Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1835: Kill tens of thousands instantly

"Go back and tell the city lord of Tianyong! In my eyes, Su Mu didn't give up the four words of brother. I want Lao Tzu to leave my brother and leave! I can't do it!!!"

The two Profound God Stage masters were surprised, but all the members of the God Realm Empire below were surprised and moved beyond words.

Obviously they failed or betrayed Su Mu first, and now the conditions given by Tianyong City are likely to allow Su Mu to take over the post of district head of the next generation. This condition is simply what everyone dreams of, but for them. The people who wanted to betray them actually chose to give up?

Countless people don't know what to say.

However, at this moment, three rays of light appeared again in the sky, and the three Galeans appeared.

Soka and the white-haired old man in Tianyong City looked at each other at this time, and then quickly chased in the direction of the Gale Three. Their mission itself was not aimed at Su Mu, because Su Mu was only in the mid-primary period, and their mission was Hunt down several Profound God Stage masters among this prisoner.

So for a time, Su Mu was left in the air.

He turned and looked at the members of the Divine Realm Empire below and shouted: "Everyone has listened to me. Now you are my brothers, and you will be my brothers for the rest of your life. Today I will teach you the most important lesson! After that, no matter who it is, no matter it is anyone, as long as it is the brother of my God's Domain Empire! No betrayal, no giving up! Our aim is: I would rather die than give up!"

Everyone was full of enthusiasm, even more because of the conversation between Su Mu and the two Profound God Stage masters just now.

Pang Zhihu, Fat Pig and others also had tears in their eyes, following Su Mu, right.

But the members of the Gods Domain Empire who had just been defeated and retreated were ashamed.

"Damn it! Too bad I wanted to run away just now? Fuck!!"

"Sorry boss!"

"Fuck! Lao Tzu also fights with them!"

"Damn, isn't it tens of thousands? Brothers single-minded, what else can't be done?"

"Brothers, we treat the boss like this, but the boss tolerates us like this, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Oh shit!"


"Brothers! Charge with me! Kill all the garbage in Tianyong City!"

"Brothers! We have nowhere to escape. The consequence of not resisting is to be slaughtered by soldiers in Tianyong City! Why should we escape?!"

"Yes! Kill!"




The crowd rushed in an instant, and the members who were defeated just now were about to rush down the dock.

Fuchu Wan'er, Su Gui and others finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time. As long as they arouse the morale of these people, then today may not be the defeat of the Gods Domain Empire!

So this is, Fuchu Wan'er ran to Xue Qiang's position again to prepare logistics and treatment.


Su Mu suddenly shouted in the air at this moment: "Stop everything for me!"

The group of people stopped in place for an instant, Pang Zhihu and Fat Pig were excited, and suddenly they were startled when they heard Su Mu's words.

At this time, he saw Su Mu flying forward for a certain distance, and then stared at the members of the God's Domain Empire and shouted: "Now you know about fighting? Now you know the consequences are serious? Now you know you want to resist? What did you do just now?! Ok?!"

Everyone stunned.

Shouldn't it be a concerted war? Why did Su Mu suddenly change his tone and question them again?

However, Su Mu shouted again: "Today! It is a lesson for me and you! So! Let me stand and watch it all!"

After that, Su Mu looked at Pang Zhihu and said, "Pang Zhihu, Fat Master! Thousands of you and me! Go over this group of troops in Tianyong City! Kill me!"

"Hahaha! Kill!"


"Wow haha! Kill!"

Fat Pig and the others became excited instantly.

However, the members of the God's Domain empire who were blocked by Su Mu were a bit low at this time, because now there are 50,000 soldiers in Tianyong City, how can they compete with less than 1,000?

The sky in Tianyong City couldn't help but sneered at this scene, which made it a bit big.

"All! Kill this mob! Charge!"



Only a thousand people, even if you add a Su Mu? Especially when they heard that Su Mu and his own members participated in the war, the soldiers in Tianyong City became more excited. If Su Mu in the air were killed in this war, it would simply fly into the sky!

So at this time, everyone rushed up excitedly.

Pang Zhihu, Fat Pig and others knew that the charge was not an opponent, but in this case, they could only yell crazy.


When the two teams collided.


A huge barrier appeared in front of them, and almost at the same time they saw all the soldiers in Tianyong City as if they had hit the glass.

Puff puff!

Bang bang bang!



All the soldiers of Tianyong City were on the spot at this moment.

No one thought that an enchantment would be formed between them and the members of the God's Domain Empire, or even completely blocking the battle line of the entire beach. This shocked not only the soldiers of Tianyong City, but also the members of the God's Domain Empire.

Because at this time they had already seen Su Mu waving the blade wing in the air, and the strong white spirit surging down from his blade wing formed this barrier.

"Tianyong City wants to regain this small island, unless the cycle of time ceases to exist!" Su Mu suddenly shouted, and then disappeared in the air instantly.

Appearing again, he already came to the top of the soldiers of Tianyong City, and then quickly passed by.


Puff puff!

The blade wing is like a sharp knife, wherever Su Mu passed by, all soldiers were killed, and the scene was once turned into the Shura hell!


"Ah!" Chang Kong exclaimed, because Su Mu did not fly down to kill these people, but to seize Chang Kong!

Among the tens of thousands of troops, Changkong was caught in the air by Su Mu, and then stopped directly at a height of fifty meters.

"Oh, 50,000 people want to suppress my God's Domain Empire? Go back and tell the City Lord Tianyong, even if you bring 500,000 people! This island will never be recovered!" Su Mu's cold voice sounded.

At this time, Chang Kong didn't dismiss Su Mu's words, even though Su Mu was very powerful, but if 500,000 people came to attack a small rebel prison, wouldn't it be a big laugh? Moreover, let alone 500,000 people, even a few Profound God Stages would be enough to disintegrate the entire God Realm Empire.

However, before Changkong could speak, he saw that Su Mu's long sword pointed at Hengkong suddenly, and then faintly spit out four words: "God! Honor! Heaven! Condemnation!!!"

Hum! ! !

Hum! ! !

The dark clouds spread in an instant. Above the sea, a group of dark clouds directly formed a vortex-like scene, followed closely, among these vortexes, lightning and lightning!

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