Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1735: They are crazy


The heavy rain washed the blood water at the gate of Liang's house, and the smell of the **** wind amazed all the onlookers. At this time, the discussion was suppressed by the sound of the rain.

After all, the Pang family and the Liang family were both bloodbathed today. Why didn't the officials show up for such a scene?

But Su Mu and Pang Zhihu standing in the crowd were looking for Liang Shaohui.

"Brother! You must not let this person go. If you let him live, sooner or later it will be a big disaster!" Pang Zhihu can stand alone at this time, and his weakness after being resurrected has gradually reduced. Time has passed for half an hour. Liang Bufan was completely dead.

Su Mu's eyes were blood-red, and he was still in the state of merging God's Domain. He stared around for a long time, but he couldn't see Liang Shaohui's figure.

At this time, Fu Yi said: "Maybe, I have already escaped..."

Su Mu looked at this girl after hearing this, but the latter had been looking at Su Mu, not afraid, nor shy of Su Mu's gaze. This actually caused Su Mu, who was merged with God's Domain, to induce a kind of evil fire that was difficult to suppress.

Quickly avoiding Fuyu's gaze, Su Mu said coldly: "He can't run away!"

Pang Zhihu also looked in the direction Su Mu was looking. There was the Bai's residence in the middle section of First Street.

Aunt Juan and Fu Yi were stunned.

Because they saw the hatred and anger in the eyes of Su Mu and Pang Zhihu, and the direction they looked at was the Bai family. In other words, wouldn't these two lunatics still go to the Bai family?

Although the Bai family was there when the Pang family was slaughtered, it was at best an accomplice, and the Bai family’s presence was only because they were afraid that the Pang family would have other masters, but the Bai family did not expect the Liang family to eradicate it. The entire Pang family.

"Brother Su, you...can't go! Now it's enough for the official to intervene. If you go to the Bai's house again, you will definitely be sentenced..."

Su Mu looked at Pang Zhihu. The latter laughed and said, "Anyway, a Liang family has been slaughtered clean, so why bother to kill another family?"

"Haha!" Su Mu also laughed.

Yes, anyway, the Liang family has been blatantly massacred, so why bother about having another Bai family? Anyway, it violated the official regulations of time cycle, right?

The players around were stunned. Are these two lunatics going to the white house?

Although Pang Zhihu is already in the Yuan Dynasty, this Su Mu did not know why he became invincible, but in this battle with the Liang family, Pang Zhihu died once, and Su Mu was even more exhausted. At this time, going to the Bai family was not going to die. ? Even if they still have combat effectiveness, the Bai family and the Liang family are almost the same, and there are at least three Great Yuan periods.

So whether it was the onlookers or Aunt Fu Yijuan, everyone was shocked and speechless at this time.

Aunt Juan said: "You can only go to the Bai's house like this to die, and you can get revenge. Why don't you wait for the Bai's affairs to be discussed later?"

What Aunt Juan is most afraid of is that Su Mu will die in this revenge. There is a high chance of it. After all, Su Mu is only in the early yuan period. Although it is a wicked early yuan period, after all, it is only the early yuan period not the great yuan period. Period.

So at this time, seeing that Su Mu had to go to Aunt Bai Jiajuan and couldn't help but want to stop it, because this person is Fuyu's future. If he died, it would be difficult to meet a suitable physique.

Fu Hua also knew Aunt Juan's thoughts, and also knew that Su Mu's physique was most suitable for spending weekends with her without damaging her body, but would such a tough person like Su Mu spare the Bai family?

Obviously they had escaped with Pang Zhihu, but they returned to compete with the Liang family, and even massacred the entire Liang family.

Fu Yu had only had a relationship with Su Mu on a few occasions, but these aspects were beyond what shocked Fu Yu. From the mission to the present, the strength and character that Su Mu showed had deeply fascinated her.


"Fu, thank you, this matter has nothing to do with Fengming Pavilion!" Su Mu said firmly.

Fu Yi fell silent after hearing the words, this matter had nothing to do with Fengming Pavilion, so the decision Su Mu made had nothing to do with her.

I saw Su Mu slowly walked to Liang Bufan's body, and then drew out the sword of God's Domain with a pop, blood spurted again, Liang Bufan's face turned pale under the heavy rain, and then completely died. At this time, the Liang family No pastor dared to stand up, and no Liang family guard dared to stop Su Mu and Pang Zhihu.

Looking back, Su Mu looked at Pang Zhihu and said, "Pang San! Can you still fight?"

Pang Zhihu laughed: "Even if it is a death, the Liang family will completely disappear in the ninth district! The hatred of killing the father, the hatred of the Tu family! How can you let go of things like this?!"

"Haha! Good! Go!"


The two brothers walked side by side in the direction of the first block, and the onlookers huffed and followed them. For such crazy brothers, they wanted to see what the ending was, so Liang The door of the house was emptied instantly.

After waiting for Su Mu and the others to disappear in the heavy rain, Fuyu and Aunt Juan were still standing there.

"Aunt Juan, what kind of person is he?" Fu Yuan murmured, she was so low-pitched, but Su Mu still didn't appreciate it. The most important thing was that Fu Yuan's words were obviously to make Feng Feng Mingge protects Su Mu, but he is not moved at all...

In the entire ninth district, I don't know how many brothers or male players want to have a relationship with Fengming Pavilion.

Aunt Juan smiled and said, "He is a person worthy of trust!"

Fu Yi was startled.

Aunt Juan said: "Young Master, he can go crazy because of a Su Sect, even because of his brotherhood, he and the fat man before the Pang family was slaughtered. This kind of pride, this kind of disposition, you can't find the second in time people!"

Although Aunt Juan despised Su Mu very much before, after today's situation, Aunt Juan's opponent Su Mu's attitude changed a lot.

A person who can stab himself for his brother, then what will he do for his own woman? Life! !

Fuyi seemed to understand what Aunt Juan meant, so she wanted to get closer to Su Mu at this time. As Aunt Juan said, such a person would be absolutely relieved to entrust him for life.

At this time, Fuyu and Aunt Juan suddenly saw the two priests of the Liang family come out, and then madly released the resurrection technique to Liang Bufan, as if they wanted to resurrect Liang Bufan.

Fuyu and Aunt Juan looked at each other, the latter smiled slightly and said, "Young Master, do you know what the result will be?"

"Didn't you say that Su Mu can be entrusted?"

"Okay." Aunt Juan smiled, and then walked in the direction of the two pastors.

[Today's three changes, I will make up another day, I am really embarrassed, I don't want to owe it, there is really no way, a little delay. Sorry, sorry! 】

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