Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1759: Fat pig's past

Inside the cave.

The six Su Mu sat in the same place, and then curiously asked how Su Mu came in. When the fat pig knew about Su Mu’s experience, they couldn’t help giving a thumbs up, especially when Su Muming knew that the Pang family was in a situation with Pang Zhihu. The blood boiled even more when bowing.

Fat Pig couldn't help but smiled: "No matter what your level is, Brother Su, I will make you a friend only with this kind of loyalty!"

"me too!"

"And I!"

Su Mu waved his hand: "Friends are naturally fine, but this death penalty prison is full of ordinary people, so we can only mix up like this."

The big bald head nodded when he heard the words, "Yes, although we followed the fat master in these two districts, but who doesn’t know, the person who can really run rampant is the warden. Let’s just squeeze and kill people. Between joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, it’s more normal for mines to collapse and nobody cares about them.

Fat Pig couldn't deny it: "That's because his duty is to reduce the prison population, otherwise the nine districts of Tianyong City simply cannot accommodate so many prisoners."

Beard shouted: "Is it his duty to **** the prison?"

"Is there anything else?" Su Mu was stunned.

Fat Pig glanced at Su Mu: "This Tomorrow is auspicious, seemingly beautiful, but it is actually a villain, a pervert. He goes to the women’s prison almost every week, colluding with the warden of the women’s prison, and constantly rape. Some women in prison."

"I've heard of this, but it's a bit too much with once a week, right?" Su Mu had heard about this tomorrow Xiang from Wang Zhifeng, but didn't expect this tomorrow Xiang to be so blatant.

"Because newcomers come to the women’s prison almost every week, Xiang will go in for a stroll tomorrow, and the women who see him will be taken away by him, and not to mention all kinds of adultery, and all kinds of abuse, even abuse. There are not a few female prisoners who have died. Many women from good families cannot bear the humiliation and commit suicide after returning. Therefore, apart from the reduction in the population of women’s prisons, he has a lot of'strength'."

After a pause, the fat pig gritted his teeth and clenched his hands tightly and said: "Brother Su, in fact, these are not the prisoners who hate him the most. It is the men in prison who hate him the most!"

"How do you say?" Su Mu couldn't help being curious.

But at this time, Fat Pig's interest seemed to be a little excited, even speechless.

The big bald head glanced at Fat Pig at this time, and then said: "Fat Master once had a friend in the women's prison, but later!"


The fist hit the ground and made a heavy noise, and the fat pig said: "Xiaoqing and I met, and after serving his sentence, they went far away, but I didn't expect this tomorrow! The animal took Xiaoqing away with a scream, and then Xiaoqing couldn't bear it. Humiliated, I cried myself on the second day of my return! Although more than ten years have passed by this time, I can't bear this when I think of it!"

Su Mu was dumb, and now Su Mu understood the meaning of what Fat Pig said before.

There must be a lot of people in the men’s prison who have friends with the women’s prison, and according to the rhythm of tomorrow Xiang going once a week, it is estimated that many friends in the men’s prison will be ruined by this tomorrow.

In the men’s prison, everyone wears a ring of suppression, even if Tomorrow Xiang in the Great Yuan period is already a master here, and it is a chasm that prisoners cannot cross.

Therefore, the people in this man’s prison dare to be angry and dare not speak. The fat pig was afraid and respected Tomorrow Xiang before. I am afraid that it has accumulated decades of oppression. Therefore, the man’s prison seems to be calm, but it is actually undercurrents. move.

And because Tomorrow Xiang is the warden, these prisoners are helpless. Even if the prisoners want to overthrow his dictatorship, there is no way to go. After all, this is a death sentence prison. Ninety-nine percent of the people have to serve for a lifetime. Death position, so no one dared to go against Tomorrow Xiang, who really wants to be targeted by Tomorrow Xiang in the future.

In addition, there is no aura, so this matter will continue for decades and cannot be changed.

The anger on the fat pig's face quickly disappeared. It seemed that they had been used to such a generality. In order to survive, they could only make a request for perfection, otherwise, what else?

Su Mu stood up, then looked at the depths of the cave and said, "Why did you just say that you can't go inside?"

The topic changed, and the atmosphere was a little better. Fat Pig glanced at the depths of the cave and said, "We will come to this cave every month. It is safe to hide in the entrance of this cave to survive the blue moon. Many monsters dare not approach this. The cave, I don’t know why, but there are many legends about this cave."

At this time Su Mu also understood why so long had passed, except for the big lizard that fell from the mountain, it seemed that no other monsters approached here.

"You haven't been in for more than ten years?" Su Mu asked curiously.


"Your curiosity is really weak." Su Mu took a few steps forward, and Fat Pig and others stood up.

"Brother Su, you can't enter!" Fat Pig shouted again.

"If you are in danger, just come out. It's only midnight, and there are still several hours left." Su Mu said as he walked.

Fat Pig and the others hurriedly chased him, and then took Su Mu's arm and said, "Brother Su, we are not timid. I have been in this death penalty jail for more than ten years, and I will come here to escape almost every month. And about this cave According to the legend, almost all the people who entered have died, and it is said that the warden of the previous generation died here. No one can leave this cave alive. It is very evil."

Su Mu looked at Fat Pig and asked, "So, tomorrow Xiang and the others will also know the existence of this cave?"

"Tomorrow Xiang has served as the warden of the second district for more than 20 years, but he has never been in once. I can imagine the evil of this cave. Forget it. We will go back until dawn." Fat Pig said.

Su Mu slid his shoulders, but he was still curious about what was inside, and what kind of horrible place could make people go without returning? And listening to the meaning of the fat pig, this cave has existed for many years, and has also damaged countless masters in it?

Su Mu lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "I wasted my life in this death penalty prison, why not go in and find out? Even if you die inside, it's like doing walking dead outside, right?"

Before saying this, Su Mu felt a little movement in the soul refining furnace, and a very strange feeling attracted Su Mu, as if he had to go in. This feeling was very familiar to Su Mu, that is... It was the same feeling that the Gods Domain Tower led Su Mu to find the position of the goddess!

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