Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1627: Encounter an intruder

Night, Phoenix Town.

The blade wing unfolded in an instant. At a height of fifty meters in the air, Su Mu took out the blood of the angel Burning Flame, then raised his head and went straight into the sky!

After watching for a while, the players in the town start to continue their missions or take a break. In short, no one has extra time to watch the excitement and to be nosy, time is life, time is money!

The whirring wind kept coming, Su Mu had already lost the area of ​​the town, so at this time, we must be careful of intruders’ attacks. However, contrary to Su Mu’s expectation, none of the intruders in the sky had seen it. Like the earth players, they need to rest and sleep. They also came to the earth in reincarnation physically?

Because the City of Angels is very high, Su Mu thought about it while flying.

A world that looks like a dream, but Su Mu understands that this is the reality of Chi Guoguo. The reincarnation of the earth has something to do with Su Mu. The things that Goddess Lieyu explained when they left Su Mu have not sorted out the matter Clearly, Su Mu, like ordinary players now, can't believe that a game controls the player.

Unable to go offline, unable to resurrect, time countdown, and even whether death can be resurrected in the real world in this game are all major doubts. Now Su Mu is particularly fortunate not to let Kuanglan go online, but I don’t know if he doesn’t go offline for a day and night. What kind of decisions they will make.

The flight lasted for more than two hours, and Su Mu glanced at the countdown on his left arm and frowned.

During a day trip, the trade was given to the Dragons for six hours. When Su Mu entered the town, he had less than five hours left. Now he has been flying for more than two hours. Su Mu actually has less than two hours left. hour!

At this time, Su Mu felt that time was so precious, not only representing life but also money, and at what stage of development would it be considered a head in this cycle.

Su Mu must also admit that the development of science and technology is not necessarily a good thing. The entire game era has evolved for decades, and now it has directly contacted aliens, and has already planted a plan to invade the earth, and now it is a direct invasion. The whole series of games, if the whole series of games cannot be guarded, then the earth may really be entering the end times, just like the world of the goddess of wind!

Light appeared in the high sky, and the magnificent buildings of the City of Angels slowly appeared in front of Su Mu's eyes, but Su Mu's heart was getting faster and faster, because he didn't know the level of the invaders in the City of Angels. I don't know if I am the opponent of these intruders.

Su Mu was an invincible existence when the reincarnation did not change, but in the Temple Era, Su Mu's level and attributes seemed to be no different from ordinary players. The only difference was that the God Realm suit was promoted to the God Exalted suit.


Su Mu fell on a huge stone pillar. This is the edge of the city of angels. The city of angels is like a floating city. The lights are bright at this time. However, Su Mu did not see any'player' or even one. None of the angels saw it.

Judging from the injuries on Zhixin's body, the City of Angels should have gone through an extraordinary battle, but the City of Angels is still clean and beautiful, and it seems that no war has ever occurred.

Su Mu walked forward slowly along the stone pillars, because Su Mu did not dare to boldly enter the City of Angels, so his location was only on the edge of the City of Angels...

However, when Su Mu was walking carefully in the red carpet corridor on the edge of the City of Angels, a person suddenly appeared on the stone pillar in front.

Under the light of the light, this person is covered with silver caves all over, holding a long sword, and...still a woman!

"Earth player?" The woman couldn't help but smile when she saw Su Mu, and then walked forward slowly.

Su Mu stared at the beautiful woman in front of him. Although she could not see her level and attributes, Su Mu was certain that this person's stage was at least the 300-level mid-yuan stage!

"This seems to be the city of angels, right? Then you should be Su Mu?" The woman's red lips shone in the light, extremely coquettish!

Seeing that Su Mu was silent, the woman faintly said: "My name is Ling Lei, don't know who killed it after I die. Since I was sent to the door today, it is my great achievement, Su Mu, what else? Last words?"

Su Mu stared at the woman, and then Yu Guang looked around carefully, but didn't find anyone, so Su Mu couldn't help but wanted to ask: "You..."



"Since there is nothing to say, just take it!"

Su Mu: "..."


The clash of the long sword kept ringing on the edge of the City of Angels, but Su Mu was staring at the woman frequently using basic attacks to attack herself without using any skills. What was this for?


The woman leaped backwards with a backflip, and Su Mu couldn't help but his eyes widened when she landed!

"Strong Sword!"

boom! ! !


"Tsk tusk, the defense is not low, it actually only has more than 200,000 damage." Ling Lei couldn't help but praised after seeing Su Mu's damage value, but Su Mu did not feel complacent, because in the usual time, he can break There are very few people who defend themselves against more than 200,000 damage...

"If I didn't guess wrong, you should be so happy to intercept me here, right?" Su Mu said lightly.

The City of Angels has been occupied by the invaders, Zhixin was severely wounded, and Zhiyan was captured. Their purpose is probably themselves, but now they only see this woman named Linglei and no one else. Don’t ask, for sure It was this woman who wanted to get this skill to stop herself alone.

But Ling Lei twitched his eyebrows slightly and smiled: "Even if it is, but...your woman may not be able to support it are here for nothing..."

"What's wrong with Zhiyan?"


Another sword aura struck, and Su Mu instantly jumped backwards, but at the moment he landed, Su Mu felt the strong wind coming from behind him...


The long sword pierced through Su Mu's shoulder instantly, a huge pain came, and the blood flowed out immediately. Su Mu sprinted forward for a certain distance, but he frowned as he watched the continuous bleeding from his shoulder...

"Is it surprising? The Temple Era is the same as the real world of your earth... It will bleed to death... Tsk tsk, stupid earthlings!"




"Phantom Body Art!"

With a scream, Su Mu's figure disappeared in place. The moment that Ling Lei's figure fell, Su Mu's long sword suddenly pierced her back...

Hurry up!

Sparks were flying everywhere, and Su Mu's sword of the gods did not stabbed in... and was bounced back...


The long sword pierced through Su Mu's abdomen, and Su Mu felt as if his abdomen was knotted in an instant...

"Well, because you can serve me, I might as well tell you one thing. As long as you humans start the Temple Era, death represents real death. This is why you cannot go offline. So, Go with peace of mind, you will no longer have any pain after today..."

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