Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1797: Reverse it

The scene is as quiet as a family.

The 1.8-meter man was killed instantly. Although it was reasonable, it made all the prisoners recognize the fact that no matter how powerful you are outside, even if you are in the Profound God Stage, in this death penalty prison, Everyone is an ordinary person, without any aura, even a player in the early yuan stage can easily kill everyone here in seconds.

Some prisoners who were about to be angry at this time also stunned instantly. They had to calm down, otherwise the result would be the same as the big man.

Tomorrow Yun was very satisfied with the quiet scene. He continued to walk up to the crowd, and then said, "This month the number of people will be reduced to 120, and there are two more batches. Those who read the name will stand up, if you dare to resist again, Go to the limbs to bleed to death!!"

The horror is lost again, whether to die well or to remove the limbs...It is difficult to decide.

"Fuck it! This Tomorrow Xiang is a beast at all! Killing children and old people?" Pang Zhihu clenched his fist in anger.

At this time, Fat Pig glanced at the angry Pang Zhihu, then patted his shoulder and said, "Forget it, brother, this is the death penalty jail, where life is the least valuable. Children and the elderly have no strength to go to the mines, so their grades are naturally not good. Ideally, this tomorrow Yun wants to reduce the number of people will naturally stare at them. This will not only increase the mine output of the second district, but also increase his majesty in a disguised form."

"Fuck! What kind of **** majesty? There is still an official addiction in this prison? Damn, brother, you just look at it like this?" Pang Zhihu looked at Su Mu intolerably.

This sentence made everyone look at Su Mu, because everyone knows Su Mu's character, and they also know that Su Mu is coming back for Fuyu and Gale, but when he encounters this kind of thing, will he also get ahead?

Long Xueji immediately said: "Don't be impulsive, don't forget what we are doing here."

Long Xueji is particularly afraid that Su Mu will be impulsive, because she knows that Su Mu is an earthling, and she knows Su Mu's identity. She doesn't want to see the shadow of the remnant soul like a madman at this time. After all, she and Long Xueqing are the only ones on the scene. And the three of Su Mu have aura, if they fight, there will be no magic, even if Su Mu's previous combat effectiveness is different from ordinary people.

That's why Long Xueji quickly stopped Pang Zhihu and others from speaking.

"Su Mu, my sister has already sent someone to the women's prison. If Fu Hua has left, we must act according to the plan." Long Xueji said.

Su Mu glanced at her and asked, "Can you watch the terrible situation of the Second District Prison? There are still some children and old people."

Long Xueji was startled when he heard the words, Su Mu's tone was faint and didn't seem to have much anger, but Long Xueji felt that Su Mu was even more terrifying. She watched Su Mu involuntarily swallowed, and said, "Su Mu, I said, don’t you like to listen. All the people in the death penalty prison have committed capital crimes. They should have died long ago. They only came here because Tianyong City needs ore construction, but the prison rooms, food Waiting is limited, so the number of people will be reduced every month to maintain it. No one can change this status quo. I can’t, and neither can you.”

Su Mu smiled and looked at Long Xueji: "Does this **** person also include you?"

Long Xueji stared at Su Mu again, because Long Xueji was sentenced to death sentence because of the crime, but because of her identity, she would not be the same as an ordinary prisoner, so she could not use it. The thing with the suppression ring appeared.

However, Su Mu's words made her unable to refute, because she understood that if it were not for her identity, she should be the same as an ordinary female prisoner. She would not live in the attic, let alone bring her maid in, nor would she be so relaxed. Can get out.

Long Xueji was speechless.

Long Xueqing hurriedly said: "Don't fight for now, this matter can't be resolved anyway, let's do our thing first, where is the gale you're looking for?"

Su Mu shook his head and did not see the gale from the beginning, but Su Mu's mood was really not very good at this time. Su Mu would not kill children and women on the earth battlefield, but here he saw countless teenagers. The child was hunted, and this tomorrow cloud also offended some of Su Mu's inverse scales. Wasn't it because Su Mu couldn't stand this situation?

Another wave of prisoners were called up. Su Mu once again looked at the twenty children and the old man in front of him and said: "San'er, Fat Pig, you say, where can we go even if we leave this death penalty prison? Leave Tianyong City or leave the Huadu Empire?"

Everyone was stunned. The entire nine districts of Tianyong City were all under the jurisdiction of Tianyong City, and the entire Tianyong City was just an imperial city in the Huadu Empire. So if Su Mu and others escaped from the death penalty prison And go, so where can they go? Wandering around? Or died on the way to be hunted down?

It seems that there is no good way.

Su Mu said again: "Actually, you all know that even if you can leave the death penalty prison, you won't be able to live as freely as before."

Pang Zhihu said: "At least I won't sit and eat like this and wait to die."

"Yes!" the fat pig and the bald three also said.

Su Mu smiled: "Yes, it depends on the face of the jailer, the mood of the warden, and the number of mines you open. So although we will be chased after we leave, at least we are free and our mood is Free, but is this the life you want?"

Pang Zhihu and others didn't understand what Su Mu meant, but Long Xueji's eyes widened. She looked at Su Mu dumbly and asked, "You, what are you going to do?"

Su Mu smirked, then looked at Pang Zhihu and asked, "San'er, you don't have any **** house anymore, do you have anything to worry about?"

Pang Zhihu was silent, but he still shook his head subconsciously. There is no more home. What's more terrible?

Fat Pig and the others suddenly realized something at this time. They also looked at Su Mu in surprise. Is this man too ambitious?

The big bald head was still sweating on his forehead at this time. He watched Su Mu constantly swallowing, and then murmured: "Brother Su, your courage is fatter than the fat man..."

"Haha!" Su Mu couldn't help laughing.

In fact, they all understood what Su Mu was going to do at this time, but they didn't expect that Su Mu would have such courage at this time, but maybe this is Su Mu, who they think is different from ordinary people.

Whether it's Pang Zhihu or Fat Pig, isn't it because Su Mu's personality is too crazy and loyal to befriend Su Mu?

Pang Zhihu also smiled and said, "Brother Su, let's go the other way!"

"Brother Su, go the other way."

"It's the opposite."

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