Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1704: Famous

When everyone was excited, Pang Zhihu looked back at Su Mu, who was collecting soul power. At this time, Fu Yi also held Aunt Juan and looked at Su Mu's position.

However, when she saw the black light on Su Mu's body, she couldn't help being stunned. Aunt Juan and the others looked at Fu Yu's expression strangely at this time. Everyone looked back at Su Mu, but Su Mu was completely closed at this time. The spirit power of the mad shark then took back the soul refining furnace.

After finishing the work, Su Mu turned around and looked at everyone with a smile: "The task has been completed, shall we go out?"

Fuchu Wan'er and the others all smiled, and then they were about to go back, but Fuyu was sluggish, and then smiled again and took Aunt Juan’s arm towards Su Mu.

Aunt Juan looked at Su Mu a little embarrassed at this time. After all, she wanted to kill Su Mu’s blood sacrifice mission before, but now Su Mu’s team rescued them, even though the boss of this mission was killed by the Profound God Scroll. Yes, but in the final analysis is the credit of the Sumen team.

So Aunt Juan said at this time: "We come from Fengming Pavilion for the money from the Profound God Scroll."

Su Mu smiled, they should have come out of it, because this Profound God Scroll is not only worth ten years on the surface, it is also a priceless thing, you may not be able to sell it if you have money, Pang Xiuwen Worried about Pang Zhihu's safety, that's why he gave Pang Zhihu a scroll like this, but Pang Xiuwen never thought that Pang Zhihu would use it when he saved Su Mu. It was for his life.

"Thank you Brother Su." Fu Hua also smiled.

"Well, since everyone is okay, let's leave this place of right and wrong." Su Mu took the lead and walked out, and everyone followed suit.

On the way, Su Mu only said thank you to Pang Zhihu and didn't say more. Sometimes even though he said no thanks for the great kindness, and the brothers didn't need to say much, just remember these things and it was OK.

Back on the same road, Su Mu and others came to Lieyang Mountain, and then returned to the Third Street in District 9.

It was still the afternoon at this time, and the door of the Liang's shop on the street was still surrounded by a large number of ordinary players.

Liang Dong stood at the door of the shop to maintain order, while directing the crowd to line up while answering the players' questions.

"Big Brother Liang Dong, I heard that the Sumen team received the quest from Fengming Pavilion on the third day of its establishment. What do you think?" a player suddenly asked.

"Yeah, the mission of Fengming Pavilion has lasted for three years and has not passed, right? It seems that the special squads in District 9 have been there, and even the masters of the Great Yuan Dynasty have died."

"Well, I have also heard that that task is difficult. It is said that the monsters in the first stage will be invisible."


"Yeah, very powerfully."

Liang Dong smiled disdainfully and said: "Sumen team, the most powerful is the pastor of the mid-yuan period, what do you think of their fate? Do you need to ask?"

"Tsk tusk, does this mean to destroy the group?"

"Haha, I guess so, I heard that Sumen's vice president is still in the early Yuan Dynasty."

Everyone talked a lot, Liang Dong always looked at the plaque of the Sumen Gods Hall opposite with a disdainful smile and sneered: "The name is a bit smelly, but the strength is not good."

At this moment, there was a line at the east end of the street, and the players directly looked over, and even saw countless people surrounding the line and starting to go here. The players who were watching the Liang’s shop naturally saw this scene. All people stand still and watch involuntarily.

"Isn't that the Sumen team? Are you back? Finished the mission so soon?"

"Are you giving up? Or come back so soon?"

"Haha, the task of Fengming Pavilion has not been completed for three years, and it is difficult for the Sumen team. Oh, it is the Sumen Gods Hall! Haha!"


Everyone laughed.

At this time, Su Mu led everyone to the middle of the shop in Sumen Gods Hall, and then saw countless players following asking what to do. Because Su Mu was too lazy to communicate with the players, Yan Jiexing and Fuchu Waner were behind. Explain today's achievements.

Su Mu glanced at Liang Dong, then at Liang's shop, then walked into Sumen with a smile.

Yan Jiexing suddenly waved his hand and said loudly: "Brothers who want to quest can come to Sumen to sign up. The Sumen Hall of Gods only accepts difficult missions for revenge for more than one year."

When Liang Dong heard this, he watched Yan Jiexing and others return to Sumen in shock.

"Listen to them saying that Fengming Pavilion's mission is completed?"

"It's bragging, right? That mission hasn't been completed for many years, how is it possible?"

"I don't think it's possible, but it's impossible for them to brag about this when they return home?"

The players argued that Liang Dong also felt incredible. Just as he was about to investigate this matter, a person from Fengming Pavilion suddenly appeared in the crowd. This person was Fengming Pavilion’s Aunt Juan. She walked to Sumen’s. The door was naturally intercepted by the player, and Aunt Juan walked into Sumen with only one sentence.

"Sumen Hall of Gods has completed Fengming Pavilion's mission for many years, and our Fengming Pavilion is ready to double the employment money!"

A word quieted the whole street.

This can be regarded as a kind of return for Su Mu. Originally, Aunt Juan didn’t want to send money over immediately, but Fuhua said that Sumen would definitely be questioned, so she asked Aunt Juan not only to come over immediately, but also to mention the mission Sumen. This is why Aunt Juan speaks like this at such an age.

The players were stunned.

A little Su Sect actually completed a task that Fengming Pavilion could not complete in three years? And it was completed so quickly, and was praised by a hall master of Fengming Pavilion? really?

But Fengming Pavilion will definitely not cheat, right? After all, Fengming Pavilion is considered the No. 1 guild in the ninth district, because it is all women, it is quite popular with the ninth district players.

Therefore, Aunt Juan personally came to Sumen and said such a sentence, which instantly caused a heated discussion among the players in District 9.

At this time, Liang Dong ran directly in the direction of Liang's family.

After waiting for him to come to Liang's house, he stood in front of Liang Shaohui panting.

"What are you worried about? Anxious to reincarnate?" Liang Shaohui took a teapot while drinking tea and glanced at Liang Dong disdainfully. What could happen if he panicked everything?

And Liang Dong took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions, and then looked at Liang Shaohui and said: "Young master, young master! The Sumen team is back!"

Liang Shaohui was startled, put down the teapot and asked, "How many dead?"

According to Liang Shaohui's judgment, the Sumen team's mission to Fengming Pavilion was simply to die. If they wanted to use such a method to counter the Liang family's target, Sumen was simply seeking a dead end.

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