the gate with a smile.

Mei Qianer twisted her **** and walked behind Jace and said, "Do you think this girl is such a nasty person? He wants to be with me at least to pursue me, not me to pursue him, huh!"

"You don't come here, you almost didn't agree with your body, and let him pursue you?"

"Haha, I can't save my elder mother... By the way, when are you going to do it?" Mei Qianer laughed, and then suddenly changed the subject.

Jace’s smile was slowly put away, looking at the Zeus members in the square, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Washima failed, the plan is going to be put on hold, this year China is our main target, which is different from previous years. This year, Russia and North have been much quieter..."

Mei Qianer did not speak.

Jace continued: "I got news. If you want to see him, go to Wadao tomorrow. You can see him without going to China."

"Really?" Mei Qianer smiled.

Jace smiled and shook his head and left the door.

Mei Qianer smiled in excitement. If you don't go to China, what are you waiting for if you can see him?

But what does Jace mean to himself? Let yourself go to Washima to see the shadows? He didn't need to say this to himself at all. Isn't this a disguised form of letting himself add feelings to the shadow, what good is this for Zeus?

But now that she knew the news of the movie, Mei Qianer went off the assembly line without saying a word, preparing to put on makeup, preparing to see her old lover...



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