Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1654: Deadly Skeleton

"Ding! Welcome to the quest of the Death Territory. The task is divided into three stages, the first is the Skeleton Territory, the second is the West Wind Territory, and the third is the Undead Territory. Each stage rewards 6 hours, and the task completion rewards the guild promotion token. Participating members will be rewarded for a total of 30 days, and guild members will be rewarded for 12 hours."

"Ding! The Death Realm Dungeon cannot be withdrawn freely. The team leader applies for withdrawal to completely deduct the time penalty of dominoes, and forcibly withdraws the deduction for 24 hours, and records the copy's credit negative 1 penalty."



The sound came from a distance. After the five people of Su Mu entered the copy, animal bones and human skeletons were everywhere. The atmosphere on the scene was very frightening, and a kind of miasma-like white smoke blurred the vision in the copy.

In addition to the white smoke, there are withered trees all around, and after the sound of that click, the five people of Su Mu saw a huge skeleton appear in the distance...

The entire skeleton is about 100 meters high, and each step has a distance of tens of meters. Because of the white smoke, the five people can only see the upper body of the skeleton, and Su Mu really wanted to scold his mother when he saw this scene. Is this a **** monster? Is this the **** boss?

Qi Jianyou chuckled: "Vice President, now withdrawing is just a time penalty for the dominoes in your hand. Once you fight, you cannot withdraw."

Because this is not the first time the other four people in this dungeon have entered, they are naturally familiar with the illusion here, but in this first stage, they have never passed the second stage.

Su Mu laughed, and then stepped on the soft black soil.

A group of five people have been fifty meters away from the skeleton, and then they saw the huge skeleton frame suddenly turned around, and the skull's eyes looked at Su Mu and the others like two huge red light bulbs.


Yan Jiexing shouted: "Waner!"

Fuchu Wan'er had drawn her longbow before Yan Jiexing yelled. At this time, Luo Jinming and Qi Jianyou quickly dispersed, and then they heard a bang.

An arrow flew up and shot through the skeleton's swinging arm at once, and then saw the skeleton's arm tilt.


The soil was smashed into the air in an instant. At this time, Qi Jianyou and Luo Jinming, one sword and the other sword fell instantly.



Skeleton’s **** were cut off in an instant, and then Yan Jiexing quickly jumped down from the air, dropping the giant axe in his hand.

boom! ! !


The skeleton's wrist was cut off in an instant, followed by a harsh scream of the skeleton, and then the other hand of the skeleton quickly waved forward, sweeping the surrounding dead wood horizontally to the horizontal line where Su Mu and others were standing. .

Hula la...

Hurry up!

Yan Jiexing's four instantly flared their weapons to block their chests, and saw that the huge skeleton arm instantly knocked them back, and then went straight to where Su Mu was.

"Vice President! What are you shocked?" Qi Jianyou turned his head and shouted.

Su Mu retracted the technique of insight at this time. The skeleton's vitality and blood was as high as one million, and its combat effectiveness was not bad. It was just a little bit because the skeleton was too big, so the ability to move was slow, but the attack power was absolutely good. In the words of either serious injury or death.


Su Mu jumped up, and then jumped directly onto Qi Jianyou’s arm in front of the skeleton. Fuchu Wan'er and the four were shocked, because Su Mu actually leaped forward along the skeleton’s arm, as if to approach the skeleton’s body position. ...



Skeleton's other arm swung out from the white smoke that resembled thick fog, and Su Mu's entire body was instantly knocked into the air!

Everyone can only lean back to avoid the attack of the skeletons, and then quickly retreat.

Yan Jiexing and Fuchu Wan'er frowned at this time. If Su Mu was killed, how could they explain to Su Gui? Although he was a bit dissatisfied as the vice president, it was still their responsibility if he was killed here.

"Vice President?" Luo Jinming shouted but there was no response from Su Mu.

At this time, Yan Jiexing and Fuchu Wan'er could only look at each other, and then nodded to rush in, but they were blocked by Qi Jianyou and said, "You are crazy? Going in now is like sending you to death. This skeleton's wrist will definitely burst out Thirty seconds, no entry!"

There was a whirring wind and the sound of creaking skeletons walking. Yan Jiexing opened Qi Jianyou's arms and went straight ahead. Fuchu Wan'er followed close behind. Qi Jianyou and Luo Jinming were helpless, and then followed.

"What can you do? Isn't it okay to be your own vice president?" Qi Jianyou said helplessly. If this really died here, let alone the vice president, his life would be gone.

As the dense fog dissipated, everyone's sights brightened. However, to everyone's surprise, Su Mu's figure was actually on the shoulders of the skeleton at this time...


"How did he... get up?"

Qi Jianyou and Luo Jinming couldn't help but widen their eyes. Even Yan Jiexing and Fuchu Wan'er are a little bit unbelievable. You must know that Su Mu is only the strength of the early Yuan Dynasty. It can stand on the shoulders of skeletons, even in the middle Yuan Dynasty. It's hard to do.

What shocked them most was that Su Mu jumped up instantly, and then pierced the long sword in his hand into the skull's head.


As the long sword pierced into the skull's head, the skull's arm waved instantly.


Swish! Yan Jiexing rushed forward quickly, and then swung an axe at the moment when the skeleton's arm was about to rise to attack Su Mu.



With a click, the arrow hit the other hand of the skeleton. This skeleton's plan to attack Su Mu with his arm was completely ruined, and Su Mu, who was standing on the shoulders of the skeleton, jumped again at this time and came directly to the top of the skull. ...

call! ! !

Su Mu, who was head down, fell down instantly, trying to hit the Tianling Gai with a long sword...


"No way!"

Everyone screamed.

Hurry up! !

The sparkling skull head dazzled Su Mu's eyes. However, the long sword did not pierce the skull's sky spirit cover, but directly offset Su Mu's body by a few minutes, and instantly saw the skull's head shake suddenly!


Su Mu was knocked into the air!

"It's over..."

"Fuck!" The secret words in everyone's hearts were over. Is this guy playing this copy for the first time? Didn't he know that the hardest part of this skeleton giant is the Heavenly Spirit Gai?

With a bang!

Su Mu's figure quickly fell into the distance, and Yan Jiexing shouted, "Get back now!"

A group of four quickly ran low and left the skeleton's sight.

When they found Su Mu, they found that Su Mu had stood up and was still smiling bitterly.

"Quit!" Qi Jianyou shouted.

Su Mu shook his head and said, "Why quit?"

"Damn, if you don't quit, you will die. If you don't quit, I will forcefully quit!" Qi Jianyou sweated profusely.



The huge skeleton walked over again, two steps before the five people of Su Mu, Yan Jiexing and others were full of helplessness looking at the huge skeleton, it would be difficult to defeat this skeleton giant without a master of the Middle Yuan period.

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