Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1588: Lieyu's ability

Su Mu couldn't figure this out, and Lie Yu didn't want to explain the problem in his words, which made Su Mu depressed.

However, it is a fact that Lie Yu really entered the Gods Realm Tower, and that he was'subdued' by Su Mu in reality. This is the most glaring thing.

The goddess of water and blue were all subdued in reincarnation, and they could only come to the real world after being subdued, and the goddess Lieyu had been on the island before being subdued, which made Su Mu very surprised and horrified.

In this case, it means that she can travel between the reincarnation world and the earth's real world at will.

"Apart from you, who else can come to the real world freely?"

"The Ninth Element."

"It's him again?"

Goddess Lieyu nodded: "Yes, besides Lieyu, he has this ability, but he is not in the real world now."

"In reincarnation?"

"I don't know." Goddess Lieyu shook her head and said, "But there is one thing you should be eager to wait."

"Yes! Return to China soon."

Ying stood up, then directly took out two tickets and shook his way: "I've been ready long ago, but are you ready to take me into China?"

Su Mu's body slowly recovered, and then he went directly on the boat and cursed: "You the **** knew why you had to fight me today?"

"If I want to oppose you, the people around you will be so safe? If I go crazy and want to avenge you, you think Wenren Zihan, Kuanglan, Chen Xiaoruan, and even Zhou Wenling will live safely until now. ?"

"Then I have to thank you?"


"piss off."

Ying haha ​​smiled and helped Su Mu stand up, and then said: "Our enemy is the Ninth Element. You can never change the situation of the earth unless you get rid of him. Lie Yu said that you killed me in the future world, is it true? ?"


"You killed me again?"


"Do you really hate me that much?"


"Su Mu, you desperate guy!!"

"Uh...then what, go home!"

Su Mu stood up and wanted to leave the wooden building, but he suddenly looked back at Lie Yu and said, "Two tickets?"

Goddess Lieyu nodded and said, "Master God, Lieyu's ability is the gate of time and space."

"Can you travel anywhere on the earth?"

"It's theoretically possible."

"We can't use it?"

"can use."

"What kind of plane is that?"

Goddess Lieyu waved her hands slightly, a mirror-like light appeared, and then she turned into a mirrored gate of time and space. After that, she said: "The cooling time of Lieyu’s gate of time and space is five years, you are sure Do you want to use it now?"

"Five years of cooling?" Su Mu smacked.

Regardless of whether it is the water blue or the wood spirit, their power gates are almost always a day's cooling time. After the water blue goddess and the empress are promoted to the highest **** of the gods, they can even be opened infinitely, and the power of the goddess Lieyu can only be used once in five years?

Thinking of this, Su Mu couldn't help but stared at Goddess Lie Yu and asked, "If this is the case, Goddess Fengxi opens the future world, Xia Feng, Chen Xiaoruan are all there, but I am not in the future world, yes Not because of this?"

"Master God is wise." Lie Yu said, bowing slightly.

Seeing the white hair of Goddess Lieyu was silky, Su Mu felt that his heart was drawn into silk.

The future world is five years after the earth, so the future world itself will disappear. Now I know that Goddess Lieyu’s ability is the gate of time and space, and the cooling time is five years. Therefore, the reason why the future world does not have its own It appeared because I used the gate of time and space to go to another place...

"The reason why you disappeared in the future world is because of Lieyu’s time-space gate. You want to change the earth’s biochemical crisis and reincarnation disaster, so you have to go to another place. Therefore, Lieyu’s time-space gate has not reached in the future. Cooling time, so now you can’t see your future self in the future."

"Why can't I summon any goddesses in the future world?"

"This is also one of the main reasons why you use the gate of time and space. Lord God, the time has not come. You don’t need to know those now. At present, you still have to solve the current situation of reincarnation. In the national war, you must win. You must see."

Su Mu stared at the goddess Lieyu for a long time, then turned around and said, "I see, go home."

On the plane, Su Mu had been thinking about what happened in the past two days, and the words of Goddess Lieyu directly echoed the question that Su Mu could not figure out before.

First, the future world should have another self, that is, five years later, but Su Mu didn’t see it and didn’t encounter it. Now the problem is solved because he used Lieyu’s Time and Space Gate to go to the other. A'place', so the future self has not yet returned.

Second, the goddess Lieyu of the eighth element took the initiative to enter the gods' realm tower because she was afraid of the ninth element and wanted to restrain the ninth element, so she could only unite with herself.

Su Mu saw the ninth element kill the goddess of water blue and other eight people in the Ziwei Hall, including the goddess Lieyu. As the supreme **** of time and space, Lieyu can naturally feel what will happen in the future, so she must follow Su Mu cooperates.

Previously let Yingying be enemies with herself, including against herself, these things should be that Goddess Lieyu wants to control the tower of the gods by herself, and even controls herself to compete with the ninth element, but now it seems that Goddess Lieyu understands. She couldn't have played the Ninth Element without herself, so she had to take the initiative to enter the God's Domain Tower and surrender herself.

And the reason for killing herself first seems to be to prove that she is capable of resurrecting anyone, or to prove her ability, or to forcibly give herself a certain ability, such as the regenerative ability of an infant. , It’s just that Su Mu didn’t feel any difference in his body from before.

There is another thing that makes Su Mu more depressed, and that is Ying.

This abnormal woman Su Mu really didn’t know what to do with her. Before, she was afraid of this woman, hated this woman even more, and even wanted to kill this woman a second time, but when Lie Yu wanted to kill Su Mu, this woman actually used it. His own life blocked Su Mu's critical attack, and his dying confession made Su Mu wonder what to do...

So, Su Mu turned his head and looked at Ying Ying, who was holding his arm and leaning on his shoulder, frowning helplessly. How could I explain to Kuanglan when I went back? And charm...

What annoying!

"Are you thinking how to get rid of me?"


Ying sat upright and looked at Su Mu with a smile: "Don't worry, I will disappear in your world when I return to China. If there is a chance, we will meet again."

"What are you going to do again?"

"you guess."


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