Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1816: You are not handsome (6 more)

Four eyes face each other.

Long Xueji's eyes looked straight at Su Mu, staring at Su Mu as if she couldn't believe it. She rubbed her eyes vigorously, and then stood up abruptly.

This Nima, Su Mu is really about to spit blood, this woman is completely present in front of Su Mu after she stands up, that snow white, that slender...Tsk...

"Uh...fuck..." Su Mu hadn't said a word, and then he saw Long Xueji hooking Su Mu's neck, and with aura, directly pressed Su Mu into the bathtub.


The suppression of the aura made Su Mu unable to stand up at all, so he could only plunge his head into the bath tub head down. Su Mu wanted to turn around, so he grabbed Long Xueji’s two calves directly, and then wanted to separate his head. Up...

Well, this time, I looked at it thoroughly!

Long Xueji was standing in the bathtub, and Su Mu squatted in the bathtub and looked up, huh...



Su Mu wanted to laugh, but his mouth was full of water...

At this time, Long Xueji stood there and watched her handmaid walk in. The two looked at each other. The handmaid stared at Long Xueji's body and her eyes widened: "Miss you..."

"Oh! It's okay!" Long Xueji hurriedly sat down again. This sitting, okay, directly sat on Su Mu's head. Nima's posture made Su Mu want to die, but Su Mu couldn't help thinking. To laugh out loud, so a few gurgling breaths came out of the water.

It just so happened that the maid walked to the side of the tub at this time, and suddenly saw the bubbles in the water, and then looked at Long Xueji directly, can bubbles be formed besides farting? Seems to be gone...

Long Xueji was embarrassed. Now she hates Su Mu to death, so she can only look at the maidservant with a flushed face and say, "Okay, you can go out when you are done."

The maidservant also endured a laugh, with an embarrassing look, she packed Long Xueji's underwear and put down the clean clothes, but when she turned her back, she could see the maid's body that was shaking with a smile!

Although he did not see Su Mu, these few breaths of Su Mu really embarrassed Long Xueji to death.

Who the **** can fart gurgling several times in a row? And every bubble is so big, this **** makes Long Xueji want to die!

Therefore, at this time, Long Xueji’s face turned red, especially when I thought that it was Su Mu who wiped her back before, and that her own words made Long Xueji even more embarrassed, but fortunately, Su Mu sighed a few times just now, causing the maid to think that Long Xueji was'farting' and blushed embarrassingly, otherwise she really couldn't explain it.

The maidservant held back her laugh, and then turned around and said, "Miss, I have packed up, do you want the maid to help you change clothes?"

Long Xueji's face, she stared at the maidservant and said, "What do you think?"

"Oh, the maidservant has gone down, call me if you have something." The maidservant quickly left the room.

When I closed the door, I heard the maid's silver bell laugh.


Su Mu came out of water, and then panted for breath. At this moment, Long Xueji took a leap and came directly to the screen, and then turned her back to Su Mu naked. That figure, tut...

Putting on the clothes directly, Long Xueji said nothing.

Su Mu endured a laugh and saw that there was no one at the door before saying: "That...I really didn't mean it..."

Long Xueji did not speak.

"Well, did your maid just laugh at you..."

"To shut up!"


Su Mu was big and small, because he had also thought that he swallowed several mouthfuls of bath water in a row, causing the bubbles to be very big, so the maidservant could only think that Long Xueji had farted. Is there any other choice?

Laughing Su Mu laughed and jumped out of the bath tub, while Long Xueji, who was wearing clothes, seemed to face Su Mu with her back, but her face was flushed to the base of her neck, and her ears and lips were bleeding as blood red.

Su Mu didn't dare to laugh too loudly, but couldn't help it!

Long Xueji turned her head, then stared at Su Mu and said, "Is it funny?"

"No! Not funny! Pouch! Hahaha!!!"


Long Xueji's face, there is no way to describe it.

Being watched by a man taking a shower twice in a row did not say anything, and being considered by a slave and maid that he had made a super big fart in the shower, it was embarrassing and embarrassing that a girl could not help.

But because the other party was Su Mu, Long Xueji could only endure, staring at Su Mu while biting her red lips!

Su Mu said while covering his mouth: "Then what, I really didn't mean it. When I came in just now, someone outside dared not speak, and you treated me as your maidservant again, so...just..."

Long Xueji got dressed, then walked to the dressing table and sat down and said, "I will not be called Long Xueji if I take a bath and ask the maidservant to help me!"


Su Mu sat on the ground, then slapped the floor and laughed. Anyway, he couldn't hear anything outside, so he laughed presumptuously.

Long Xueji felt embarrassed looking in the mirror, so she combed her hair while staring at Su Mu through the mirror. After a long time, she suddenly said, "I tell you! You are not handsome! Not a gentleman! Laugh! Have you smiled? That's great!"

Su Mu shut up when he heard the words, then stood up and twisted the water on his clothes while walking behind Long Xueji and said: "You call me a scum, call me garbage, call me a gangster! But you can't deny it. The truth says I'm not handsome! I can't bear it!"

Long Xueji stared at Su Mu through the mirror and said: "You are not handsome! You are ugly! Not handsome! You are not handsome!"

Puff haha!

Su Mu laughed again: "Okay haha! I'm not handsome! Not handsome! You are beautiful, okay? Every part of your body is beautiful, eh, your heart shape was specially cut out, right?"

"You!!!" Long Xueji's face flushed again!

Because of the limited conditions in the death penalty prison, after returning to the eighth district, Long Xueji specially modified her body, including the most mysterious part, trimmed it into a heart shape, but it happened to be seen by Su Mu. , Who is going to make sense!

"Haha! I didn't mean to see it! Who told you to stand up after seeing me? Also, didn't you sit on my head to show me a good look?"

"You! You! Su Mu, you are a scumbag!!!"

Long Xueji was completely angry. She sat on the dressing table angrily, her eyes watery and about to cry...

Su Mu felt that he was a bit too much, and quickly closed his mouth and stopped laughing, then walked behind Long Xueji and said: "Sorry, I didn't mean it, don't be angry..."


"I apologized to you, what else do you want? You said I'm not handsome anymore, we are even."

"Who is even with you?!"

"Not even? Then I saw a birthmark on your **** too, hahaha!!"


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