Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1629: Die to the same point

The sign in Su Mu's hand was dark, with a few white silk threads on the front, while the back of the black sign was painted with a skull with white smoke, which looked very permeating.

【Death Token】

Every time you kill an enemy, you will get a token. Collecting one hundred can be exchanged for a resurrection token in the system NPC.

Su Mu couldn't help but smiled slightly: "It turned out to be like this."

This token was used by the resurrection without any introduction, but Su Mu felt the strong maliciousness of the system.

If these invaders and earth players are the same, they are all players after the start of the Temple Age, then they should know the current situation better than earth players, and the system is set to kill people to obtain death tokens, which directly leads to provoking the invaders and the earth The killing of players, because this token can only be obtained by killing people, and one hundred people can be killed to get a resurrection token. Then both the earth players and the invaders must continue to hunt for this opportunity to resurrect. enemy.

If you kill too many people, you will surely capsize. After you die, use the resurrection token, and then continue to kill and accumulate this death token. Wait until you die without the resurrection token, so that players in the reincarnation world will become more and more. less.

In fact, when it comes to this is the largest system, players are always players, whether they are earth players or invaders.

Su Mu put the black sign in his backpack, then took a careful look around, then walked slowly towards the inside of the City of Angels.

Waiting for Su Mu to come to the gate of the main hall of the City of Angels before slowly stopping.

The gate is the same as when Su Mu came last time. The red carpet, white pillars, and white carved angels on both sides, but it is always as quiet as before. It seems that there is no intruder here, but Su Mu is called from that Ling Lei’s players knew that Zhiyan was suffering, so Su Mu had no spare time to think about how to target these invaders. Su Mu directly turned on the hidden at the gate and used the anti-hidden skills of the God’s Domain Veil and carefully walked in. .

However, when Su Mu walked to the entrance of the hall, he suddenly stopped, and then started the technique of insight.

In an instant, Su Mu’s eyes appeared like a heat-sensitive picture. The main hall of the City of Angels was full of invaders at this time, and there were countless people holding weapons facing the gate, as if only Su Muchong Go in and attack.

Su Mu's technique of insight observed every corner of the hall, but he couldn't help but frown as he didn't notice Zhiyan.

The intruder was simply waiting for him to be caught, so he had already set up an ambush at this time and was waiting for him to drill inside, so Su Mu cautiously retreated, and then quickly left the hall door.

Because Su Mu was turning on Anti-Hidden, at this time the intruders in the hall didn't know where Su Mu was, so Su Mu's departure did not disturb anyone.

However, Su Mu frowned tightly after pulling out the scope of the hall.

Where will Zhiyan not be in the hall?

Because the City of Angels is a city in the sky, Su Mu could only start walking along the edge of the city. However, what surprised Su Mu was that in the City of Angels, there seemed to be no intruder except the main hall. Su Mu is very strange.

Since the invaders are ready to let themselves throw themselves into the trap, they will definitely be prepared. Although there are many invaders in the hall, there shouldn't be an intruder in the city of angels, so Su Mu felt strange.

"Dungeon?!" Su Mu suddenly stopped in place.

Zhiyan was their bait, so these invaders couldn't let themselves see Zhiyan easily. Therefore, the location of Zhiyan must be hidden by them, so Su Mu went straight to the dungeon of the City of Angels.

Dungeon of Angel City!

This area is below the city of angels. Su Mu slowly walked down the steps but never saw any intruder. Because the dungeon is at the bottom of the city, Su Mu can see the endless after stepping on the steps. Dark Night Void, waiting for Su Mu to come to the gate of the dungeon, still did not see any intruder.

Two huge statues of blue-faced fangs are located at the gate of the dungeon, and the gate is still open. Su Mu now has no other choice but to immerse himself deeper. Even the intruder's conspiracy Su Mu can't take care of that much.

Because it was in a hidden state, Su Mu walked very carefully, but there were no intruders in the dungeon. Even the members of the demons and demon angels imprisoned in the City of Angels disappeared completely. Su Mu walked in this empty space. In the dungeon, instead, I felt gusts of dark wind coming.

Passing through the first row of dungeons, Su Mu finally saw the figure of Zhiyan outside a special cell at the end...

At this time, Zhiyan lowered his head, his blond hair fell freely, and there were two blood stains on his face.

What made Su Mu unbearable most was that Zhiyan's hands were nailed to the cross. You can clearly see the iron nail standing on her palm full of blood. At the same time, the armor on Zhiyan's body is already scarred, you can imagine her What kind of war has been experienced, and at the same time, Su Mu also saw that there was a hole of at least ten centimeters in the left thigh of Zhiyan bleeding...

This scene made Su Mu's heart startled. Where is the beauty of the former queen in the burning flames at this time? It's simply a desolate prisoner!

Slowly, Zhi Yan raised her head slightly. When she saw Su Mu's figure, she...slowly smiled...all the expression in her eyes disappeared, replaced by the yellow, dull pupils, including Zhi. Yan's cheeks, blood stains all over his neck...

A yellow light glowed outside the cell, and Su Mu could not help but took out the sword of God's Domain.


Su Mu also surprised Su Mu when the prison door opened, because the cell in which Zhiyan was being held could not be opened so easily, but at this time, there were scars all over his body. Su Mu could no longer take care of so many, so he rushed in. Su Mu cautiously stood on the spot with both hands trying to touch her but didn't know where to start...

"Yan..." Su Mu could only call her faintly at this time. Although Zhiyan had already woken up, the lack of light in his eyes made Su Mu worried.

Su Mu had no way at all, and instantly spread the blade wings to levitate at the height of Zhiyan, then slowly took her left hand, and then silently wept, "Hold it..."

" not come..." Zhiyan's dying breath spoke slowly.


Tie Ding pulled out from Zhi Yan's left hand heart, causing her to frown suddenly, and fell down quickly, as if she had lost all her strength...

Su Mu put her head on her shoulder and said: "Should I not come? Yan, I shouldn't let Lie Yu and the others turn on the divine status for me, and shouldn't let Samsara enter the temple age, if there were no such things You won't be like this... won't be so embarrassed!"


Su Mu pulled out his hands, and then directly hugged Zhiyan and dropped to the ground.

Su Mu hugged her tightly, and then carefully dropped to the ground.

However, at this time, Zhiyan in his arms smiled slightly: " their conspiracy..."

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