Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1784: Who is she

Long Xueji finally waited for her cousin, Su Mu would be really dangerous if she didn't come again, so Long Xueji looked relaxed at this time, even though Long Xueqing came to the women’s prison to bring herself in disguise. Go out, but with the forces of the Long family, it shouldn't be a problem to rescue a man from prison, and Long Xueqing still comes with a mission, so it's easier to handle.

In Tianyong City, many missions of Warcraft are on the island of the death penalty prison, but ordinary players will not accept this type of mission. Apart from the environment here, because it is located in the death penalty prison, no one wants to be in trouble. , So this task was really delayed for two years.

But if no one accepts the task, an official person is needed to complete it. The official person's task is usually to select prisoners in the prison, because the people here die if they die. It's no big deal, and there is no employment fee.

Long Xueqing smiled and said: "In the forbidden area of ​​the island, there is a six-zone exclusive mission that needs to sit down. I hope that the warden Ming will support me this time."

Tomorrow Yun glanced at Long Xueqing and said, "Ming will naturally support things in the six districts, so please choose the manpower your wife needs."

Long Xueqing smiled, and then walked towards the crowd. Almost all the death row prisoners did not dare to look at this woman, because no one wanted to go to the forbidden area of ​​the island to do missions. There were almost nowhere to go, but they I also know that this woman chooses anyone to go, like a death squad.

However, when Long Xueqing walked in front of Su Mu, he turned around and said, "Prior Ming, this person...?"

"Oh, this person has little combat power and is still in a coma."

When she said that, she saw Long Xueqing approaching Su Mu, and then walked a few steps, she raised her hand, and then waved it a few times. After that, she saw Su Mu’s eyes start to surge, and then she Wake up.

When Su Mu woke up, he knew that he was seriously damaged this time and would definitely be punished by Tianyong City. The atmosphere on the scene also surprised Su Mu a little bit because Fuyu, Long Xueji and others were there, and there was another The beautiful woman stood in front of her.

"Hey, didn't you wake up? Take him." Long Xueqing smiled.

"Madam, this person is..."

"The people here are all death row prisoners, and the warden is afraid that he will die in the center of the island? Besides, this mission will not be able to get out of the walls of the death penalty prison. You just said that you want to support the six districts." Long Xueqing said with a smile on her face.

Tomorrow Yun is speechless, because Long Xueqing is right, and the forbidden area in the heart of the island cannot escape the one-hundred-meter wall of the death penalty prison, but tomorrow Yun is very clear that this is Long Xueji’s trick to save Su Mu, but There is no way to refuse now.

And just like what Long Xueqing said, the mission of the forbidden area in the heart of the island is almost impossible to return, so even if Su Mu is allowed to go there is no big deal. Long Xueqing and Long Xueji must leave this island. You have to sail, so no one can escape the prison's jurisdiction!

And tomorrow Yun would also like to see, why does this Long Family help a prisoner who only has the Zhongyuan period? The most important thing is that if he is allowed to grasp the Long Family’s handle, it will be more cost-effective than killing a Su Mu. , Too much cost-effective!

Tomorrow Yun thought of this and couldn't help but smile: "Okay, the second district of the prison must fully support the construction of Tianyong City."

"Then thank you, Warden Ming, haha." Long Xueqing smiled.

At this time, Fat Pig and others shouldn’t be here for decades if they still can’t see anything. So when Long Xueqing chose the manpower, Fat Pig, Bald Head and Beard took the initiative to stand up.

And Long Xueqing needs six manpower, so the current team status is Long Xueji, Su Mu, Fat Pig, bald, beard, and one short.

This personal choice did not make Su Mu think that Long Xueqing went directly to the first section of the men's prison!

Before leaving, Fu Yi finally put a smile on her face, because this means that Su Mu has the opportunity to get out of this death penalty prison, and it happened that Fengmingge arranged her to leave the death penalty prison today, so it was. Don't worry about the condition of Fuhua.

Therefore, the group walked directly to an area of ​​the prison.

Su Mu didn't see who the warden of a district was, because he, Long Xueji, Fat Pig and others were taken directly to the mountain road leading to the forbidden area of ​​the island to wait.

"Thanks." Su Mu sat on the ground and slowly circulated the Divine Venerable Heart Secret Art before standing up and facing Long Xueji.

The latter still had an indifferent expression. She glanced at Su Mu and said, "You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank you, please thank Fuyi."

"Fuyu..." Su Mu involuntarily looked in the direction of the prison, wondering if she could leave the women's prison smoothly.

At this time, the fat pig said: "Brother Su, tomorrow Yun will not let you off easily. Even if you enter the forbidden area of ​​the island, you must be very careful."

"Damn, you're going to be aggrieved everywhere, if you were outside, I would have lifted this place upside down!" The big bald head was angry and hard to bear.

"We wouldn't be able to enter this horrible place if it weren't for this kind of character." The beard said in a shameless way.

The big bald head laughed. It is true. Whom here does not impulsively do something wrong because of personality? Therefore, everyone in this death penalty jail cannot be underestimated.

At this time, Long Xueji and others all looked in the direction of the prison.

Long Xueqing walked over slowly with a man, followed by several guards.

However, when Su Mu saw the man behind Long Xueqing, he was shocked. Although he was an acquaintance, Su Mu was particularly surprised and shocked!

He couldn't help looking at Long Xueji, because of this, Su Mu didn't think of it at all.

"Who are you?" Su Mu stared at Long Xueji warily.

The three fat pigs also felt that the atmosphere was not right, and Su Mu was obviously very wary and seemed a little angry.

But Long Xueji glanced at Su Mu and said, "It's your benefactor!"

"Except for this?" Su Mu continued to stare at Long Xueji.

This person Long Xueji was known to Su Mu last night, but the people Long Xueqing brought with him made Su Mu particularly suspect that Long Xueji had premeditated. Otherwise, how could she know that she would go to the men’s prison to find this person? This shocked Su Mu too much.

When I said this, I saw Long Xueqing walking over with someone and said with a smile: "I didn't expect I would bring him here? Haha!"

It was true that Su Mu did not expect, nor did the people who were brought.

"Brother! It's really you?!" When the person saw Su Mu, his eyes widened, and he ran over quickly. Standing in front of Su Mu, his eyes started to turn red.

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