Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1570: Five-year agreement

"Qiqi, don't need to be like this." Su Mu said, looking at Qi Qiqi at the door.

At the beginning, Qi Qiqi was dying, and she was worried that Qi Yun was alone in China and God's Domain. She was afraid that Qi Yun would be wronged in God's Domain before she said that, but Su Mu didn't expect Qi Qiqi to be serious after he was cured. Up.

You know, Qi Qiqi is not twenty years old, Su Mu is almost older and she is close to ten years old, even if she is not this age apart, Su Mu doesn't want to be "stained with flowers and grass", she is already surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, Su Mu doesn't want more A Qi Qiqi.

And Qi Qiqi seemed to know what Su Mu was worried about at this time, so she pulled Su Mu by the corner of her clothes and lowered her head and said: "Brother Su, I know what you mean, we don’t match the ages, and there are many women around you... But Kiki doesn't care..."

"Don't care?" Su Mu was shocked. If Qi Qiqi was a member of their line, it would be fine, but Su Mu didn't expect Qi Qiqi, an ordinary person, to not care about these words? This is far beyond Su Mu's thoughts.

"Yeah, Kiki doesn't care. Kiki's life was given by Brother Su. It can be said that even the eldest brother is the second-born parent of Brother Su. Moreover, after experiencing a life and death, Kiki also wants to understand that life is alive. , Pursue what you want, do what you want, don’t wait for your life to disappear, then it won’t help even if you regret it..."


"Big Brother Su, listen to me."


"In the first month with the quack doctor, Qiqi felt dying, and she felt uncomfortable all over her body. At that time, Qiqi really didn’t want to suffer that kind of pain. At that time, the quack doctor and Qiqi talked a lot about your past. …Don’t blame the quack doctor grandpa, he also wanted to divert my painful attention. At that time, the quack doctor said that you are the leader of their organization. You committed suicide for this leader. The previous generation... But you are for humanity. For the insurmountable principle..."

"At that time, Kiki was very clear about how important life is, especially how important it is for a person who is about to lose his life. So Kiki can feel the thoughts of Brother Su at that time. Your previous generation leader killed innocent people, even Don’t let the old people and children go, so it’s Qiqi who feels that Big Brother Su did the right thing, not only did it right, this world should be like this, each life exists independently, and they have their own rights!"

Qi Qiqi raised her head at this time and looked at Su Mu and said: "I also learned from the quack doctor that there are so many outstanding women around you, but you gave up everything for the sake of a woman. Big Brother Su, you are so big. In your position, you can have all the women around you... But you still choose to give up... So Brother Su, you are very dedicated and dedicated, so Qiqi thought at that moment, must Following you can be regarded as the promise made when I left China, so no matter what you think of Big Brother Su, Qiqi will be yours all her life!"

Su Mu felt a little speechless. For the first time, I heard a girl say that she was dedicated?

Is it specific?

Wenren Zihan, Zhou Wenling, Chen Xiaoruan, Zhuge Muyue, etc. So far, how many women are there already around Su Mu? Still saying that he is dedicated?

Su Mu wanted to laugh now.

But Qi Qiqi's eyes were foggy, but Su Mu was a little moved.

"Brother Su, in addition to repaying your life-saving grace, Kiki really likes Big Brother Su. From the moment Big Brother Su came to Kiki's house, from the moment Big Brother Su told Kiki that you are the shadow of God... At that time, Kiki believed in Brother Su...just...just because Kiki was about to leave, Kiki didn’t want the shadow of God to see Kiki’s worst side, so Kiki didn’t admit that you were the shadow of God... "

Qi Qiqi directly hugged Su Mu and put her face on Su Mu's chest, and then said: "So, Brother Su, take Qiqi, Qiqi is willing to walk with you with other sisters...forever..."

Su Mu was stunned again, and suddenly thought of Chen Xiaoruan's confession in the underground waterway.

The two stood quietly at the door, and even the people passing by in the hotel corridor were directly ignored by them. Qi Qiqi stood at the door and said this...

After a long time, Su Mu slowly released Qi Qiqi and said, "Qiqi, Brother Su didn't save you for..."

"I know that Big Brother Su’s money, and Big Brother Su’s power, countless women will be sent to the door with just one sentence. I know that Big Brother Su is not for Qiqi’s body, because Qiqi knows that he will choose to take herself Give it to Big Brother Su... Apart from repaying her kindness, Qiqi really admires and admires Big Brother Su..."

This girl’s gaze made Su Mu a little bit unbearable. However, the matter is that Su Mu only has love for this girl for her sister, so Su Mu will never agree to this girl, regardless of the future, at least now Su Mu does not want to delay this The'rebirth' little girl.

"Qiqi, let me do that. Now you are all thinking of repaying your gratitude, so let's make an agreement. Five years later, if you still like Big Brother Su, then Big Brother Su has nothing to say. Five years later, you will be in your twenties. At that time, you can think about this matter more rationally, can you say yes?"

"Five years?"

"Well, five years." In addition to giving Qi Qiqi more time to contact the opposite sex, this time limit is also because Su Mu does not know what the earth will look like in the next five years, so this five years is for her own sake. A bet.

"Can't you have less?" Qi Qiqi looked at Su Mu innocently, as if she couldn't wait to marry Su Mu at this time.

But can Su Muneng? Five years are not long, but not short, because Su Mu knew that in the future world of Goddess Fengxi, he disappeared for five years. What happened in these five years, he didn’t know whether he was alive or dead. , So Su Mu didn't want to delay anyone.

Wenren Zihan and the others are now compelled, because they have been combined with Su Mu and there is no way to change, so they have to bear everything together, but this girl is different, she is only 17 or 18 years old, and there is still a long way to go.

"In five years, if you still want to be with me, I will have no excuses at that time." Su Mu said categorically.

Qi Qiqi also looked at Su Mu earnestly at this time. She thought for a while before nodding and saying: "Yes, five years is five years, but you have to promise me one condition, otherwise I will never agree!"

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