Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1582: always there

Haitian Cemetery.

Su Mu stood in front of Zhou Qing's tombstone and watched Su Tianwen's lonely figure slowly leaving. At this time, he could not tell what it was like.

Because Su Tianwen found Su Mu and said something that surprised Su Mu, and Su Mu did not expect that Su Tianwen had planned for more than ten years. But since Su Tianwen told Su Mu everything, Then the one in Su Mu's heart was also closed.

So looking at Su Tianwen's back, Su Mu can only say, I will try my best.

After leaving the cemetery, Su Mu went straight to the airport, and then flew to Wadao.

But the time has passed since I came to Wadao for the third time.

At noon, somewhere in a mountain stream on Wadao Island, Su Mu asked him to walk in here and walked alone.

Along the creek, Su Mu came to a wooden building before stopping.

The surrounding small waterfall makes the sound of water, the emerald-green bushes, and the surrounding blue sky and white clouds, this place is not like a paradise, but it is a pity that the people living here make Su Mu feel more nervous.

Not only that, but at the same time Su Mu's God Domain Tower has already begun to react, and the reaction is very intense.

At the entrance of Xiaomulou, it seemed that Su Mu would have been expected long ago, and Ying's figure was already standing on a platform like a bamboo raft looking at Su Mu.

Her tight-fitting black dress, long hair, blazing red lips, and her curvy figure are even more coquettish than she was a few years ago.

After seeing Su Mu, the infant couldn't help but smile: "Here."

"Here." Su Mu said lightly, and then walked to Ying's.

Infant’s baby-like cheeks are even now Su Mu can’t help but feel throbbing in her heart. This woman, after a few years, has not only not aged, but has the rhythm of rejuvenation. The skin on her face is smooth and elastic. And she was still fair and abnormal, even with light makeup, she still made countless women feel filthy, only those red lips made people feel that she was wearing makeup.

"Come in." Ying turned around and led Su Mu into the wooden building.

The attire of the wooden building is simple. There is only a table and a few stools. The others seem to be unoccupied, because you can't see the supplies you need for life at all. It's like a wooden building for visiting.

While Ying stood in the lobby on the first floor and turned around to look at Su Mu and said, "She said, you will be here in the next two days, but I didn't expect you to come just after you said it."

"Infant, your resurrection is because of her, right?"


Su Mu frowned: "That said, she has been in the real world for more than four years?"

"More than four years?" Ying said with a confident smile: "You will never think how long she has been in our world, or you should worry about how to face me now?"

Su Mu nodded inexplicably: "You and I were really helpless in their heyday, but have you ever wondered why I dare to come here alone?"

With a slight hum, a dagger suddenly appeared in Ying's hand, and then a faint cold light was emitted and smiled: "Are you talking about this?"

Su Mu's brows were frowned, and they were getting closer and closer to Su Mu's mind. The dagger in Ying's hand was not something from the real world. If nothing else, it should be a reincarnation hunter weapon.

"She intends to let you deal with me?" Su Mu doesn't believe that she can walk here. She doesn't even see each other. This is not her style. Moreover, the so-called grievances with Ying seem to be less important than her appearance...



There was a huge impact, sparks were emitted between the two people, and Su Mu suddenly appeared in a small dagger.

Ying looked at the drill dagger in Su Mu's hand and smiled involuntarily: "Isn't this thing supposed to be in the hands of the woman from Wenren's family?"


"Is there any reason to come back after giving it away?"

"She's all mine, why care about a dagger?"

"Ha ha……"


The two of them were separated, Ying's figure disappeared again to Su Mu's side, and the dagger in his hand went straight to Su Mu's temple, and the speed was so fast that Su Mu had no reaction time at all, so Su Mu could only stay in place. Instantly release the drill dagger in his hand.

Hula la...


The silk thread controlled the direction of the diamond dagger, Ying's attacking body could only stop in place to defend Su Mu's attack, and the two of them couldn't deal with each other in this wooden building.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the battle between Su Mu and Ying stopped again, but the furniture in the room was scattered all over the place in an instant, and all the wooden families became a period of time...

"Haha, to be honest, Su Mu, it's really difficult for me to kill you alone. Although you don't have the reaction and strength of the heyday, the shadow of the remnant soul is still the shadow of the remnant soul..."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell her to come out." Su Mu looked at Ying Dao lightly, because Su Mu knew that today he is going to face not only Ying, but also the person behind Ying, the person who resurrected her, and that from scratch. People who have already started to calculate their own...

Su Mu now feels that the level of horror is far beyond his imagination. According to Ying Ying’s dictation, this person has been in the real world for at least ten years, and even more time. Therefore, Ying’s resurrection is destined. .

Ying's proud figure and face looked at Su Mu proudly and said, "Actually, you should have been like me a long time ago..."

"Do something for that person? Haha..."

"Why not?"

"The infant of the dignified remnant soul actually exists like a prisoner in the reincarnation stage, you dare not ashamed, I will be ashamed for you!"

"What is the remnant soul? A mercenary organization? Or a tool to make money? Or a tool to vent your humanity? Compared with her, everything is fake...all fake..."

"You are crazy."

"I was crazy..."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell her to come out, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." After Su Mu stood in the original and said this sentence, he felt the tower of God's Domain in his chest jump suddenly.

Following Su Mu, he turned around and stared at the...woman in white at the entrance of the wooden building.

She is more than 1.7 meters tall, she is in a white skirt, waist, and her figure is almost perfect. The long white hair shawl falls in front of her. The red lips are thin and red, and the lip lines are distinct, which makes people feel just that pair of red. The lips are enough to conquer any man.

The white face, the facial features are as exquisite as the water blue goddesses in the whole series of games, and the pair of pure white pupils with faint stars, this familiar and unfamiliar face made Su Mu get goosebumps all over his body, and even his scalp Tingling.

"Su Mu, long time no see."

"You have been there all the time?"

When Su Mu finished speaking, she saw the woman standing in place with a smile or calm expression that didn't know if she was smiling. Although she didn't answer Su Mu, she almost acquiesced to Su Mu's statement.

"It was a dozen years ago."

She walked slowly forward a few steps, then raised her head to look at Su Mu and asked: "You, what's the point of entanglement?"

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