Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1691: Invisible Werewolf

"Aren't we here late?" Su Mu walked to the two women and said.

Aunt Juan frowned and looked at Su Mu's five human beings: "Except for the pastor who is in the middle yuan period, all combat careers are in the early yuan period? What are you doing?"

Su Mu glanced at the people behind him and said, "What's the matter? Can't the early Yuan period do the tasks of the middle Yuan period?"

"Huh! Do you know the difficulty of this mission? Do you know how many mid-level masters have been lost in this mission of Fengming Pavilion? Even the combat classes of the great Yuan period are dead in it! There are only four combat classes in the early period, you Is this here to die?" Aunt Juan was a little bit angry at this time, because she didn't know Sumen's information, let alone what kind of special effects team Sumen was, and now seeing this average level, it is simply Hilarious!

Even the girl with the veil was a little surprised and said: "Your squad is all in the early Yuan period? There is no middle Yuan period?"

Su Mu shook his head: "No, this is the full strength of our team."

The girl lowered her head when she heard the words: "No wonder you only charge a deposit..."

Aunt Juan grabbed the girl's hand and said, "Forget it, go back, let's wait for your mother to leave."

Seeing the two women leave, Su Mu and the others couldn't help but startled. They are leaving before the mission begins? No more white cards this year? Also, do you look down on the Sumen team like this?

In fact, Su Mu didn't want to say anything at this time. Because Yan Jiexing and the others didn't have the confidence, they wouldn't do better at this task. Anyway, there is still a year of white cards for nothing. Why not do it?

But Su Mu knew that if this task was given up at the door, then Sumen would be completely finished, and I am afraid that no one would dare to find Sumen team for a task in the future.

So Su Mu turned around and looked at the two women who left and said: "If you don't go in and try, you will give up, not to mention the money is spent, so that we have earned you for a year, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Aunt Juan still went forward and ignored Su Mu. All of them were teams in the early yuan stage, and they didn't fight at all. Even after they got in, Aunt Juan had to protect them, so why bother?

Fuchu Wan'er glanced at Su Mu and said, "Forget it, Su Mu, human nature."

It is reasonable for them to be afraid of this kind of team, after all, they also have to consider their own safety.

Although Fuchu Wan'er and the others also understand the importance of this task, how can the employer not believe in themselves?


Seeing Su Mu's figure instantly disappeared in place, Pang Zhihu and others couldn't help being shocked, and directly saw Su Mu's figure coming behind Aunt Juan and the girl.

Hula jumped up.

"Shenyu Wanjian!"


The huge sword aura solidified in an instant, and Aunt Juan and the girl who were walking in front were startled, then they saw Aunt Juan turn around, and then jumped back and opened their hands.

boom! ! ! ! !

The sound of a huge explosion exploded halfway up the Lieyang Mountain, and everyone's eyes widened.

At this time, in the middle of Su Mu and Aunt Juan, a two-meter-deep pit appeared, and the dust continued to fly, while Aunt Juan and the girl who were standing on the opposite side stared with eyes wide open. Su Mu.

"In the early Yuan Dynasty, it may not be the combat power of the early Yuan Dynasty. I, Sumen, dare to take your Fengming Pavilion mission with a certain degree of certainty. If not, wouldn't it be cheating for money under the banner of a special squad?"


Aunt Juan looked at the big hole in front of her in surprise, then raised her head to stare at Su Mu and said, "What level are you on earth?"

"Early Yuan!"

"Impossible! Aura is released, this is the ability of Zhongyuanqi, how can you be?"

Su Mu smiled and said, "Can you still fight the Great Yuan period when you grow up in a district? There are many impossible things in the cycle of time. How old am I?"

Aunt Juan was completely speechless. The district mayor Su Mu was talking about was indeed a super genius. At the beginning, the district mayor in the Yuan period was able to fight against the Great Yuan period, but that was only the district mayor! Compare that to the head of a district, this person is really not ashamed.

Although Aunt Juan was a little surprised that Su Mu was able to make her out, this task was still not something he could complete in a mid-level period.

"I have to say that you are a talent, but you are still far from enough with a mid-level combat force. At least a full-fledged mid-level team is a little hopeful." Aunt Juan said.

At this time, Pang Zhihu came over and said: "Aunt Juan, I am the youngest of the Pang family. I can assure you that even if this task cannot be completed 100%, it will definitely not be progressing less than other teams. Perhaps it will not be completed this time. Will it be done next time? Besides, we only charge your deposit, no charge if it is not completed. With you, the pastor of the Great Yuan Dynasty, are you still worried about her safety?"

"Pang family youngest?" Aunt Juan was surprised again, because she didn't expect Pang Jiaran to let her third young master come to such a team, and also promised to come to the task? Isn't this looking for death?

Aunt Juan has something to say, but the girl with the veil said: "Try Aunt Juan, there is a billionth of a chance that you shouldn’t give up. After three years, how many three years do I have? Wait?"

Aunt Juan felt a pain in her heart, yeah, how many three years can she wait? After waiting for a three-year period, I was 28 years old. At that time, I was already an ‘older leftover girl’!

Su Mu said: "How can I know if I don't try? We are not afraid of death, what are you afraid of?"

Aunt Juan stared at Su Mu for a long time, and then said: "I hope you can maintain this mentality when you enter the mission area for a while. My resurrection technique will only be left to the player lady, and your safety is on your own."

"That's natural."



The group of seven finally entered this cave cave in Lieyang Mountain.

Like the cave and its name, it was dark, but fortunately, Dead Snow and the others prepared lighting props, so the scene inside the cave immediately appeared after opening it.

There were a lot of rugged tunnels, and a kind of small flying insects could be seen everywhere on the walls of the caves, but there was no intention to attack Su Mu and the others, so everyone could only move forward slowly.

Waiting for the seven people to arrive at the place where the cave is instantly open, Aunt Juan said: "There are monsters here. It is a kind of werewolf who can be invisible. Be careful."

"Invisible werewolf?" Pang Zhihu was shocked.


A wolf roar came in an instant, and everyone raised their weapons and began to observe the surroundings. Aunt Juan said at this time: "Everyone standing back to back may force the werewolves back. They will not attack easily if they cannot find our back... …"

"It's possible?" Su Mu smiled.

Aunt Juan kept frowning at this time: "Of course, it is most likely to come directly."

Monsters are monsters after all. How can they retreat when they can't find the player's back? That's why Su Mu asked, if it was that simple to force the werewolf back, then this task would not be delayed for three years, and this was just the beginning.

"The technique of insight!"


After the insight was opened, Su Mu was directly stunned. The entire cave was full of werewolves, and he was groping to attack Su Mu and the others, and the moment Su Mu saw these werewolves, he had already seen one directly pounced in the direction of Dead Snow.


Puff! ! !

The long sword pierced the werewolf's heart in an instant, and a burst of blood exploded and splashed on the beautiful white face of Dead Xue. She looked at Su Mu's long sword in surprise: "Thank you."

Huh! Huh! Huh!


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