Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1623: Reincarnation

That night.

Su Mu is still standing in the cemetery looking at the four characters of Heyang’s Tomb. He has been standing here for more than ten hours. The light rain in the sky seems to tell Su Mu’s longing for the Shuilan Goddess in his heart, so it lasted from morning until late at night. , The cold wind blew, but Su Mu didn't feel a trace of feeling, the coldness in his heart was stronger than the senses on the body.

Su Mu never thought that things would become like this, nor did he think about the relationship between the Ninth Element and Heyang. However, now Su Mu has to say that everything has developed unexpectedly, and Su Mu is about this reincarnation. Have a new understanding.

Samsara is now not only a game, but also a teleportation channel to aliens, and Heyang, maybe really not dead...

"Shadow." Kuanglan's white hair was very conspicuous, especially when she appeared in the cemetery. She tightly protected Su Mu's wet shoulders from behind, and then fell silent.

"How is Samsara now?" Su Mu said faintly. According to the prompt before going offline, Samsara should undergo a huge update.

But Kuanglan smiled bitterly at this time: "Samsara has been updated from the beginning of the service to the first update now, but the content of the update is extremely exaggerated. All players can choose to enter the Temple Age or refuse to enter the Temple Age. However, Players who have not entered the Temple Era will be inexplicable after this time and have already begun to withdraw from Samsara. Samsara has dropped from a few hundred million players to less than 200 million people. Globally, there are only about 200 million people left."

Su Mu smiled. The 200 million people are still a huge number, and they are not comparable to those of the computer games before the game era, so Su Mu does not feel that this reincarnation update has changed the status quo of the earth.

However, Kuang Lan continued: "Shadow, you can go to Samsara. The current situation is more difficult than expected. Great changes have taken place. All the people you mentioned before have appeared in Samsara, and they are frequently Kill the earth players."

Su Mu turned around, and then slowly disappeared into the cemetery with his arms around the storm, but the four characters on the tombstone of Heyang's Tomb have been messed up, and the photos and fonts cannot be seen...

After returning to the villa, Su Mu saw Zhou Wenling and others watching various news on the TV in the living room.

Countless players were besieging the branches of the General Administration of Games in major countries, and the group of players who seemed to be traveling held up the sign of ‘Return to My Reincarnation’ shouting loudly, and even all kinds of chaos occurred.

"The riots of reincarnation players broke out all over the world, and the investment of countless players in the game has been soaked. Of course, there are still some players in reincarnation. The same situation has occurred in Su Mu and God's Domain."

"Brother Su, the total number of God's Domain Guild is now less than 200,000, what should we do?"

There are tens of millions of people from the periphery and core members of the Gods’ Domain Guild, and now that the number of players worldwide is decreasing, the God’s Domain Guild actually has less than 200,000 people left? This surprised Su Mu a little bit.

However, when Su Mu saw Chen Xiaoruan’s statistics, he was relieved that not only God’s Domain, but also players all over the world are the same. Now even the Mythical Empire still has less than 200,000 people left, but the super guilds of Zeus have more residues. People in Western countries may be a bit more unrestrained than Easterners. Now the total number of Zeus and the sun **** is about 500,000.

The number of players in the world has dropped from a few billions to less than 200 million. The reason is that most of the players don’t believe in the content of reincarnation updates. What directly raises the level of 200? What started the early stage and the middle stage. And the level of the Great Yuan period, even saying that after the 800th level can be exchanged for ten years of human life, and even the reincarnation announcement says that after more than 80% of the earth players die, they will enter the end times. These announcements are rejected by earth players. , So almost 90% of players have chosen to refuse to start the Temple Era after going online today.

However, refusing to start the Temple Era is rejecting the players' own temple attributes, so when they continued to kill monsters as usual, they discovered that all the monsters instantly killed them, and they were still unable to resurrect and were kicked out of the game. It was the most sassy, ​​and it made the players understand that the announcement of the reincarnation is true, so the players who went online late are still left.

Su Mu asked the girls to wait for their news before they went online, and then, alone, took out the green ball left by the wood spirit before leaving to open the life gate.

Huangtianzhou District.

Su Mu appeared on the streets of the resident city just after he went online. However, no one in the entire resident city saw it. The usual situation of dense crowds when he went online has completely disappeared, and replaced by nothing!

However, at this moment Su Mu suddenly sensed two people walking behind him again. He turned around involuntarily, but when he saw the attributes of these two people, Su Mu couldn't help but startled, and then went directly into the hidden state, and The hidden anti-inclusion is turned on!

"Eh? I clearly felt that there is an earth player here? Why is it missing?" At this moment, the two players slowly walked over, and they were still a man and a woman.

However, Su Mu couldn't see their level and ID, so he could only use the technique of insight to take a look.

"Ding! Insight into 18% information, reading..."

I am jealous of my beauty Lv302

Qi and blood:? ?

energy:? ?

Occupation:? ?


Level 302, the mid-yuan period, really began to plan attributes according to the reincarnation update?

The even more exaggerated level 312 of the girl next to the girl who was jealous of Hongyan was also the strength of Zhongyuanqi, which made Su Mu even more shocked.

Because no Earth player could be seen around, Su Mu could only slowly start to move outside, and the two players were still looking for the location where Su Mu was just now.

"Damn, it should be hidden."

Su Mu faintly heard a **** from this person, and then quickly left the God's Domain Resident City.

Waiting for Su Mu to walk out of the gate of the God's Domain, and then summon Ling Qiu to run quickly, even the pedestrian Su Mu on the road did not dare to approach.

After Su Mu came to a relatively hidden place, he stopped there, and then opened his own property panel and chat box to view information.

However, when Su Mu saw his equipment and attributes, his eyes widened.

"The one that should be here is here..." Su Mu murmured.

The attributes of the God's Domain suit have completely changed, and even with Su Mu's level, all attributes have changed.

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