Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1755: Misfortune comes from the sky



He suddenly raised his head and let out a cry of exclamation in the middle of the fat pig's back bone in the boxing, and then he fell silent.


How shocking is the big fat man of more than 300 catties lying on the ground?

At this time, the four big bald heads were completely dull.

They knew how strong Fat Pig's personal combat capabilities were, otherwise they wouldn't dominate the second area of ​​the death penalty prison in the past few decades, so when Fat Pig fell to the ground, Da Bald Head and others were completely shocked.

The big bald head has seen more than a dozen people besieging the fat pig, but this fat pig is like a giant. It can lift two ordinary people with one hand, and then can directly throw people away. Without the support of aura, Who can resist the blow of this big fat man?

It is precisely because of that time that the fat pig dominated the second district, and completely became an existence that no one dared to provoke, so the big bald and the others have been following the fat pig to rampage.

And now, a thin and weak Su Mu, although he accidentally hit a big bald head on the first day, the big bald head just thought he underestimated the enemy. After all, he himself did not think that Su Mu would dare to fight back, so there was the incident of the first day. , And now the big bald head is completely stunned.

According to Su Mu's strength, if he used his best that day, he would probably be destroyed directly...

Su Mu stood up, then walked to the fat pig's head. After seeing the fat pig had passed out, Su Mu gasped slightly, and then looked at the big bald head and others.

The big bald head looked shocked, and then looked at Su Mu in horror: ", you..."

The fat pig was defeated, this is a scary thing in itself, so the big bald head can imagine what Su Mu would do to himself. After all, they had chosen the time to kill Su Mu before robbing Su Mu, so by this time the big bald head was already A little bit slurred and started to retreat...

"Have you done this kind of activity less before?" Su Mu snorted.

Although Su Mu knows the dark side of the world very well, but murderous things like big bald heads and fat pigs are still unbearable, especially in this death penalty prison, everyone is ordinary people without aura, who are suffering from prison. Under the pressure of the jailer and the warden, they still have to endure the persecution of Fat Pig and others. It is conceivable that everyone in this prison can't speak up against Fat Pig and others.

" just...just want to live..." the big bald head cried out crying as he stepped back.

"Live..." These three words seem to have no meaning to Su Mu. After death and alive, Su Mu sometimes wonders whether he is dead or alive?

In the cycle of time, without the support of God's Domain suit, Su Mu seemed to have started again, like a dream, if it were not for the water blue goddess and they still supported Su Mu, Su Mu felt that he had no need to continue.

Su Mu's silence made Da Baldhead and the others see the vitality, but at this moment, a strong wind suddenly came from the sky...


Bang! ! ! !

The thick dead leaves splashed and flew instantly, and Su Mu and the others looked at the edge of the cave almost at the same time, and then looked at the falling ‘thing’ with a look of surprise!


One, or a huge... lizard appeared behind everyone...

A mouthful of fishy mucus, this huge lizard is all spiked behind, and squinted as if it was stunned. It fell from a mountain that was several hundred meters high. If it weren't for the dead leaves on the ground, it would have been dropped. It's a meatloaf...

The big lizard shook his head a few times, then opened his eyes and saw the fat pig lying in front of it...


The lizard’s huge tongue spit out and retracted like a snake letter, and then slowly crawled forward...

"Bian, chameleon..." At this time, the beard almost crawled towards Su Mu with his legs trembling. The remaining two people were still in a coma, so they fell to the ground motionless.

And the big bald head behind Su Mu was also shocked at this moment...

"Discoloration, chameleon..."

"What the hell?" Su Mu couldn't help frowning.

Both the big bald head and the big beard seemed to have no strength to stand up at this time. They just lay half on the ground like this, just listening to the big bald head: "Dayuan period beasts!!! It's over! It's over!!!"

World Warcraft?

Su Mu felt a chill when he heard this, because Su Mu had fought fiercely with the Great Yuan Dynasty monsters more than once before, but it was all because of the aura, even with the support of the sword of the gods, and also needed the power of others, whether it was in Su Mu directly killed the black python encountered in the swamp or the wild shark encountered in Fuyu's copy.

Therefore, Su Mu's memory of this Great Yuan Dynasty Warcraft is still fresh.

Su Mu, who possesses the sword of God’s Domain and can use aura, is not the opponent of Monsters in the Great Yuan Period, so you can imagine Su Mu who does not have the sword of God’s Domain and aura...

Snapped! Snapped!

The lizard's front feet slowly crawled forward, then raised his head and glanced at the fat pig on the ground, then glanced at Su Mu and others, and then made a hissing sound.

Puff and bite the fat pig in the foot!

"Fat man!!" The big bald head exclaimed.

Su Mu also took a few steps back at this time, and then frowned as he watched the big lizard grab the fat pig directly.


I don't know if he was awakened by the shaking or because of the pain from his feet. At this time, the fat pig suddenly screamed. What kind of style is the big fat man of more than three hundred catties being held in the air?

"Ah! Save me! Save me! Help me!!!!" The fat pig kept yelling.

It's just that the big bald head and the big beard are scared at this time, who would dare to go forward and fight with the lizards of the Great Yuan period?

However, Su Mu did not move. The big lizard did not immediately swallow the fat pig, but swayed constantly in the air with the fat pig in its mouth. It was obvious that the attack power of the big lizard was not as Su Mu imagined. So powerful.

"Bald head! Beard! Help me! Save me!!!" The fat pig yelled hysterically, but the big bald head and the big beard were half lying on the ground indifferently, and they didn't even have the strength to escape.


Su Mu suddenly picked up the iron pickaxe on the ground, and then rushed forward quickly. The big bald head and the big beard were shocked at this moment. Why didn't Nima run up with the strength? Are you looking for death?


Su Mu bounced up, the whole person came into the air, and then held the iron pick in both hands.

puff! It pierced into the forehead of the lizard suddenly, and then heard the big lizard hissing.

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