Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1565: Sow discord

"Fucking? Is it really China Muying?"

"Nima, shouldn't it be that she is going to seal Muying again this time?"

"It's been sealed twice, is it sealed?"

"Haha! Yeah, it can't be blocked..."

The players talked a lot, and even started to laugh. Su Mu was indeed sealed twice, but he appeared in the game unscathed every time. This was an irony to the general game of the game.

So at this time players saw the game manager couldn't help but want to ridicule.

"Hey, game manager, have you ever played Muying? Are you looking for excitement again?"

"Haha, don't be ashamed in China, or find someone you can beat to seal it..."


The players burst into laughter, and Su Mu also looked around with a smile, then instantly spread the blade wings and flew into the air.

The white-haired old man didn't show any expression when he saw Su Mu flying up. He just stared at Su Mu and said, "This feeling is pretty good, right?"

Su Mu nodded inconspicuously: "Very good. I am admired by thousands of people. I don't change my face when facing game managers, I can't beat me, and I can't seal me. How do you feel about me?"

The old man's face became difficult to look, but the next moment he sneered, and then suddenly turned on the loudspeaker: "Huaxia players, today I am here to announce one thing on behalf of the General Administration of Games..."

Standing in front of the game manager, Su Mu didn't feel how loud the sound was, but the entire Forbidden Continent seemed to have heard it. A large number of players began to come here, and some players asked what to announce below.

However, Su Mu felt a little bit bad, I couldn't say it. I always felt that the game manager was a little surprised at this time. After all, he couldn't seal himself at all now, so coming here is definitely not selfish.

The game manager continued: "Because Huaxia Muying seriously disrupted the game balance and the seal was unsuccessful, the General Administration of the Game implemented the Five Nations Alliance to attack China Gods. Here I can state that if Huaxia Muying voluntarily deletes its account within seven days, then the game The General Administration guarantees that these five-nation alliance special cases will be cancelled. This time the target is only led by China Muying, not the China Region."

It quieted down instantly.

But Su Mu frowned.

At this time, the General Administration of Games is actually still trying to sow discord? Actually said that they used the privilege of the Five Nations Alliance to start a war with China, and the person who ultimately led it was themselves? Didn't this make Huaxia players start to break with God's Domain?

Su Mu finally understood what it meant for the game manager to come here at this time.

The Game General Administration suddenly opened a special case to allow the Five Nations Alliance and China to start a national war. This in itself violates the rules of the game. Therefore, whether it is China or other countries that have not participated, there will definitely be complaints. In order to put an end to this complaint and public outrage, the Game General Administration He put the hat directly on Su Mu's head.

Because the entire Huaxia, and even the entire world, players have seen that Su Mu was sealed twice and still failed to succeed, so the degree of Su Mu's destruction of the game balance is no longer under the control of the General Administration of the game, so I just took the national warfare to make a fuss.

Now once the game manager announces this regulation, then the entire Huaxia, the entire world players will target Su Mu instead of the General Game Bureau.

The meaning of the Game General Administration is very obvious. The General Game Administration cannot seal Muying, so in order to prevent Muying from leading China to continue its bug-like existence, the Five Nations Alliance can only be used to attack China, so...all the hatred is drawn to Su Mu’s Body.

The players started talking directly in a low voice.

"This trick is insidious." Su Mu stared at the game manager coldly.

The white-haired old man smiled slightly: "That’s what happens when you go against the General Directorate of the Game. Do you feel that your game is invincible? But don’t forget, this entire cycle is set up by the General Directorate of the Game. You think you can still use the palm of the General Directorate. Nothing?"

"Game manager, what do you mean?"

"Yes! In the previous game, it was impossible for the Five Nations Alliance to attack a country. Now you are opening this special case for Muying?"

"Damn, it turns out that the root of the matter is here, I said, how can five countries jointly attack China in this formal national war?"

"That's it!"

Although the national war can be united, there will never be a five-nation alliance attacking a country at the same time. For example, the US Empire and the China National War. This is a national war between two countries. The US Empire can find Wadao for support, but It definitely wouldn't be Wadao applying for a war with China at the same time, otherwise, isn't this messy?

So now the root of the five-nation alliance attacking China at the same time comes from this.

Players on the scene discussed a lot, but the game manager continued to say: "Because Huaxia Muying cannot be sealed, so this can only be done today. If Huaxia Muying can persuade Huaxia Muying to quit Samsara and delete the account, and promise never Entering the cycle of reincarnation, then the five-nation alliance will be automatically cancelled, and the Game General Administration will not favor any country or individual!"

The savvy player immediately reacted at this moment.

This is to create internal strife in China.

The players of Huaxia must maintain the dignity of Huaxia. It is needless to say that the five-nation alliance attacked Huaxia and it was a loss. Therefore, watching Huaxia lose in the eyes of players all over the world, he still chose to let Su Mu bow his head. It was obvious that players would choose the latter.

Because even with the existence of Su Mu, it is impossible to fought a national war of the Five Nations Alliance, so instead of embarrassing China, it is better to let Su Mu withdraw from Samsara.

And the game manager also said that as long as China Muying quits Samsara, then this special case will no longer exist. The reason for the existence of this special case of the Five Nations Alliance is because of the sanctions against Muying.

"What the game manager said is true? As long as Muying quits Samsara, will the US empire's special case be revoked?"

"Yes, can you call the shots?"

The voices of the players suddenly changed, which made Su Mu frowned, and Aisha couldn't help but shouted: "Don't be fooled. Even if the General Administration of Muying Games is sealed, China will not be spared. Please be rational."

"Fuck, are you a fan of Muying? You haven't heard the explanation of the game management. As long as this national war is caused by Muying, if you lose, the imperial city is gone."

"That's right, it's **** chasing stars at this time, your head is showing up? Isn't the survival of the China Region better than a Muying?"



The whole scene exploded in an instant.

Countless people are thinking about the important choice of this matter, but no matter what they think, it is the best policy to sanction Su Mu at this time.

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