Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1670: Goddess message

In Time Reincarnation Su Mu is currently the most familiar with the Early Yuan Period, Middle Yuan Period, Great Yuan Period, Profound Spirit Period, Profound God Period and Profound Sage Period. Although there are levels behind it, it is too far away for Su Mu now.

But Su Mu knew that there must be a super watershed between the Great Yuan Period and the Profound Spirit Period. Because these are two completely different levels, he could not help but blurt out after seeing that the Flood Dragon was in the Profound Spirit Period, but Su Mu completely ignored it. One thing is that after surpassing its own level, the monster level cannot be seen, and every three levels between the player and the player is a super watershed.

In other words, no matter the early Yuan period, the middle Yuan period or the Great Yuan period, it is impossible to see through the masters above the Xuanling period.

But Su Mu blurted out the monster's level, which surprised Pang Zhihu.

Although Su Mu didn't know about this, he knew that he might show his weird side to outsiders again after hearing Pang Zhihu's words.

"Well, you can't see the monster's level, so naturally it's the profound spirit stage, right?" Su Mu smiled.

Pang Zhihu nodded, then smiled and said, "Yes, but this monster is probably also in the Profound Spirit Stage, Brother Su, you just said categorically that this monster is in the Profound Spirit Stage."

Su Mu Zongzong's shoulders stopped talking, he was speechless, right.

And Pang Zhihu is very smart. Seeing that Su Mu didn't want to say and didn't ask how Su Mu knew, he just said: "This flood dragon came to our Pang family ten years ago, but we couldn't kill it. This thing will evolve. It will turn into a water dragon halfway through, Brother Su can do it?"

Su Mu was startled, Pang Zhihu's question was a bit interesting. Didn't this make it clear that Su Mu's ability was to be tested? It's just that Pang Zhihu didn't cover up Su Mu's words, but asked bluntly, which instead made Su Mu difficult to refuse.

So Su Mu said: "I'm not sure, but I feel that since it is a flood dragon, it is common to encounter a hydration dragon, because this is a swamp. Although there is no water, a large amount of muddy water can be considered as water. I think if you take this area After the marsh hardens, this flood dragon won't evolve, right?"

Fu Bo in the team can directly harden the muddy water, so Su Mu can only guess boldly.

However, Pang Zhihu shook his head and said, "This method was used ten years ago. No matter what, it will turn into a water dragon after being hit halfway, and then instantly break through the hardened soil."

Su Mu stunned slightly, then looked at the team in front of the monster fighting team and said: "Since the dragon is going to break through the hardened soil, it proves that it needs muddy water more, so after the evolution, don't worry about it, continue to harden the soil!"

"Huh? That's right!" Pang Zhihu suddenly realized, and then quickly walked a few steps forward and shouted: "Big Brother, let Fu Bo use the fire element to harden the swamp mud and it will harden all the time. Don't let Fu Bo attack."

The team in front was fighting vigorously, and suddenly heard Pang Zhihu's words, Pang Zhiqing instead looked at Fu Bo, who nodded to indicate that he could try.

Therefore, in the roar of the giant python.


The sky suddenly became dark, thunder and lightning surged, and the entire swamp became dim.

Roar! ! !

A dragon roar broke the entire swamp, and the black python rose into the sky in an instant, and then turned into a huge cyan water dragon, its body enlarged several times and hovered over the swamp.



The cyan water dragon rushed directly into the hard soil on the ground, breaking through the hard soil in an instant. At this time, Fu Bo was standing in the middle of the team. His whole body was exuding a fiery red color, and the shape of gas was constantly flowing under his feet. The fire then continued to harden the muddy water of the surrounding swamp.

Su Mu's eyes widened and said, "Pang San, is this Fu Uncle the Yuan Dynasty?"

Pang Zhihu chuckled: "Although Uncle Fu is in the Great Yuan period, he has already begun to release the fire element. This is the ability that can only be obtained in the Xuanling Period, because Uncle Fu is already in the late Middle Yuan period when I am my age. Yes, his old man is the genius of our Pang family, but he has been stagnant for decades and cannot break through. This is also the most helpless thing in the cycle of time, so Fu Bo was able to release the weak fire more than ten years ago. With elemental aura, this hardened soil can only be regarded as the fur of the fire element."

The information that Su Mu needs to know is not just about the genius or genius of Fu Bo, but the elements!

Regardless of whether it is the water element or the fire element, this is almost closely related to the water blue goddess and others, so Su Mu directly asked, "Does this world also have a main god?"

"Of course there is. Every empire in the cycle of time has a main god. The main **** of our Huadu Empire is the Azure Goddess! There are also holy emperor goddesses in other countries."

"All goddesses?"

"Uh... there seems to be a man, let me wipe it, Brother Su, are you from the reincarnation star? You don't even know the main **** of time reincarnation?"

"Uh... I had some twists and turns when I was young, and many things were not very clear."

"Oh, apart from our azure blue goddess, which is the water element, these goddesses such as the emperor are all made up of other elements. A total of nine elements are composed of time cycles, and they are also part of the nine empires of time cycle. The goddesses don't care about the cycle of time, but only the existence of these goddesses can cultivate the various elements after the profound spiritual stage, so time cycle is formed."

Pang Zhihu glanced at Su Mu and said, "These are news that ordinary people rarely come into contact with. Only some aristocratic families know that there are many versions of legends about goddesses, and some even say that the goddesses have gone to aliens. It is simply nonsense. In terms of talking, how can the goddesses still function normally in this time cycle on an alien planet?"

Su Mu glanced at this Pang San, maybe it's really not nonsense, the name of the blue goddess Nima is more like the goddess of water blue.

"How can I see these goddesses?" Su Mu asked.

"Fuck? Brother Su, are you crazy? See the goddess? Even our king may not have the opportunity to see him. The goddess is supreme and the patron saint of every empire. You can see it regardless of your power. , And it takes many factors to see it. Don’t be whimsical, Brother Su. We are all dust in the dust of time reincarnation. Don’t want to see the Lord Gods.” Pang Zhihu was a little bit daunted, Su Mu’s question was too sharp Now, see the Lord God? Even if you are a royal family, it is impossible.

Su Mu nodded. Although Pang Zhihu said so, Su Mu got news about the goddess of water and blue.

According to what they said on Earth, they would definitely be punished when they returned to the Reincarnation Star this time, so Su Mu had always suspected that there were higher-order gods in this time reincarnation, but Pang Zhihu didn't know it.

No matter what, I finally learned about the water blue goddess and the others, which was quite gratifying to Su Mu.

boom! !

"Big Brother!!" Pang Zhihu screamed and rushed up.

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