Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1717: Present

Pang Zhihu wanted Su Mu to leave without involving the Pang family and the Liang family. After all, Su Mu’s strength was too weak, and the Liang family’s affair against the Sumen, these factors were mixed together. If Su Mu was in the Pang family, Once the Liang family turned against each other, then Su Mu was also doomed.

His father was seriously injured, and the second brother could not come back. The masters of the entire Pang family could not be the opponents of the Liang family and the Bai family together. Although Pang Zhihu was young and vigorous, he knew very well how crushing he was in the face of absolute strength. terrible.

However, Su Mu insisted not to leave. Pang Zhihu was pleased but worried at the same time. What was pleased was Su Mu's loyalty, and what was worried about Su Mu's safety.

However, at this point Pang Zhihu knew that Su Mu could not be driven away, so he stood up, and then went to the Pang family compound with Su Mu.

At this time, the compound was full of people, and nearly a hundred people gathered in Pang's house, and they were all the fascinating figures in the ninth district, and even included some official members of the ninth district government.

Seeing Su Mu and Pang Zhihu walking into the yard, Fuchu Wan'er walked directly from the left, while another girl with a veil walked from the right. The two girls came to Su Mu's side almost at the same time.

"Su Mu."

"Brother Su."

Fuchu Wan'er and Fu Hua looked at each other, and then nodded to each other as a greeting. Pang Zhihu smiled, even though they knew something happened today, they were still careless.

Because the birthday banquet of the Pang family is divided according to the age and generation of the family, besides Fuchu Wan'er and the others, there are also elder brothers from the ninth district. Naturally, they include Liang Shaohui, Bai Qing, and even Pang Zhiqing. In it.

Everyone stood together, and Fu Bo began to receive gifts, etc., and everyone who offered the gift would come forward and hand it to Fu Bo, and then Fu Bo said the name of the gift.

Family, aristocratic family, this kind of unwritten rule seems to have only a role in pretending, but there are not many gifts that can really benefit Pang Xiuwen. After all, these aristocratic families in the ninth district are of this level. Who really has good things? Will not take it out.

"Brother Su, what gift did you prepare for Uncle Pang?" Fu Hua asked suddenly. The young master of Fengming Pavilion often did not go out of the gate, and even hardly talked to the opposite sex. At this time, he only compared Su Mu. Shang Xin, saying that it was because of Su Mu's gratitude to Aunt Juan Juan that he did not kill it was justified, but this feeling made Fuchu Wan'er a little uncomfortable, and Pang Zhihu lamented that Su Mu's peach blossom luck was too full.

"An elemental spirit stone." Su Mu said.

"Oh, Uncle Pang is a gold element, so it's not bad to give him a spirit stone." Fuyi said.

However, at this moment Liang Shaohui and Bai Qing slowly leaned over and sneered: "The spirit stones are also divided into levels 1 to 9. The level 1 spirit stones are rotten streets, and the 9 level spirit stones are rare. The dignified Vice President Sumen doesn't know. What level of spirit stone did you bring? Level 2? Level 3?"

Liang Dong sneered: "Master, you look at Su Sect too high, right? Level 3 spirit stones can also be obtained by a guild like Su Sect? After all, it has been decades, plus Fengming Pavilion's commission for the mission. Not enough?"


Some of the elder brothers in the ninth district naturally knew the grudge between Liang Shaohui and Su Men. At this time, they all smiled when they heard Liang Dong’s words. Although Liang Dong was Liang Shaohui’s dogleg, what he said was correct, Su Men’s level. , Being able to take out the level 3 elemental spirit stone is definitely the highest limit, and for Pang Xiuwen, the level 3 spirit stone has no effect, unless it is around level 5!

Pang Zhihu snorted at this time: "Gifts are more important than those of value. What kind of gift is Young Master Liang going to give his father-in-law? Let everyone open their eyes?"

Knowing that the Liang family will embarrass the Pang family today, but the Liang family will never be ashamed when they start again, so this part of the gift will not be left behind. Therefore, the Liang family will definitely give out a lot of gifts. , Especially the young people of Liang Shaohui's generation are young and vigorously vying for beauty, and they are naturally not too shabby.

Although the cycle of time is a game, it is also the real world. Therefore, the gift-giving link seems to be the same as the rules left for thousands of years.

After waiting for Pang Xiuwen's generation of people to present their gifts, this generation of youths will follow.

At this time, some of the family's children have already started to move forward.

Uncle Fu took a box in the young man's hand, then opened it and took a look: "Young Master Zhang offers a gift, a piece of'Golden Jade Good Words'!"

Everyone nodded one after another. This golden and jade good word is a kind of jade that can stabilize the mind. It can be regarded as the first-class goods, and it is worth about fifty years.

After that, Bai Qing stepped forward to offer a gift. Uncle Fu glanced at Bai Qing, then opened the box and said, "Master Bai, a level 4 fire elemental spirit stone."

Everyone felt pretty good at the beginning, but when they thought of Pang Xiuwen's elements, they couldn't help but startled. Don't the Bai family know that Pang Xiuwen's elements are of the gold element? What does this Bai family send fire system mean? Huokejin just made it clear.

So at this time Fu Bo looked at Bai Qing again.

The latter smiled and said: "I think Uncle Pang must not lack these 4th-level spirit stones, so I did not choose the gold type. I think Pang's family must have other elemental cultivators, so I took a fire type. Please forgive me for Bo and Uncle Pang."

At this time, Pang Xiuwen, who was sitting at the top of the hall, nodded slightly and said, "It's okay."

At this time, Pang Xiuwen's face was a little pale. Although he looked calm and comfortable, Su Mu could clearly feel that Pang Xiuwen was deliberately suppressing his pain, otherwise his lips would not turn purple.

After Bai Qing gave it to him, he saw Liang Shaohui walking forward. He held a box while walking and said, "Today is Uncle Pang’s birthday, but I have seen many disciples who are not from the ninth district family, and I don’t know some I haven’t experienced this kind of occasion, it would be a bit funny if I don’t even know the gift-giving link for a while."

Everyone looked at Su Mu. Indeed, many of the masters in the ninth district of the family’s children knew it, but Sumen Su Mu was their strangest existence, although they heard about the Sumen squad that opened up Fengming Pavilion. The task is that few have actually seen Su Mu.

Liang Shaohui's remarks were naturally aimed at Su Mu, which also caused many aristocratic children to talk in a low voice. After all, for a guild of Su Sect's level, asking them to spend decades buying gifts is tantamount to ‘bankruptcy’.

But Fu Bo opened Liang Shaohui's box and said: "Liang's young master presents a gift, golden silk armor."


"Golden Silk Armor?"

"This Liang family is generous."

"Is this a golden silk armor that can defend against aura attacks?"

"It seems so, isn't the Liang family at odds with the Pang family? How can you give such an expensive gift?"

"I do not know……"

After hearing these three words, everyone started talking in a low voice.

Su Mu turned to Pang Zhihu and asked, "How much is this thing worth?"

Pang Zhihu also doubted what Liang Shaohui meant. After hearing Su Mu's words, he almost subconsciously said, "The value of at least a hundred years."

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