Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1649: Suffering from gains and losses

Standing outside the hall, Su Mu could already think of whom she wanted to meet, and she knew her status in the ninth district. It's no wonder that Dead Xue would say that she had a good business power over the years, which was more than good, and it really surprised Su Mu.

However, the four Luo Ming suddenly walked out of the main hall at this time, which made Su Mu a little surprised. At the same time, the four of them were also a bit shocked after seeing Su Mu. This was like a ghost, because it was impossible.

What is Sumen in the ninth district? Nothing counts, the lowest guild, the guild that won't make people care the least. Although there is already a facade on the third street, the strength of the Sumen Guild is still the bottom of the ninth district, or the entire guild. Most of the guilds at the bottom of Tianyong City.

"Why are you?" Li Changming blurted out.

Yeah, why are you? Not only Li Changming, but Luo Ming frowned unexpectedly at this time and looked at Su Mu. He even suspected that he had made a mistake. According to his thoughts, the person the mayor of the ninth district wanted to meet must be a high-ranking person or a super family member. People, and he didn't expect that Su Mu would appear here, and besides Su Mu, there are guards around here. Therefore, the person this district governor wants to see is naturally...he?

At this time, the expression of the person behind Luo Ming who had not spoken was also a bit surprised. No matter who estimated that Su Mu would appear here, it was incredible.

Su Mu glanced at Luo Qingcheng, and then he smiled at Li Changming and said, "Why can't it be me?"

After that, Su Mu walked directly into the hall, and he didn't even wait for the death snow to come out to pass him, because Su Mu already knew who was inside, so there was no need to wait for the death snow to come out.

The four Luo Ming stood at the entrance of the hall and turned around, then watched Su Mu walk in, and even hit the dead snow in the hall that was about to pass him, and Su Mu walked in without being told that he had entered. , I thought that the black-clothed woman would stop Su Mu, but Luo Ming and the four of them saw the black-clothed woman turned around and walked in with Su Mu.


"Master, he...what the **** is going on?" Li Changming was stunned as Su Mu's figure disappeared inside the screen at the entrance of the hall.

Can you imagine Luo Ming's mood at this time?

Regarding Li Changming's question, he could only shook his head and said: "For more than ten years, I have never heard that Sumen has a relationship with the head of the ninth district. I don't know what is going on."

On the steps of the main hall, Luo Ming's four people walked while worrying about gains and losses. After the four people walked quietly for more than ten seconds, Luo Ming muttered: "Is this retiring really wise?"

Luo Qingcheng was taken aback, and then said: "Father, even if Sumen has a relationship with the head of the ninth district, but this person's strength is not enough to compete with Luojiamen, why should you worry about gains and losses?"

"Yes, isn't he summoned by the mayor of the ninth district? What's the big deal, this mayor is not the emperor wants to see, we can see him at any time." Li Changming said, dissatisfied.

It's just that Huang Tiandao, who has been by their side and silent at this time, said: "Is it that simple?"

Li Changming and Luo Qingcheng fell silent for an instant. What they said just now was just to comfort themselves, but Huang Tian's words were the reality. Who didn't see the expression and excitement of this district chief just now? Could that feeling be summoning an unrelated person? Obviously impossible, that kind of expression can only be said to meet a very important and important person!

It's just that the Luo Ming four people can't figure it out. When did Sumen, who have been doing nothing, agree with the head of the ninth district?

At this moment, Luo Qingcheng stopped on the steps and frowned slightly at the location of the ninth district hall. Was it only his father who was in trouble?




When Ying saw Su Mu, the blush and smile on her face fully showed her mood. She quickly stepped down from the high platform, and then walked directly to Su Mu, holding Su Mu's excited whole body trembling.

Su Mu had long expected that Dead Xue would take herself to meet the infant, because the two have always appeared together, so Dead Xue appeared in this world, so the infant would naturally be there. Su Mu also understood through the explanation of Dead Xue. The reason why the baby appeared once in the past four years is that all her time has been in this time cycle.

This abnormal woman suddenly appeared in front of Su Mu, which made Su Mu a little bit dumbfounded. Although Ying's feelings for her were a bit deformed, Su Mu was still a little moved when she blocked Lie Yu from attacking him.

Killed her personally. After receiving news of her resurrection, she appeared in Huaxia again. She learned that she had a relationship with Lie Yu, and used her body to block the critical attack when Lie Yu transmitted some ability to herself. Then the woman confessed. Wait for all of this to happen within a month. To be honest, Su Mu hasn't turned the corner yet, and even feels this is a bit illusory.

But Su Mu must admit that now he has no hostility towards Ying Ying at all, or even apologizes, because Su Mu and Ying did not have any deep hatred from the beginning to the end, and some of them were just that Su Mu couldn’t get used to Ying Ying’s style at the beginning, and can only say Ying hates himself Correct……

"Shadow! Welcome to the cycle of time!" Ying smiled after releasing Su Mu.

Looking at the baby's cheeks and smile, Su Mu could only smile and said, "Thank you baby."

"Thank me for what I did?" Although Ying said that, the smile on her face still expressed Su Mu's change in her attitude.

"Thank you for what you have done for me, thank you for what you have done in the cycle of time over the years, and thank you... for blocking Lie Yu's attack."

Yingxi smiled and said, "I didn't know that Lieyu was going to transfer genes to you, so I blocked it. By the way, I was ruining Lieyu's plan, hehe!"

Lie Yu didn't intend to kill Su Mu, but Ying, as Lie Yu's subordinate, resisted Lie Yu's attack on Su Mu. From this point of view, Su Mu was very moved and surprised.

Ying directly grabbed Su Mu's big hand and walked to the back hall and said, "Go, what Lie Yu left for you is inside."

"What did Lie Yu leave?"

"Well, you will know in a while, Xue, no one can enter the apse without my order."

Wang Xue glanced at Ying Ying holding Su Mu's big hand and contemptuously. The infant of the dignified soul, and even the current district head of the ninth district, now sees Su Mu as a little girl. What place does this man make So many women are fascinated?

"I see, I won't go in if you overturn the apse, huh!"


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