Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1681: Discourage abstention

Fuchu Wan'er had been thinking all night that it should be herself who served Su Mu in it, but who made him the district head, and it was for Sumen, so Fuchu Wan'er could only stand at the door of Su Mu's room. Waiting outside.

Wake up in the morning and watched Su Mu and Ying both walk out of the room with a smile to help Chu Wan'er understand that a good person like Su Mu must have had many girls in love, although I don’t know who Su Mu was before, but from him Judging from the relationship with the district head, Su Mu was definitely not an ordinary mortal before, so the ripples in his heart disappeared the moment Su Mu and Ying both walked out of the room in the morning.

A man can give his life for himself, but in the end you realize that facing the woman next to this man, you have no advantage at all. Fuchu Wan'er thinks that her face and body are good, but she is on par with Ying Ying There is still a certain gap. Yingna is completely a mature and **** woman, and she is not the same type as a slightly shy girl like her... But Fuchu Wan'er must admit that more men still like Yingna. Kind of.

Before Fuchu Wan'er still wanted to not lose to Luo Qingcheng, but now Ying's appearance made her have no confidence at all, not only in terms of appearance and figure, even in terms of identity.

One is the supreme head of the ninth district, the other is the head of the logistics department of Xiao Sumen, or Su Mu's subordinates. What is the comparability of these two identities?



Su Mu frowned as she watched Fuchu Wan'er and Ying walk out of the Sumen headquarters. It wasn't that Su Mu was afraid that Ying and Fu Chu Wan'er would say something nasty. Ying she wouldn't do it, but because of this, Su Mu felt a little painful. Ying didn't know what to say to Fuchu Wan'er again.

"Vice president!"

"Vice President, are you all right?"

Yan Jiexing, Luo Jinming, and even Qi Jianyou and others all ran over and began to inquire about Su Mu's injury. Although Su Mu was not completely optimistic, he was generally fine.

Su Gui also walked over at this time, and he smiled after watching Ying Ying and Fuchu Wan'er walk out the door together: "Boy, how is your body recovered?"

"It's okay. By the way, Jiexing, do you have another game today?"

"Yes, it's the second game."

"Okay, get ready to go together."

Yan Jiexing's eyes widened when he heard the words: "You still want to participate in the competition?"

Everyone was also surprised. Su Mu was seriously injured yesterday, and he just woke up today. Is he going to participate in the competition? And everyone knew that even if he abstained from voting today, Su Mu still had a chance to advance to the top 100, so they all thought that Su Mu was just going to watch the battle today.

Su Gui also frowned slightly and said, "Don't participate today, right? You just woke up. If you get hurt, you won't have a chance to go to the eighth district even if you are in the top 100. Let's take a break."

Su Mu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I need more time to practice, Master, you should understand my mood."

Coming to this cycle of time, Su Mu didn’t want to talk about living here for a lifetime. His purpose was to save the goddess Shuilan and the others, so Su Mu had to seize every minute of his time to cultivate and improve his strength, only waiting for himself to reach the gods. Only at this point is there a chance to meet the Shuilan Goddess. If it weren't for this, why would Su Mu come to this time cycle that could die at any time?

Also, the Earth players are not just those in the ninth district. Whether it is Jess or any master player of Earth Reincarnation, the next time they meet, they will definitely not be too friendly, so Su Mu can't wait to improve his strength now.

Su Gui also understands this truth, but is Su Mu really good at fighting like this?

When everyone returned to the hall, Su Gui looked at Su Mu and said, "If you want to participate, you can do it, but you must agree to do what you can. If you can't, don't try hard. Also, your ability yesterday... Don't use it well."

"Are you talking about skills or the black gas?"

"Both, have you forgotten Lie Yu's warning?"

Lie Yu said that Su Mu was not allowed to use the Sword of God’s Domain skills until he reached a certain ability, and he was not even allowed to expose the Sword of God’s Domain. However, Su Mu had used the Sword of God’s Domain frequently in the past few days. Although nothing happened, nothing happened. Su Gui was also worried.

Su Mu nodded: "I understand, Jie Xing, let's get ready to go."

Yan Jiexing and the others heard it in the clouds, but since Su Mu insisted that they could only agree, so everyone prepared for a while and started to walk outside.

Before Su Mu participated in the league because not many people knew him from the Su Sect, but now, the whole Su Sect is talking about himself, the newly promoted vice president, the six mid-year masters of Lien Chan. Although he still lost in the end, he still lost in six The Zhongyuanqi masters also "killed" two, which is simply a miracle, it is impossible.

So Su Mu’s reputation in Sumen instantly became louder. Almost the entire Sumen were discussing yesterday’s battle with the Liang family. Outsiders don’t know much about this matter, and the Liang family can’t be so stupid to publicize this matter. The entire jungle knew that there were very few Sumen who fought yesterday.

Sumen is still the little-known Sumen, and the Liang family is still the strong Liang family. What happened yesterday seems to have never happened. Only the head of the ninth district entered the Sumen headquarters personally. opened.

In addition, the Luo family's investigation into Sumen was also launched. Although Luo Ming and Luo Qingcheng did not want to admit that Sumen had such a hard relationship, the fact that the mayor of the ninth district stayed overnight at Sumen headquarters still made Luo Qingcheng mentally uncomfortable. .

At this time, Su Mu and others came to the outside of the street, and then they saw Fuchu Wan'er standing on the spot watching Ying's sedan chair slowly heading towards the district government.

Yan Jiexing and the others couldn't help but curiously asked about this, but Fuchu Wan'er turned her head to look at Su Mu, and there was still a faint blush on her cheeks.

She walked towards Su Mu slowly, and then asked in a low voice, "I want to participate in the competition?"

Su Mu nodded and asked, "What did she tell you?"

Su Mu is now quite suspicious that Yingying is playing a prank again, is that a calm girl like Fuchu Wan'er turns red? Which one is this singing?

The most important thing is that Su Mu's "harem" baby on the earth is clear, so at this time, did the baby tell Fuchu Wan'er these things?

But Fuchu Wan'er raised her head and looked at Su Mu's eyes, but he was a little flustered: "That, the vice president, the district chief said...say..."

Fuchu Wan'er glanced at the people around, and then directly dragged Su Mu forward. As he walked, she turned her head and said to Yan Jiexing and the others: "Don't follow!"

Su Mu is getting more and more confused, what is Nima doing?

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