Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1791: Teach

Zhiwei and Long Xueji were both taken away. Su Mu's holding the dying angel Hong really had an indescribable taste. After all, this ninth element had a certain relationship with Su Mu. The angels suffered from such disasters and Su Mu also Can't get rid of the relationship.

Angel Hong sat up slowly, then looked at Su Mu and said with a smile: "In addition to the three words just now, the queen also said that she missed you very much, and missed you very much!"

Su Mu was startled again, and then suddenly smiled: "I don't miss her, thank you for conveying me this."

"No." Angel Hong shook his head and said: "Su, do you know, angel family, every angel believes that a guardian will be the nine reincarnations, not for life, but for life, so, Su, the Queen of Burning Flames , Is the Sue of all our angels, do you understand this?"

Su Mu didn't know what Angel Hong meant by saying this, but Su Mu, the guardian of the Nine Realms of Reincarnation, had heard Zhiyan say it.

So at this time Su Mu just wanted to know how to save her and how to find Zhiyan.

Angel Hong said: "Su's strength is now in the mid-yuan period. There is still a long way to go to the City of Angels. Today, let Hong help Su a hand?"


Without waiting for Su Mu to speak, Angel Hong’s body floated up in an instant, following the only three feathers on her body falling down, the entire Angel Hong’s perfect body appeared in front of Su Mu’s eyes. Su Mu was a bit dry at this moment. Dry.

With a charming smile, Angel Hong seemed indifferent to Su Mu's gaze. She stretched out her hands, and her perfect body slowly floated a few times, and she immediately saw that the aura in Angel Hong's palm suddenly exuded. Su Mu stood up...

"What are you going to do?" Su Mu was taken aback, because at this moment he felt the strong breath coming from Angel Hong's hands, and his whole person seemed to be filled with something.

And Angel Hong was smiling from the beginning. At this time, she continued: "The damage of the Ninth Element is incurable. Hong, 3589 years old this year, helped Su reach the level of time reincarnation with a cultivation base of three thousand years, although he was seriously injured. The body, the value of Kehong can only be reflected here. In the time of rebirth, the angels can fully assist mankind, but not in the reincarnation of the earth. If possible, Su should have broken through the 1,000-level mark in the reincarnation of the earth. , I'm connected, and the harmony is not only a gift from my Angel Hong, but also the idea of ​​Queen Burning."

boom! ! !

One after another huge aura filled Su Mu's body. At this time, Su Mu was staring at the perfect angel in front of him and muttered: "After that, are you going to fall?"

"For the angel, the fall is the end and the rebirth. Su needn't be sad. The nine reincarnations and the Hongcai three. After a thousand years, we will meet again." Angel Hong smiled.

Sometimes, when you know the beginning and end of life, death is not as terrible as you think.

Angel Hong imparted the last trace of strength to Su Mu, but it made her feel glory rather than sadness. Although there may be some side effects, under the glory of Queen Burning Flame, all members of the Angel Race put Su Mu as the most important.

At this moment, Su Mu could feel the persistence and mood in Angel Hong's heart.

Regardless of whether it is Zhiyan or Zhixin, Su Mu owes too much to the Angel Race...

"Su, Angels, Protoss, Elemental, and Humans are the source of life. No matter what kind of race, there will be nine reincarnations in the end, but the process is different and the experience is different. No matter what status you reach in the future, remember The dedication of the angels, no matter what happens in the future, please remember that the queen of our angels is Burning! She! is your most loyal guardian!!"

Su Mu frowned, because these words were the same as when he was in the **** zone. It seems that Zhiwei said that the goddess of water and blue are not completely loyal. It seems to express that Su Mu may conflict with the angel race in the future, and Angel Hong wants to He absolutely trusts Zhiyan!


Mid yuan period, late period!


Mid-Yuan period, great success!

boom! ! !

Great Yuan period! Early!

Su Mu's level, jump three levels!

In the early stage of the Great Yuan Dynasty, she stagnated, and Angel Hong’s aura slowly disappeared, and her whole body's vitality instantly wilted, and slowly drifted down...

Su Mu did not hesitate to catch her, then hugged her in her arms, looking at the smile on Hong's face, Su Mu really didn't know what to say, and the word of thanks couldn't express Hong's heart.

Three thousand years of cultivation was only exchanged for Su Mu’s promotion to the Great Yuan Period. The teaching of this spiritual energy is simply unimaginable. It is no wonder that there are so many great gods in this time of reincarnation, but no one can reach the sky in one step. It is estimated that the child can only make this child reach the mid-yuan stage.



"Can Hong make a request?" Angel Hong still smiled, it seems that nothing can make her smile disappear, even if she is dying now.

"Say, I promise you everything." Tears also appeared in Su Mu's eyes.

"Hehe, the guardian of the Queen of Angels is the best of the angel family. It is the duty of all our fighting angels to guard, but it is also the yearning of all beautiful angels. So, Sue, can you kiss me? This does not mean love. Only, it represents the relationship between you and the angel race."

Su Mu's eyes widened, but then he smiled. At this moment, Hong is about to fall, what's wrong?

So Su Mu slowly lowered his head, and then slowly approached Angel Hong's ruddy and pale lips.

The kiss fell like a dragonfly, in addition to the scent of the angel, the smile of Hong’s thin lips was printed on Su Mu’s lips...

next moment.

Hong, falling.

Su Mu slowly placed Hong's body on the jade bed, and then stood still watching Angel Hong's smile without moving for a long time.

At this time, Su Mu didn't know what to do or what to do, what should she do with her body?

At this time, Zhiwei's voice came from behind: "God, you can store her corpse. The nine reincarnations are not just a moment. The angels who died in battle of the angel race need to pay homage to the Angel Spring in the City of Angels."

Su Mu still didn't speak, but stood still looking at Angel Hong.

From the beginning to now, she hadn't had time to tell the news of Zhiyan. She didn't know if it was deliberate or because the news of Zhiyan was not important. Su Mu always felt that things were developing too quickly.

The Ninth Element suddenly appeared at this time and hunted down the Angel Race, and Angel Hong appeared on this small island, all of which made Su Mu unable to figure out.

"Ding! The ring of God's Domain is unblocked and the spatial ability is opened."

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