Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1730: Who else

"It's over!"

At the moment when Liang Qiu’s skills fell, everyone knew that the battle was about to end. Although Pang Zhihu was in the Great Yuan Dynasty, he had just been promoted after all, so many of the amazing battles and the use of elemental auras were not mature yet. Look at this time When Liang Qiu's super skill attacked, the players almost all retreated subconsciously, and the secret path was over.

Pang's three masters, two masters!

A golden elemental aura rose to the sky, but it was covered by the aura's leaf, and instantly pressed down, Pang Zhihu frowned.

"Boy, maybe I won't be your opponent in another ten years, but today, I have no chance!" Liang Qiu couldn't help but sneered. Both are the Great Yuan period, but the strength does not mean that the Great Yuan period and the Great Yuan period are both the same. Yes, so Liang Qiu was finally relieved at this moment.

Although the Su Mu below is still fighting, it can no longer affect the outcome. Although the Liang Family's guards can be killed by Su Mu occasionally, what can they do? As long as Pang Zhihu of the Great Yuan Dynasty died, Su Mu would have no fighting power!

"Don't you **** think about it!! Ahhhhhhh!"

The spiritual energy that soars into the sky rises, but under the suppression of strength, even if you regenerate aura, how can you be angry anymore? He would still be restrained by the suppressed spirit, so Pang Zhihu was very depressed at this time.


At this moment, Liang Qiu was almost a subconscious mistake, and a part of his spiritual energy instantly dissipated. Su Mu's long sword instantly crossed Liang Qiu's chest, and it came from below.

Liang Qiu was shocked. Wasn't Su Mu entangled in the following Zhongyuan period?

"Fuck? Doppelganger?"

"Yes! How is it possible?"

All the onlookers were shocked when they saw two Su Mu appearing at the same time. This skill is not something that the early Yuan period can do. This is the exclusive use of the Yuan period assassin profession, and even the Yuan period assassin. It may not be able to release the clone without knowing it.

Isn't Liang Qiu shocked like this? however……

"go to hell!!"

"The Three Wonders of Ponzi! Three Wonders!!!"

boom! ! !

boom! ! ! boom! ! !

The shocking golden light fell from the sky, and Liang Qiu's eyes widened in an instant. He originally wanted to avoid Pang Zhihu's attack, but Su Mu's clone came behind him in an instant, and the long sword pierced the back of his neck!


boom! ! ! !

The flanking attack of the two fell instantly, and the scene suddenly became quiet, because Su Mu's clone had been retracted, and Su Mu who attacked Liang Qiu was the main body.


There was only the sound of heavy rain and a piece of blood falling on the ground by Liang Qiu.

The pastor of the Liang family didn't dare to move forward at this time. Didn't he move forward to resurrect Liang Qiu at this time to seek death? So at this moment, the scene is quiet and only the sound of rain remains.

Especially the aura released by Pang Zhihu just now, the feeling is like meeting a master in the late stage of the Great Yuan Dynasty, one move smashed the defensive shield on Liang Qiu's body, even one shot!

The most surprising thing is that Su Mu, a player in the early Yuan stage, how could he break Liang Qiu's defense? In the early Yuan period, there was no aura, how could it pierce Liang Qiu's neck?

The two stood in place with Liang Qiu of the Great Yuan Dynasty at their feet, and Pang Zhihu shouted loudly, "Who else?!!!"

The Liang family guards retreated one after another, and the atmosphere of the entire scene changed dramatically. I thought that Su Mu and Pang Zhihu would die in the Liang family's encirclement and suppression, but now the solution is just the opposite. The Liang family led the Great Yuan Dynasty died, and the rest is left. If these Middle Yuan Periods are normal, they should be able to completely kill a Great Yuan Period, but now, facing a newly promoted Pang Zhihu, and a villainous early Yuan Su Mu, all people have no chance of winning. The feeling of fighting with love.

This feeling of self-confidence being destroyed is the deadliest.

The most important thing is that at this moment, Su Mu's body image disappeared like an afterimage, and once again appeared next to the pastor who had come to the front of Liang's house.

"Want to resurrect him?"

The pastor's heart was instantly cold.



In a short second, Su Mu's figure returned to Pang Zhihu's side again, while the priest still stood there, just covering his abdomen with his hands, staring at the weapon in Su Mu's hand incredibly, saying: "That...the sword has a problem……"


The **** wind is not suitable at this time. A dozen masters of the Yuan period from Liang's family died on the street, plus a priest and a Liang Qiu from the Yuan period. The atmosphere on the scene was almost suffocating.

In the cycle of time, the level not only represents strength, but also represents one watershed after another. In the early Yuan period, you can't break the aura protection of the middle Yuan period, but Su Mu, a sword pierced the chest of the Central Plains, This in itself was impossible, and Liang Qiu was in the Great Yuan Dynasty, and he couldn't avoid it. That's why the priest realized before he died that it was the weapon!

It's just that it's too late!

"Who else?!" Pang Zhihu shouted loudly again.

However, Su Mu was walking straight ahead at this time, and the front was the direction of the Liang family.

Pang Zhihu followed closely, and the two of them walked forward slowly like this. However, to everyone's surprise, the Liang family's guards actually gave way at this time. Everyone understands that going on is also dead. After all, the guards of the Liang family were just guards. With so many Liang family members dead on the scene, who would dare to go up and fight Su Mu and the others?

In this way, a terrifying and exciting scene was born.

A small early Yuan period, a 25-year-old who had just been promoted to the Great Yuan period, just like this, the dozens of guards pressing on the Liang family moved forward, and none of the Liang family dared to move.

Su Mu took the lead, and Pang Zhihu's long sword was dripping with blood, and he laughed grimly as he walked: "The sky is worthy of me! I will kill the Liang family! Hahaha!"

Heads up and laughter instantly rendered the players on the scene, everyone stared at Pang Zhihu in astonishment, this guy is crazy!

"Kill them!"


At this moment, Pang Zhihu and Su Mu suddenly stood there, and then looked at Liang Qiu who was resurrected behind them.

The two smiled at each other again, and then watched the Liang's guard rush up again.




The encirclement was formed instantly, not only that, but the release of countless aura skills directly blocked Su Mu and Pang Zhihu's back road!

"come on!"



Boom! ! !

"Pang's rise! Seal!!!!"

Hum! ! ! !


Rumble! ! ! !

"Ten shadows! Three seconds to shake the sword!"



Su Mu's figure disappeared, appeared, disappeared, appeared again!


The rain rushed to Liang Qiu's face in an instant. The next moment, Liang Qiu couldn't help but his eyes widened, because Su Mu's figure was in front of him, less than a foot away!

At this moment, Liang Qiu's body that had just been resurrected and collapsed was just his legs soft...

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