Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1563: Five Nations Alliance

"Ding! The God's Domain suit is opened for autonomous missions, and each suit task can be opened with the guidance of the God's Domain Tower."

"Ding! The autonomous mission of the God's Domain suit has been opened, and the attributes of the God's Domain Tower have been changed."

Sitting in the hall of the guild, Su Mu couldn't help smiling while looking at the system's prompts. This means that God's Domain suits are not opened one by one. Su Mu only needs to open the task guide in the God's Domain Tower and can do everything casually. According to Su Mu's idea, if a complete set of equipment is completed, not only is the improvement of skills, but also the phase evolution of the merger of the gods.

Now Su Mu has two complete bodies of God's Domain suits, and according to the method of the female emperor, Su Mu can open the second stage of God's Domain Merging, then if the God's Domain suits open three complete bodies, then three stages of Merging can be opened, and so on.

The most important thing is that Su Mu understands the enchanting ability of this segment. One-stage merger can compete with the first-level game manager, and the second-stage can kill the first-level game manager. Then if you turn on the fifth stage, or even seven Paragraph? Is there anyone who can contain him throughout the cycle?

The answer is obvious! No!

Therefore, the profession of Samsara Destroyer was formed, and the origin of this suit was set for the destruction of Samsara!

The members of the Hall of Gods walked into the hall to report the two-day record. Although only God's Domain defended the island and the level loss was great, now I have to say that China has begun to emerge in the world of reincarnation and cannot enter in previous years. The top ten statements no longer exist. At this time, Huaxia has already made players all over the world treat each other differently. It is only the name Huaxia Muying that has resounded throughout the cycle.

Su Mu asked Xia Feng and the others to continue to escalate, and try not to conflict with domestic guilds. At this stage, domestic wars are no longer important, but national wars are important.

The border war is just a warm-up exercise. The real national war is still an application on the map of the top of the world. Once this kind of national war starts, it represents...

"Ding! The U.S. Empire Zeus, the sun **** applied for the top of the world and the Chinese war, the preparation time is seven days."

"Ding! Washima Dragon Soul Group, Ishihara Guild applied for the World Top and China National War, preparation time is seven days."

"Ding! Obei..."

"Ding! Han Fei..."

"Ding! Yinsan..."

In an instant, the five world announcements directly shocked all players in place.

In the hall of God's Domain Resident City, Su Mu couldn't help frowning, and Xia Feng and other members of the Hall of Gods also frowned.

"Fuck!" Xia Feng yelled, "Five countries?"

Luo Li frowned and said, "Brother Su, what does the national war win or lose on this map of the top of the world represent?"

Everyone looked at Su Mu, and Su Mu's feelings at this time can only be described as helpless. Even Obei participated in the national war with China? And did you apply at the same time? This is why Wenren Zhiyuan called himself? Is it also the content of their secret meeting?

Su Mu smiled bitterly and said: "The tree attracts the wind, it's not wrong at all, God's Domain is still too arrogant..."

"Fuck, isn't God's Domain arrogant or God's Domain? Brother, what should we do?"

Su Mu stood up, looked at Luo Li and asked, "What is the mainstream level of God's Domain now? What is the average level of elite members?"

Luo Li was taken aback, and then looked at Chen Xiaoruan, and Chen Xiaoruan, who was in charge of logistics, suddenly realized something at this time. She glanced at everyone and Su Mu, then slightly lowered her voice and said, "The mainstream level is hovering at level 88. , The average level of the core members of the three million elite core members of God’s Domain is now 95, and there are now only 50,000 members with more than 100. Brother Su, does the national war on the top of the world require 100?"

The artistic conception in the hearts of everyone, one hundred level, if this is the case, how many people can participate in God's Domain?

Su Mu shook his head and said: "The national war on the top of the world is not as simple as a border war. First of all, this kind of war is a real national war. The fierce battle is carried out on the map of the top of the world, and the loser...may have to separate the imperial city... "

"Separate the Imperial City? What do you mean?"

Long Dao: "That is to say, in seven days, these five countries will unite and fight against China. After China loses, it will lose one of the four imperial cities. If we win, we will have four of these five countries. One of the imperial cities, that is, five cities!"

Everyone suddenly became quiet.

This is the national war. The national war of reincarnation is much more severe than the national war of previous games. If you lose the national war, is a city gone? Doesn’t Nima Huaxia only lose four times? After four times, there is no Huaxia District? Isn't this Nima making an international joke?

Tears and flowers looked at everyone and said: "The application for national warfare is one month away, so it can only be applied for once within a month, and the joint application is counted as one. Therefore, if we don’t have support... Lose the Huangtianzhou area..."

"Why Huangtianzhou District?"

"Because the Five Nations Alliance definitely wants the territory of God's Domain." Su Mu said.

Wadao, Han Fei, Yinsan, and the U.S. Empire all understand the influence of God's Domain, and they know Su Mu's influence. Therefore, if this national war is lost, they will definitely make God's Domain homeless, even if it is God's Domain. Go to the Forbidden Island or Panguzhou District, but the foundation of God's Domain is gone. Now most of the branches of God's Domain are in various towns in Huangtianzhou District, so it is impossible for God's Domain to leave Huangtianzhou District. It hurts muscles and bones, and even lost the foundation of God's Domain...

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became quiet, and all the members of the Hall of the Gods frowned.

Xia Feng suddenly said: "Brother, the Five Nations Alliance has applied to attack us, can we not unite with other countries to defend?"

Su Mu nodded and said: "Yes, but who will unite with us?"

The requirement for the Five Nations Alliance to apply for attacking China is that these five countries form an alliance, and then apply for attacking China with Zeus or the Dragon Soul group as the leader. In fact, according to the rules, it is not allowed, but can Su Mu say that the current game bureau is targeting China ?

Just like now, if Huaxia wants to fight against a certain country, then the guild of Huaxia can only apply for it and cannot unite with other countries, so the problem arises. This is basically aimed at Huaxia.

"Big Brother Su, actually... is this aimed at us?" Luo Li asked in a low voice.

Su Mu nodded and did not speak. In fact, the members of the Hall of Gods are all game elites, so they naturally knew that the five-nation alliance must have violated the game’s national warfare rules, but now they know that the General Administration of Games is targeting Su Mu. Therefore, The current game General Administration will not give China a chance to breathe.

"Damn, aren't they afraid of the anger of the players?" Xia Fengfeng wanted to hit the wall irritably, this was simply bullying!

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