Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1742: Death penalty prison

East Coast of Tianyong City.

To the east of the frontier of the Huadu Empire, there is a vast ocean. Not far from the ocean, there is a small island. The area of ​​the island is not too big, about the size of Tianyong City, but here is the entire Tianyong City. , And even the largest prison in the Huadu Empire, the death penalty prison.

The reason why they are called death penalty prisons is basically the death penalty prisoners, but the family, friends, etc. spend a lot of time to guarantee that these people will spend the rest of their lives on this island. Although they have saved their lives, they have lost them. Life-long freedom, and, here, death is almost commonplace, because there is no good pastor with relatives, friends, no one will resurrect you, so here, after death, you don’t expect anyone to resurrect you.

Not only that, because of the special nature of the death penalty prison, there are some criminals who kill people without blinking, and many people have been locked here for decades, even for hundreds of years, so the perennial depression makes the people here become violent. , Even the mind is distorted, fighting and fighting is something that must happen every day. If it weren't for the official Reinforcement Ring, it would have become a Shura Field.

Even more because people here know that they will never be able to leave this prison for the rest of their lives, so a negative personality accompanies them, and various psychopaths, murderers, etc. frequently appear.

However, prisons also have prison laws. Killing, torture, etc. are naturally controlled by people. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, there may be laws such as killing on the spot. However, prisons are prisons after all. Under normal circumstances, prison guards here do not control prisoners Things between.

Su Mu slowly woke up in confusion.

The first sensation of waking up is the whole body pain, as if the whole body is fractured.

"Brother, are you awake?" Pang Zhihu's voice came, and he also saw him holding Su Mu's neck directly, and then smiled.

The dazzling vision made Su Mu unable to look directly. He covered it with his hand, and then he felt his body swaying constantly. After waiting for Su Mu to slowly adapt to the sunlight, he realized that he was actually on a boat and was shaking. Moving forward, besides Pang Zhihu, there were more than a dozen people in tattered clothes sitting in place, but everyone's expressions were very anxious, even fearful.

Sitting up, Su Mu looked at the vast ocean and asked strangely: "Where is this?"

Pang Zhihu's heart is really big. He laughed after seeing Su Mu wake up, "On the way to the death penalty prison."

"Death sentence prison?"


Pang Zhihu told Su Mu about what happened two days ago, and then briefly said something about the death penalty prison.

Su Mu was stunned, but then he became worried. Li Changfeng said that someone was monitoring him. If Wanbao Pavilion gave him a guarantee, would Li Changfeng be implicated?

However, it was the biggest accident that he did not die now, because according to Su Mu's feeling before he was in a coma, he was really going to die, and he even gave up resisting, unexpectedly things had changed again.

"Brother, the horror of this death penalty prison is known to the entire Huadu Empire, so after entering, remember not to confront the old man inside. Look at this." Pang Zhihu raised his left hand and saw a silver hand. ring.

Su Mu also has one on his left wrist.

"This is the suppression ring, which can suppress the elements in our body, including aura, etc. All the people in the death penalty prison must carry this kind of thing, in order to prevent riots and prevent escape, so the death penalty prison is full of ordinary people. The same applies to us, fighting depends on physical fitness, so try not to cause trouble."

Pang Zhihu is a native player of time reincarnation, he naturally knows more about the death penalty prison than Su Mu.

So generally speaking about the death penalty prison, Su Mu can only smile slightly. To be honest, it is better to live than anything else. As long as you are alive, there is still a chance. No one in the death penalty prison can leave alive, that may not be enough. No one really can leave alive.

"The death penalty prison has three districts. The first and second districts are men’s prisons, and the third district is women’s prisons. All of them are women prisoners. Of course, we will be separated after we enter, because the death penalty prison does not allow gangs. , So the prisoners who know each other will not be put together, so brother, we will definitely be separated, you must be careful alone, and tolerate it! In the death penalty prison, how many people die every day... no one has ever asked. , Even if..."

Speaking of this, Pang Zhihu slightly lowered his voice and said: "Even Wanbao Pavilion can't reach the death penalty jail. Here, nobles and nobles can't receive much care, remember!"

At this time, the outline of a smiling road in front had appeared, and the people on the boat couldn't help but looked up at the island. Countless people sighed. Although the death penalty is exempt, what is the difference between entering this prison and death?

The island in front of them will be a place where they will be imprisoned for the rest of their lives, so the people on the ship seem a little depressed.

Landing on the island.

Su Mu and others were all **** with ropes, and then walked forward one by one. Because the aura on their bodies was controlled, so on this island, the warden, jailers and other officials who came out of the island had combat effectiveness, all the prisoners were Ordinary people, therefore, even a little jailer can subdue dozens of prisoners here.

As everyone moved forward slowly, a huge building appeared in front of Su Mu's eyes.

The gray fence is a hundred meters high, and there are some iron nets on the fence, which is like a huge iron barrel in front of everyone.

Pang Zhihu walked behind Su Mu and said, "With such a high wall, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to escape."

As everyone crossed the beach on the coastline, and then came to a jungle, they saw the prison gate through the jungle.

The huge stone gate was fifty meters high, and there were two watch towers at the top of the gate. Then the gate opened creakingly, and Su Mu and the others could not help frowning because of the heavy opening sound.

Waiting for the door to open, Su Mu and the others saw that there were rows of houses in front of them, and in the middle was a huge sand-rock flat ground. Inside, there were countless prisoners sparsely standing with approved prisoners’ costumes, looking in twos and threes. New prisoner.

"Everyone, read the place where the name is assigned to live, and don't have to work on the first day. Get familiar with the environment here.

A jailer then began to recite his name. As expected, Su Mu and Pang Zhihu were not assigned together. Su Mu was in the second district, and Pang Zhihu went to the first district.

Then the jailer glanced at Su Mu and other dozens of prisoners and said, "I'll give you a piece of advice, the first time you come here, you must bear everything. Every time a newcomer comes to this place, you will die."

The jailer smiled slightly, then looked back at the idle old prisoners and shouted: "Let's relax a little bit. If something happens, you can't escape the relationship!"

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