Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1693: Cross the river

Because the problem of werewolf invisibility was resolved, Su Mu and the seven others accelerated their pace and moved forward.

And because of the lack of lighting, the werewolf could directly see the shadows when he attacked again.

The yellow object is illuminated by blue light in the dark space, showing a black figure. Although it is still a bit blurry, everyone in the team can accurately see the location of the werewolf. Therefore, Pang Zhihu and Yan Jiexing can also be attacked by the werewolf again. Attacking, which is much easier than Su Mu's defense alone.

So this first stage will be passed easily.

After killing the werewolves, everyone came to an underground river. The sound of the hula la river was very rhythmic. The Veil Girl said, "This is the farthest the team has traveled in three years."

Su Mu was taken aback and asked, "Did you Fengming Pavilion not invite special teams that are all in the Great Yuan period in three years?"

"Please, all the Great Yuan Period killed all the werewolves in the first stage, and then stopped here." The Veil Girl turned her head at this time and said to Su Mu.

At this time, the Veil Girl and Aunt Juan had completely taken a look at Su Mu's squad, at least it was a miracle that the squad, all of which were in the early Yuan period, could walk here.

In the past three years, all the teams they have looked for are from the Zhongyuan Period, but they still cannot pass through the invisible werewolves. In fact, Aunt Juan knows that even if Su Mu has not found a way to distinguish these werewolves, he can pass this first place. It's the stage, because he can accurately determine the location of each werewolf when everyone hasn't turned off the lighting props. At least in Aunt Juan's opinion, Su Mu has something special in him to find these werewolves.

Everyone stood on the edge of the underground river and watched the river slowly flow past. They needed to cross this underground river.

Aunt Juan glanced at Su Mu and said, "First of all, I don’t deny your ability. It’s just that we can’t get through this underground river. That’s why we didn’t agree to enter at the entrance of the cave, although your fighting power far exceeds that of the same period. Players, but overall they are still insufficient, so..."

"Let's talk about the dangers of this underground river first." Su Mu waved his hand, he knew what Aunt Juan was going to say.

Although the fighting power of the small team is comparable to that of the Zhongyuan Period, it is only comparable to the Zhongyuan Period, and it is still far from the Great Yuan Period. The original Great Yuan Period team was not able to pass, so the Su Mu team is even Surprisingly, it is impossible to be more powerful than the Yuanqi team.

Hearing Su Mu's tone, he glanced at the Veil Girl, who nodded slightly. She didn't want to give up any opportunities, because time was running out.

So Aunt Juan nodded and said, "This underground river is about 100 meters wide. Because of our entrance just now, boats cannot be brought in. Then there is only one way to cross the river, swimming! But there are many monsters in the underground river. There are countless piranhas in the Mid-Yuan Period and spiked fish in the Great Yuan Period. Once we are entangled by these monsters, we are basically the same as death."

The Veil Girl added at this time: "Maybe you won't encounter these fish monsters, but there will be vortices in the center of the river. Once these vortices involve us, they will never come up again. I, with my own eyes, have seen a great Yuan period. 'S master was eaten by monsters in this river and died...Finally, he was pulled up to resurrect..."

Su Mu nodded, the master of the Great Yuan period tied the rope to go there alone, and then used the rope to pull everyone over. This is indeed a way, but at the edge of this dark cave underground river, Su Mu can’t see. What is the sight at the end of this underground river.

"Have any of you been there?"

"No, so every time the mission is at most, they will completely stagnate when they get here. Many teams choose to quit after seeing this underground river." The Veil Girl said.

"The technique of insight!"


The scene in front of Su Mu opened up instantly, and what surprised Su Mu was that the end of this underground river was a cliff. In other words, there was no place to stay even after the past, it was completely like a dead end, so even if someone could I've been there, but I've been soaking in the water because I don't have a place to stay. The final result of soaking in the water can only attract those monsters.

Su Mu frowned slightly. This place is indeed a dead end. It seems that there is no way to go. Moreover, there are caves at both ends of the river, so it is impossible to pass left and right.

The team was quiet for a moment, no one was talking, and they were all waiting for Su Mu's decision. Aunt Juan and the Veil Girl had different moods. Aunt Juan thought that there was no need to take risks. The result of the adventure was a waste of resurrection opportunities.

The Veil Girl hopes to pass. If she waits for another three years, she really doesn't know if she can break through the mid-yuan period in this life, so she can only look at Su Mu with expectant eyes.

Time passed by, and when everyone was about to bear it, Su Mu turned around and said, "Jiexing, take the rope."

"Vice President?" Yan Jiexing's expression was astonished. Even the masters of the Great Yuan Period couldn't resist the vortex in the middle. Can one pass in the early Yuan period? Even if Su Mu had the strength of the Middle Yuan period, could he be more powerful than the Great Yuan period?

Pang Zhihu also stepped up to grab Su Mu's arm and said, "Brother Su, even if it doesn't work, it's pretty good for us to walk here."

Fuchu Wan'er also nodded in agreement with them.

Su Mu looked at the dead snow, and the latter smiled and said: "Whatever, anyway, I can use the resurrection technique today, you can't die."

Su Mu smiled while tying his back waist and said, "If I die, will the baby take your skin off?"

"Tsk tusk, you have no conscience when you say that, I am here? Otherwise, who will join your special team." Death Xue said silently.

At this time, the rope was tied, and Su Mu looked at the people and said, "Okay, I'll go over and take a look. You are pulling the rope, and you are not allowed to pull me back without my order, understand?

Now that Su Mu is determined, Yan Jiexing and Pang Zhihu can only nod their heads and agree.

With a thud, without hesitation, Su Mu jumped directly into the water, and the people on the shore looked at Su Mu's figure intently. Once a fish monster attacked them, they would immediately pull Su Mu back.

At this moment, Aunt Juan could only say that the team of Su Mu was bold. Although it had some ability, it always did something beyond its ability. In short, it was still a bit impulsive.

Hoop! ! !

Suddenly white waves rose on the river, and Aunt Juan exclaimed in surprise: "Fish monster!"

Everyone was shocked, and then they heard Fuchu Wan'er exclaiming: "Hurry up!"

However, at this moment, Su Mu directly swung his long sword, and then instantly cut the rope on his back. This scene made everyone's eyes widened...

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