Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1781: Tomorrow cloud

In the early morning, the sun had just risen and shone on the island of the death penalty prison.

The border between the women’s prison and the men’s prison was surrounded by dozens of female prisoners, because at this time, a group of more than a dozen men walked in and made no secret that it was a women’s prison.

Standing outside the attic, Long Xueji and Xue Qiang glanced at each other, and the latter said, "The trouble is probably greater than we thought."

Long Xueji frowned, but Xue Qiang said, "This person, a cousin of Tomorrow Xiang, a master of Xuanling stage, a famous genius from District 6, was killed in prison this time. Since the people sent by Tianyong City are Ming's family, then naturally they have decided to punish Su Mu."

Long Xueji frowned and said, "Su Mu is just a prisoner. Even if the Ming family knows that Xiang is dead tomorrow, there is no need for such a big battle, right?"

Although Tomorrow Xiang is dead, Mingjia let Tomorrow Yun come over. Isn't this a fuss? According to the Ming family's ability in Tianyong City, even the high-level officials of Tianyong City would execute Su Mu, but now it is like Su Mu is a big man.

Xue Qiang smiled, then walked up face to face.

Just before she can speak, Yun will directly take out an authorization order and open it tomorrow: "I will take over the post of the men's prison, the second district warden, and the primary purpose of coming here today is to arrest and kill the former warden prisoner Su Mu!"

"It turns out to be like this, but I don't know what the warden is doing in my women's prison?" Xue Qiang laughed, but she was disdainful in her heart. This is just a day after he died. Tomorrow Xiang comes again. Tomorrow cloud, this Ming family is Want to rule the entire death penalty prison?

Although she thinks this way, Xue Qiang also knows the power of the Ming family, so naturally she dare not say more. The reason why Su Mu is not admitted here is because it is a women’s prison. If she admits that she will not only not keep Su Mu but also destroy it. The rules of the death penalty prison, so refuse to admit it.

And tomorrow Yun will sneer: "Xue Qiang, I know the relationship between you and my eldest brother, this matter will not help you protect it, so let's hand it over to eight people as soon as possible."

What will Xiang look like tomorrow? Tomorrow Yun naturally knows. Although she is lustful, she is from the Ming family after all. The unclear Ming family who is dead now naturally has to interrogate, and the above will also explain that a warden will be here. Was beaten to death, and was killed by a prisoner, then what happened inside the death penalty prison? Has the suppression ring been cracked? These things also need to be investigated, so the Ming family's cross-cutting will naturally be agreed by the top of Tianyong City.

Although Xue Qiang knew about the relationship, she didn't want to and didn't dare to fight against the Ming family and the senior officials of Tianyong City, so she could only wave her hand: "This person is really not in my hands."

Tomorrow Yun was startled when he heard the words, and then looked at Long Xueji behind him.

Since Xue Qiang said that he was not in her hands, it meant that Su Mu was still in the women's prison, but not under her control.

Therefore, at this time Tomorrow Yun walked towards Long Xueji's position, looking at Long Xueji's enchanting figure and peerless appearance, tomorrow Yun looked back at Xue Qiang and said, "Since there is such a beautiful girl in the women's prison? Big brother didn't die for her?"

"What are you talking about? She is Long Xueji, the only daughter of the eighth district mayor, how can your eldest brother not know the importance? Huh?" Xue Qiang quickly stated Long Xueji's identity, otherwise this matter would be more difficult.

But tomorrow, Yun smiled, and then looked at Long Xueji and said, "The daughter of Longtiannan in the eighth district? Not to mention the eighth district mayor, even the taller district mayor can't cover up criminals and kill me. Big brother, breaking the rules of the death penalty prison. This is such a major event, and the senior officials of Tianyong City are very angry. I believe that District Chief Long will not arbitrarily shelter such a sinner, is it Miss Long?"

After all, the mayor is the mayor. Although he is only the mayor of the eighth district, he is also more powerful than the ordinary people in the six districts. Although the Ming family is not afraid of the eighth district mayor, they dare not face it. The daughter of the eighth district mayor He was sentenced to death in jail for these things. Although it was just saying that, it was just a formality and would be brought forward sooner or later, so Yun would not dare to offend too much tomorrow.

Long Xueji didn't speak, but stood still and looked at Tomorrow Cloud.

The latter frowned involuntarily: "Miss Long, I don’t care what you have to do with this Su Mu. Today, you must call someone out, not to mention you. Even your father can’t be so arrogant and unreasonable. The head of the nine districts has just been dismissed. You don’t know anything, right?"

"Ying was dismissed?" Long Xueji looked at Tomorrow Yun in surprise.

The latter smiled slightly: "I heard that it was protecting someone, and finally angered the head of a district, and he was dismissed directly. Now the head of the nine districts is called Nuan Rentian, Miss. ."

Long Xueji was shocked, because she knew very well how the head of the nine districts got this position, how difficult it is for a girl to sit in this position, and now tomorrow Yun actually said that Ying Ying has been dismissed, which makes Long Xueji unable to believe it. , But tomorrow Yun has no need to deceive himself, so Long Xueji's mind was chaotic for a while.

"Get me someone!" Yun waved his hand and shouted tomorrow.

The two masters of the Great Yuan Period rushed up in an instant, and Long Xueji did not stop it anymore. Although she wanted to take care of this matter, she did not take it head-on, and, as Yun Ming said, if you force the sky In the Yongcheng high-level collision, only his father would suffer, so Long Xueji never thought of how to solve this matter since last night.

The female prisoners in the attic were kicked out one after another, and some were dressed in pajamas.

Xue Qiang glanced at Long Xueji, then raised her head and looked at Long Xueji's room, where Su Mu and Fu Yi were.






The two of them flew out of the window in an instant, and flew out with blood from their mouths. All the female prisoners who saw this scene screamed out loud, and Long Xueji and Xue Qiang couldn't help but be surprised.

Fu Hua doesn't have this strength, because it is the Great Yuan Dynasty master who went up, and there are still two, so the only thing that can explain now is... Su Mu woke up?

But only for a few hours, even if Su Mu wakes up, he won't be able to directly cause two great Yuanqi to be seriously injured, right? This is totally unreasonable. Is the power of weekends really that great? Make people leap forward overnight?

"I know! How can the person who can kill my eldest brother be an ordinary criminal? Xue Qiang, you have no choice but to do so!"


Tomorrow, Yun would shoot up in an instant, and then directly came to the window position that was flush with Long Xueji's room.

However, at this moment, a huge white light shot out, and tomorrow the cloud will turn back directly.

boom! ! !

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