Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1568: Husband miss me

With tears in his eyes, Qi Yun stood in place and didn't know what to say or do. He stayed in place.

Is this still the sick Qi Qiqi a few months ago? Is this Qi Qiqi with all her hair stripped? Is this still Qi Qiqi who is sad every day?

It was as if she had been reborn, now she has become an energetic beautiful girl!

Qi Qiqi stood there, two lines of tears fell, and then rushed directly to Qi Yun's side and hugged him.


The two brothers and sisters hugged each other tightly, and tears could not be stopped.

"Haha! Brother! Miss you so much! Miss you so much!" Qi Qiqi cried and laughed while holding Qi Yun: "Have I received all my letters to you? Why didn't you reply to me? Eat instant noodles to live your life? How are you doing in China? Has anyone bullied you? Have you found a girlfriend? Haha, I guess it is difficult for you to find yourself..."

A lot of words came out of this girl. Su Mu stood on the side and could only watch with a smile. The quack doctor did not allow Qi Qiqi to touch any electronic products during the treatment, so when he thought about Qi Yun, he could only write a letter. .

Moreover, Qi Qiqi's recovery in such a short period of time depends entirely on the reason why she is very cooperative with quack doctors, because Qi Qiqi is too aware that if she leaves this world, Qi Yun will probably be in a state of failure, so Qi Qiqi is very, very cooperative. The opportunity for treatment is very precious, that's why Qi Qiqi is today.

Qi Yun nodded in excitement, then let go of Qi Qiqi, holding her cheek and said: "No! I remember everything you said, if you don't eat instant noodles, no one bullies me, how could someone bully me... Qi are so beautiful now..."

"Haha, what? Am I not pretty before?" Qi Qiqi stood beside Qi Yun and turned around, she was a young girl who was completely alive and kicking. Where was the sickness that was a few months ago?

But Qi Yun hurriedly said: "The quack doctor said, you can only say that you are recovering slowly and have not been completely cured, so you should pay attention to rest. After returning to China, you should live according to the quack doctor's statement. Have you heard? "

"I know, what about that old white man? Why didn't you come to pick me up? Humph! See how I see him clean up!"


Now Su Mu can be regarded as understanding why the quack doctor said that his life is not easy, and his feelings are just a copy of the madness.

Su Mu hung a smile, and then saw Qi Qiqi suddenly walk to Su Mu's side, and then raised her head to look at Su Mu: "My husband misses me?"



Su Mu and Qi Yun were almost choked to death.

"Old, husband?" Su Mu pointed to his nose with a dazed expression, Qi Yun standing on the edge was even more of a black line.

"Yeah, who else can you be if you are not my husband?" Qi Qiqi chuckled, then put her hands behind her buttocks and stepped on to Su Mu and smiled.

Su Mu was dumbfounded, what the **** is this? Why did you call her husband?

Su Mu hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Qiqi, this kind of joke is not allowed, don't bark, you don't want to find a boyfriend?"

At this time, Qi Yun had already remembered the causes and consequences. He smiled and pulled Qi Qiqi's suitcase, and then saw that Su Mu and Qi Qiqi had already started to go outside.

"How can you say nothing? When you left, you didn't say yes. As long as I get cured, I will marry you. You also agreed at the time. You can't regret it and you can't be a bad guy!" Qi Qiqi directly held Su Mu His arms began to go out.

Su Mu said helplessly: "Isn't it a special situation at that time? I know you must be worried about putting your eldest brother in the country at that time, so that's why you agreed to it, but..."

"But you didn't expect me to come back alive, did you?" Qi Qiqi looked at Su Mu with a smile with big eyes.

"I didn't mean that, Kiki, should we treat this as a joke?"

"No! How can a masculine man speak without counting? Besides, don't forget who you are! How can you lie to a little girl?"

"What am I?"

"Quick doctor told me, Master Ying..."


Su Mu was really trapped. He went outside the airport and took a taxi. Qi Yun was sitting in front of him. Qi Qiqi still took Su Mu’s arm and sat in the back and said, "I don’t care, you are my husband. If you don’t, you have to agree!"

" are only a teenager, I'm almost 30..."

"Brother Su, you're almost thirty? Didn't you say that you are only twenty-five or sixteen years old?" Qi Yun turned around at this time.

"Roll!" Su Mu glared at Qi Yun. The latter laughed. It felt good to see the dazzling shadow of God being dizzy by a girl.

"I don't care, you are not ten years older than me, not too old, Su Mu! You must marry me!"


"Su Mu! Did you hear that?!"


" can't sleep, don't let them go...uuu..."

The taxi driver couldn't help but glanced at Su Mu, who was completely confused.

Hotel entrance.

Qi Qiqi took Su Mu's arm, and then said directly: "Open two rooms, brother, one for yourself, and one for me and my husband."

"Oh, yes."

Su Mu: "..."

Nima, can this **** play anymore? The grandson of Qi Yun is also hurt, is this the **** your sister? Did you push your sister to the fire pit like this? Doesn't this grandson know how many women Lao Tzu has? This simply makes Su Mu incomprehensible. It is enough to say that Qi Yun is not an ordinary person, but how can an ordinary person accept his own sister to marry a man with many women?

"Su Mu..." A voice suddenly came from behind, and the three of Su Mu couldn't help turning around.

A white dress and long hair shawl, the stunning Zhuge Muyue stood in the hotel lobby and could not help but aroused the attention of the men around.

Because Zhuge Muyue was completely'mature', it was naturally different from the green Qi Qiqi. At this time, Zhuge Muyue completely presented the most beautiful and beautiful side to Su Mu's eyes.

Dignified, steady, beautiful, stunning, like a fairy, looking at Su Mu's eyes are full of surprises and admiration. At this time, Zhuge Muyue warmed Su Mu's heart slightly. It seems that he has found the time when he was in Eastern Europe. That time.

"Husband, who is this sister?"

Su Mu: "Puff!-_-...!!!"

Qi Yun: ┬_┬)!"

Zhuge Muyue: "..."

Zhuge Muyue really wanted to make a swear word, is this all my sister?

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