Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1657: Reiki release

"It's over!" Qi Jianyou said directly when he saw the arrow flying up.

Fuchu Wan'er and Yan Jiexing looked at each other, and the latter murmured, "He should have a way?"

Luo Jinming said: "If it's the mid-Yuan period, you can release aura, but the early-Yuan period is impossible!"

"So, this is self-sufficient. I think that I am better than the ordinary early Yuan Dynasty and play this dungeon at will? It is too small to look at this promotion dungeon." Qi Jianyou has always refused to accept Su Mu as the vice president, even though he is better than ordinary The Early Yuan Period is great, but the Early Yuan Period is the Early Yuan Period after all, and it is a completely different rank from the Middle Yuan Period. Whether it is Yan Jiexing or Fuchu Wan'er, they are almost reaching the Middle Yuan Period, so they are not allowed to be vice members. Long really made Qi Jianyou dissatisfied, is this guild all nepotism?


"Huh?" As soon as Qi Jianyou finished his words, he saw a transparent shield suddenly appeared on Su Mu's body.

Reiki release?

This is impossible!

At least the aura release can only be used in the middle yuan period. This is the watershed skill of the early and middle yuan period. It is impossible to do this step in the early yuan period, and the shield on Su Mu is obviously aura release. .

For example, the first rank assassin only has hidden skills, but now Su Mu is like using the second rank assassin's twin shadow in the first rank. It is completely impossible to use skills beyond the level!

However, the so-called aura release is only a defensive skill of Su Mu, and it is also used by Su Mu after a flash of aura, the domain shield!

Hula la~

Puff puff!

Countless arrows fell on Su Mu's shield in an instant, and some arrows were even ejected and directly hit the surrounding melee skeletons, causing the surrounding skeletons to fall apart instantly.

With the sound of hula la, Su Mu slowly walked forward. Among the skeletons, Su Mu jumped directly to the sky above the large skeletons and shouted: "Sweep the army!!"


This move is a move in the ancient Chinese martial arts, and Su Mu has already understood very well in the time cycle. It is possible to use any skill in this game, even the ancient Chinese martial arts cultivated by Su Mu, and the so-called Chinese ancient martial arts also Not taught by Su Gui? And since it was taught by Su Gui, then it must have a direct relationship with this time cycle, plus the godly heart art that Goddess Lieyu gave him, Su Mu instantly understood what it meant.

And it was one of the reasons why Su Gui dared to let Su Mu directly face the challenge of the entire guild member to him as the vice chairman.


There were a large number of skeletons to the end, and countless skeletons were scattered on the ground, and a blank space was formed around Su Mu in an instant.

Huh! Huh!

The four of Yan Jiexing fell down instantly.

He said: "Although I don't understand why you can use Zhongyuanqi's skills, now you have these three burning skills!"

Fuchu Wan'er glanced at the surrounding skeletons and said, "Resolve these things first, the real boss has not yet appeared!"

"There are bosses?" Su Mu was stunned. Are so many skeletons still a problem in the third stage? Have a **** monster? Nima!

"What's the matter, vice chairman, are you scared?" Qi Jianyou smiled.

Everyone stopped talking nonsense, Fuchu Wan'er's arrows were used to shoot distant bow and arrow skeletons, while Yan Jiexing and Su Mu quickly cleaned up the surrounding skeletons to ensure everyone's safety.

The people who have been cleaning up for an hour stopped panting.

"The boss will be refreshed in 30 seconds of rectification, everyone prepare." Yan Jiexing said.

In fact, at this time, apart from Qi Jianyou still not convinced, the four Yan Jiexing must admit that Su Mu's combat effectiveness is very abnormal. It is a miracle in itself to fight with the ability of the early Yuan Dynasty, and now they are directly facing the final boss of the entire dungeon. , This has not happened in Sumen for decades.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Su Gui's inaction.

Over the past decade or so, there have been many Sumen geniuses, but many people left after they were promoted to the early Yuan period, which caused the entire Sumen to stagnate.

That's how the former vice president left.


There was a whirring wind, and the dense fog in this ten thousand caverns instantly dispersed.

Fuchu Wan'er pulled away the longbow directly, Yan Jiexing's great axe also blocked him, Qi Jianyou stared at the surroundings a little bit cautiously, Luo Jinming did not dare to relax the position in front of the sound.

As the sound of the wind disappeared, the five people of Su Mu directly saw a blue flame in the thick fog directly in front, and immediately saw the flame slowly burning, and a tattered flame appeared directly in the blue flame. Skeletons in clothes!

The skeleton was holding a staff made of blue jewels, and the tattered clothes on his body were beating with the firelight, looking unusually dazzling.

"Separate!" Yan Jiexing shouted.

Then Su Mu saw Qi Jianyou and Luo Jinming separated instantly, Yan Jiexing moved forward sideways, and Fuchu Wan'er pulled her longbow backward and shot!



When the arrow fell in front of the undead boss, a shield-like thing appeared around the undead, and then instantly blocked the arrow.

"Everyone, be careful, wait until the shield disappears before attacking." Yan Jiexing shouted.

However, at this time the undead boss suddenly raised his staff.


A blue light burst into the sky, and then fell directly onto Fuchu Wan'er's head!


boom! !



Yan Jiexing’s giant axe directly blocked the blue light’s attack. However, what made Su Mu even more surprised was that immediately after the undead boss summoned the blue light, two shields rose again, the wave-like gas shield. Cover the entire undead boss directly.

At the same time, Su Mu looked back and saw that after Yan Jiexing blocked the blue light skills for Fuchu Wan'er, the blue light scattered directly on the ground, and then formed three blue flames burning on the ground.

"Be careful of these flames, don't be burned." Fuchu Wan'er quickly moved her body away from everyone at this time.

Su Mu also understood why they had to separate. These flames must have fatal damage, so it is difficult to avoid it if everyone is together, but in this situation, it is impossible to attack the boss at all, and the boss's skills are quickly impacted.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

With the passage of time, there were already flames everywhere in the Ten Thousand Caverns at this time. The four of Su Mu couldn't even move their positions. Because of the three steps of one fire and the five steps of one skill, there were blue flames everywhere. A sea of ​​blue flames has formed in the pit...

"Su Mu! Forcibly withdraw! We will all die if this continues!" Fuchu Wan'er suddenly shouted.

Qi Jianyou also nodded and said: "Boss has a shield, we can't fight it. If we continue, we will have no place to stay. If you have a shield, we don't have any. If this goes on, everyone will die!"

Yan Jiexing also said: "There is no other way. We still can't get involved in this third stage. Let's quit!"

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