Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1715: Pang Family Shouyan

On the way, Fuchu Wan'er didn't ask anything about this Wanbao Pavilion. The girl was very sensible, so she didn't ask if Su Mu said.

These days, she also understood that Su Mu's identity was not only as simple as a disciple of Su Sect, and whether it was Su Mu's strength or the relationship with the district head, Fuchu Wan'er understood that Su Mu must be more than just an ordinary person.

And now Su Mu has a deep connection with the people of Wanbao Pavilion. The reason why he thinks so is because Su Mu has been on the third floor for an afternoon. This is not common in Wanbao Pavilion, although outsiders say that Wanbao Pavilion’s The boss has been in the first district, but Fuchu Waner felt that this young man was the boss of Wanbao Pavilion.

Could it be an ordinary relationship to be able to negotiate with Su Mu for such a long time?

"Su Mu."

"Huh?" Su Mu glanced at Fuchu Wan'er beside him.

"Tomorrow Pang's birthday banquet, will you go by yourself?" Fuchu Wan'er smiled.

Su Mu also smiled and said, "Take you."


"Ha ha……"

"What are you laughing at."

"It's okay."

"Laughing at Wan'er?"

"Really not."

"Whatever you want, Wan'er's life is yours anyway."

Su Mu's shoulders, this sentence is right and wrong. When I met Liang Shaohui, Fu Chu Wan'er followed up because he was worried about Su Mu. If it weren't for this, Liang Shaohui wouldn't have been watching her. So in this world Many things are causal.

The two went shopping on the street for a while. Under the leadership of Fuchu Wan'er, Su Mu also ate some time reincarnation snacks. Looking at Fuchu Wan'er's smile, Su Mu couldn't help but think of Wenren Zihan, and seemed to return. It's a snack street in Haitian City.

At that time, Wenren Zihan was particularly disgusted with food stalls and did not cooperate with Su Mu. However, Wenren Zihan later ate with relish, and it was precisely because of the persecution of the water blue goddess by Wang Zidong. Nothing about the water blue, but that was the first time Su Mu went crazy when he returned to China.

For a while, Su Mu couldn't help but think of Wenren Zihan and the others, wondering how they are now on earth.

In the future world of the goddess Feng Xi, Chen Xiaoruan guards the villa alone, and Mei chooses to enter the forbidden area for the sake of the people, and Wenren Zihan and Zhou Wenling are captured by the system console, etc., these things I don’t know if it happened on Earth.

Su Mu shook his head and smiled bitterly. I have missed them for how many days I have just come to the cycle of time. There is still a long time in the past five years, and now I haven't passed even one tenth.

But to be honest, when Su Mu got closer and closer to the truth, the more he was afraid, because he was really afraid that what he saw at Emperor Ziwei would become true, the goddess Shuilan was killed, and even the goddess Lieyu was killed, etc. , The scene that time seemed to suffocate Su Mu, because the person who killed them was too familiar with himself...



The next morning.

Fuchu Wan'er called out Su Mu early, and then reported about the Sumen Wilderness Area, and informed the Su Mu team that the situation has also begun to improve. Someone has already begun to take off the task, which proves the suppression of the Liang family. It's over, unless the Liang family also sets up such a small team, but the Liang family's father will definitely not agree to Liang Shaohui.

The strangest thing is that the Liang's shop that Sumen had been facing was closed, which made the players on the third street sigh. After all, the Liang's pick-up task was lower than that of all small union shops. Now the Liang's family has withdrawn from the third street. , Which brought the small unions back on track.

But Su Mu knew that the Liang family abandoned this shop to a large extent because they wanted to target the Pang family and eliminated it along with Sumen.

Su Mu didn't tell Pang Zhihu about this matter. Pang Xiuwen was not a fool. He must know this matter better than he knew, but he didn't know how the Pang family would respond.

After that, Su Mu and Fuchu Wan'er prepared for a while, and then walked directly to the Pangjia location on First Street.

At this time, the Pang family courtyard was hung up with lanterns, and a letter of birthday was written. A dozen family members of the Pang family were standing outside the door to receive guests. The family members in the ninth district were almost invited once. This is almost a common practice. After all, the Ninth District is regarded as a wealthy family, so Pang Xiuwen's birthday is naturally to entertain the Quartet.

Su Mu and Fuchu Wan'er happened to meet Pang Zhihu when they came to the gate of Pang's family. The guy laughed and pulled Su Mu into the Pang family compound.

"I have to have a good drink today, right?" Pang Zhihu's smile told Su Mu that he didn't seem to know anything about the actions of the Liang family today. It is reasonable for Pang Xiuwen not to tell him.

The Pang family compound is very large, and a soaring dragon totem is carved on the entrance wall, and it is still in the style of 3D carving, which looks so mighty.

Passing by the door wall is a huge yard. The yard is full of banquets and the crowd is very lively. Pang Zhihu directly led Su Mu and Fuchu Wan'er to the side room.

"Sister Wan'er, go find my sister to play, I'll talk to Brother Su a little bit." Pang Zhihu and Su Mu looked at Fuchu Wan'er with their backs.

The latter smiled, and then left the side room by himself.

"Fuck, why are you driving away? Do you have special hobbies?" Su Mu stared at Pang Zhihu.

Pang Zhihu quickly loosened Su Mu's shoulders: "Fuck, I don't have a target yet, you can't slander me like this."

"I have no object."


"Whatever, I'm telling the truth."

Pang Zhihu couldn't help but rolled his eyes and walked to the back room of the room: "It's absolutely rare to show you something."

In the back room, a big box was placed on the table in the room with a seal on it, which seemed to be the official seal of the ninth district. Su Mu glanced at Pang Zhihu: "You robbed it?"

"What? This was brought back by Uncle Fu during my father's mission." Pang Zhihu mumbled while tearing open the seal.

Su Mu Wan Er, how come these aristocratic children are the housekeeper so caring to the young master? Are you all the masterpieces of the old king next door?

With a squeak, the box opened, and Pang Zhihu showed a greedy look, then looked back at Su Mu and said, "Brother Su, I promise you will definitely be moved by this thing."

The box was still covered with a piece of red cloth. Su Mu couldn't see what was inside, but Pang Zhihu was seduced by it.

"Don't ink, open it quickly."

"Yeah, look good!" Pang Zhihu looked like he rolled up his sleeves, and then slowly lifted the piece of red cloth inside.

For an instant, both Pang Zhihu and Su Mu's eyes widened, and both looked at the contents of the box in surprise.

"Haha! Great!" Pang Zhihu couldn't help laughing.

Su Mu was also stunned at this time. He didn't expect that there would still be such things in the cycle of time? Also, this thing seems to be... I have seen it somewhere... Moreover, the appearance of this thing really surprised Su Mu, and even shocked it!

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