Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1767: accident

Su Mu basically talked about the women around him. Chen Xiaoruan and Kuanglan have not been mentioned yet. Su Mu himself feels a bit ridiculous. Although these women have a relationship with each other in a helpless situation, This is not an excuse for Su Mu to stick to the flowers.

So telling the story may make Fu Yi shrink back, because as long as she is not stupid, she should know that Su Mu is actually talking about himself.

But at this time, Fu Yao looked at Su Mu with a smile on his face and said, "Big Brother Su, what would I do if I were this man?"

"Yes, you said, what should he do when he has encountered so many things?" Su Mu nodded.

Fu Hua pulled the railing with both hands, and then smiled: "If it is me, then let go and love. Anyway, there are already so many women around, so why worry about having one more?"

"Puff!" Su Mu really sprayed.

This **** almost made the allusion that there are too many lice and you are not afraid of biting. Do you want Nima to be such a man?

Yes, Su Mu is surrounded by many women, but Fu Hua said that there are already so many anyway, so he doesn't care more. Tsk tsk, this logic Su Mu is convinced.

Seeing Su Mu's unbearable jealousy, Fu Hua laughed and said, "The person that Big Brother Su said is Big Brother Su himself, right?"

Su Mu nodded and said: "Well, so, I can't control many things myself, I don't want to delay you, let alone make you sad in the future, and there are some more subjective reasons I can't tell you."

This reason is the question that Su Mu has thought about countless times. If it gets better, how will it be brought to Earth in the future? She is the person of the reincarnation star after all.

At this time, Fu Yu suddenly said: "Fu Yu doesn't care, Brother Su, no matter how many girls there are around you, Fu Yu doesn't care. For Fengming Pavilion, for the sake of Brother Su, Fu Yu is willing to work with other sisters to grow old with you. , Why care more if you are in love?"

"I~" Su Mu was really speechless.

Turning around slowly, Su Mu said while leaving the railing: "Don't come tomorrow, and I won't come. After leaving the day after tomorrow, I will develop in the ninth district. Maybe there will be a chance to return to the real world in the future. It."

"Brother Su, I'll be here waiting for you tomorrow. If you don't come to Fuyi, just wait here for the night! We will see you or leave!" Looking at Su Mu's back, Fuyi smiled even more happily.

There was no other reason, because Fuhua knew what Su Mu was worried about, and these worries were nothing to her. Polygamy in the cycle of time was not without examples. Besides, through talking with Su Mu today, Fuhua understood that Su Mu did not like it. She did not want to hurt her, which is the best result for a woman.

Because even if Su Mu was worried now, and if he didn't like him, everything was just empty talk, so Fu Yi seemed very happy and happy instead.

The next day is the same, go to work, leave work, eat, and then prepare to rest.

Since nightfall, Su Mu has been tossing and unable to fall asleep, and the fat pigs laughed at Su Mu.

But Su Mu remained unmoved, and continued to lie on the bed tossing about...

Until the time came to ten o'clock in the evening, all the prisoners who had gone to meet their lovers returned one by one. The big bald head raised his head and looked at one of the prisoners and said, "Lao Guo, Brother Su's little lover is still waiting there, right? "

"Hahaha!" The beard and the fat pig laughed, and the prisoners in the room also laughed.

However, the old Guo who was questioned was startled, and then shook his head: "I didn't see it. I have seen them in the same position a few days ago, but today it seems that I didn't see Brother Su's lover."

"What? Didn't you see?" The bald head couldn't help but sit up.

Su Mu's heart also made a thud.

Fuyu is a girl with a firm character. Since she said that she will go there if she waits, and through these few days Su Mu has also learned about Fuyu's character, so Su Mu just tossed and couldn't sleep just thinking that Fuyu might stand alone alone. That railing position.

But the people who came back now suddenly said that they hadn't seen Fuhua, which made Su Mu couldn't help but worry.

Fat Pig sat up at this moment and said, "Brother Su, do you want to go and see?"

Su Mu was still lying on the straw mat, but at this time he really couldn't lie down. He slowly sat up, then frowned slightly and said, "Maybe I didn't come if I knew I didn't go. What's there to worry about? "

Lao Guo, who had just returned, lay down and said: "I heard Mayfair say that Xiang is going to the women's prison today and tomorrow."

In an instant, the whole room became quiet, and everyone looked at Su Mu.

Because Fuyue has been waiting for Su Mu for several days, many people have seen Fuyue's appearance and figure. Although the country is not comparable, it is also because of the prison, there is no cosmetics and good-looking clothes, but the plain-faced Fuyue is already there. Let everyone admire it.

Su Mu couldn't help but secretly said something was wrong when he heard that Xiang Xiang was going to the women's prison tomorrow.


Su Mu jumped up instantly, and then walked directly to the gate. At this time, the fat pig and bald head and others also stood up one after another, and then walked towards the gate with Su Mu.

At the door, Fat Pig called to Su Mu and said, "Brother Su, don’t worry. There are too many people in the women’s prison. Xiang may not be able to notice his sister-in-law tomorrow. Don’t worry, maybe it’s really because you didn’t go to the sister-in-law. Up."

"Yes, don't listen to Lao Guo's bluffing, my sister-in-law will be fine." The big bald head also comforted at this time.

Fat Pig glanced at the location of the women's prison and said, "In this way, I now ask people to inquire about it."

Then Beard walked into the room and saw several prisoners start to move, but Su Mu stood still feeling that things were not going well.

At this time, the gale came out, and the door of the room was instantly full of people, but because of the fat pig and the gale, the jailer could only watch with one eye closed.

After a few minutes, Beard ran over, then looked at Su Mu and Fat Pig and said, "Fat Master, Brother Su, inquired, Tomorrow Xiang indeed went to the women’s prison today, and also met with the warden of the women’s prison. Listen Say……"

Speaking of the beard involuntarily looking at Su Mu's position, the latter was obviously startled, and then he saw Su Mu heading directly to the position of the women's prison. You don't need to ask to know that Xiang will definitely be looking for joy when he goes to the women's prison tomorrow. Have fun and do whatever you want!

"Brother Su!"

"Brother Su!"

Fat Pig and the others hurried to catch up with Su Mu and shouted: "This way to go to the women's prison is looking for death. People in the men's prison can't enter the women's prison at will. This is an iron order. If they are found, they will be killed on the spot."

"What should I do? Let Lao Tzu wait here?" Su Mu broke free of Fat Pig's hand and ran forward quickly.

At this time, Fat Pig and the others had no other way, so they quickly looked back in the direction of the gale.

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