Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1794: Return to prison

"Su Mu, we still need to go back to the prison for this mission. You might as well go to the edge of the prison wall. I will let someone pick you up. We should work together inside and outside to try to get you all out of this death penalty prison." Long Xueqing walked to Su Mu's front and said .

Long Xueji also looked at Su Mu and said, "My sister and I will definitely be able to leave here. You are still prisoners. You must escape from prison if you want to leave, so your identities will become sensitive after leaving. No matter whether it’s the ninth district or the first district, you can’t reveal your identity.”

Pang Zhihu narrowed his mouth and said, "So, how many of our brothers have become black houses?"

Fat Pig and the others are nothing. After all, they have been in this death penalty prison for many years. It would be great if they could escape, because even if they didn't escape, they would die in this death penalty prison, or they would die unexpectedly. Therefore, jailbreaking is nothing to them.

In the death penalty prison, 90% of the people want to escape, but because of the suppression of the ring, the prisoners are only willing but incapable.

Su Mu stood there without speaking. At this time, everyone was waiting for Su Mu's decision, so Long Xueji felt something was wrong at this time. Su Mu's aura was still there, and he still had that strong killing intent. Xue Ji couldn't help but think of another title of Shadow of Remnant Soul on Earth, Remnant Soul Butcher!

She watched Su Mu couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

After a while, Su Mu suddenly put away his breath, then glanced at Long Xueqing and said, "What is the success rate of escape from prison?"

Long Xueqing glanced at Long Xueji in a daze. This question is very sharp. Now Su Mu possesses aura. Both Long Xueqing and Long Xueji are capable. Together with the guards brought by Long Xueqing, it is still It is a relatively good team.

"If it goes well, there should be a 50% chance." Long Xueqing said.

Long Xueqing seemed to see Su Mu's hesitation. She said, "If you don't try it, you won't have a 10% chance. You can only die in this prison forever, or be assassinated by Yun Tomorrow."

Su Mu glanced at the two women, then looked towards the death penalty prison compound and said: "The guards in the six districts belong to the government. How do you go back to explain to the officials in this way? Even if you have Li Changfeng's position, I guess the district head of the six districts is also I won’t let you behave, and I want to make sure that Fu Hua will leave this prison and there is one more thing to do.”

"Fu Yu will definitely leave, Fengming Pavilion has already arranged it." Long Xueji secretly said that there is still a change. Su Mu's mind is fundamentally different from ordinary people, what is he thinking?

"It might be okay if the cloud doesn't come tomorrow, but now do you feel that tomorrow the cloud will let go of Fuhua?" Su Mu asked.

Long Xueji and Long Xueqing didn't speak because they couldn't guarantee that Fuhua would leave the death penalty prison safely.

In addition, there is one more thing Su Mu needs to do. If he wants to leave the death penalty prison, he must first take a trip to the cave with a gale, which can be regarded as fulfilling his long-cherished wish for fifty years here. Moreover, Su Mu has another thought. That is to accept Gale for his own use. No matter what his identity was, he is now a prisoner in the death penalty prison, so Su Mu wants to expand his team, or wants to develop quickly to find the ninth element to counteract, at least he must have himself Of the establishment.

Su Mu turned his head and looked at Pang Zhihu, Fat Pig and the others: "You go to the edge and wait for their response. I will return to the prison with them, and we will gather in the ninth district."

"Fuck, what do you mean? You are not with us?" Pang Zhihu cursed when he heard the words, this is to let him and the fat pig and others leave first, so Su Mu will take risks by himself?

The fat pig's plump head also shook a few times and said, "Go together."

"Yes, Brother Su, we have to go together."

Su Mu looked at them and shouted, "Send death with me?"

"You said you were going to die, what did you say when you bowed? Let Laozi stay alone?" Pang Zhihu was not afraid of Su Mu's shout.

Although Fat Pig didn't speak at this time, it was obvious that like Pang Zhihu, Su Mu did not leave and they did not leave.

For a while, the atmosphere was deadlocked.

Long Xueji said: "Don't fight, since you want to go back to prison, let's go together. Both Pang Zhihu and Fat Pig don't have aura. They are likely to encounter jailers when they act alone, which will be even more troublesome."

In fact, at this time Long Xueji didn’t know why she would follow Su Mu’s thinking about the problem. Since Su Mu didn’t want to leave, she just didn’t go. And as Long Xueji said, Pang Zhihu and others had no aura. , Acting alone, even if they encounter a jailer in the mid-yuan period, they will be killed on the spot, so when they go first, it is better to go back to the prison with Su Mu to make plans.

Long Xueqing stood on the edge and sighed in her heart. This Su Mu is really hard to serve, and Li Changfeng's money is really not easy to make.

No one can convince Su Mu, so they can only act with Su Mu, so the group returned to the direction of the prison again.

On the road, Long Xueji and Long Xueqing walked side by side.

"Sister, I just met the Angel Race."

Long Xueqing widened her eyes when she heard the words, and then took a look around before she pulled Long Xueji and said, "Where?"

"It was at the position of the Flaming Bird, I met Su Mu together."

"The angels didn't attack you?"

"Not only not there, but also a very good relationship with Su Mu. I suspect that Su Mu's identity cannot be a player in the Sumen of District 9. You think, even Li Changfeng from Wanbao Pavilion is willing to pay for help from his brother-in-law. He may be ordinary Human?" Long Xueji said while looking at Su Mu's back.

Although she is an earthling, she also has the memory of Long Xueji. On this issue, Long Xueji would not say that Su Mu is an earthling, but she would never hide anything else for Su Mu. The daughter of the Long family.

And the angels are not too secretive, but in this time cycle is not something ordinary people can meet, and the most important reason that Long Xueji said this is not to do anything for the Long family, but to subconsciously want to improve Su Mu. This is the biggest reason why the Long Family should not give up assisting Su Mu.

A person who has an inextricable relationship with Wanbao Pavilion, and a person who even the Angel Race respects very much, isn't it worth the Long Family to make friends with? Long Xueji was really afraid that once she returned to prison, Su Mu would be threatened, and due to official relations, the Long Family would give up assistance to Su Mu, so now Long Xueji would directly tell Su Mu's matter.

At this time, a tragedy occurred in the prison!

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