Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1890: Mysterious letter

Long Xueji also frowned slightly. This sentence seemed to be used when she entered the Nine Districts just now. Is she an old friend now?

Afterwards, the letter was sent in, and Su Mu directly opened the envelope and took a look.

[Should I call you Su Mu or Mu Ying? Living is the shadow of God?

Regardless of the name, it’s just one person, right? Maybe you don't remember who I am, but I want to tell you that you want to rise in the cycle of time. It is absolutely impossible. Have you forgotten the more than one hundred uncontrollable players in the cycle of earth? They have all come to the cycle of time, so your plan will be put on hold forever...

Maybe you will disdain to smile, but if we see the truth in the war, maybe we will meet in a few days?

A very old friend. 】

Su Mu frowned, who is this person?

Judging from his knowledge of Su Mu’s name, he must be an earthling. People who know Su Mu in the cycle of time only know that Su Mu is called Su Mu. No one has ever known that Su Mu is called Muying, or even the shadow of God, except for Long Xueji, who comes from the earth. Talents will know.

Ying, Dead Xue, and Xia Feng could not reveal Su Mu's identity, so this person must also be an earthling.

"Whose letter?" Long Xueji asked, looking at Su Mu frowning.

"It's probably the same as us." Su Mu looked at Long Xueji and said, "And I'm afraid there will be some changes."

"Same as us? Are you talking about earthlings?" Long Xueji also became curious. Although she came here to know a few earthlings, she knew all of them after all. As said before, there were more than one hundred people. She hasn't touched anyone beyond the control of the reincarnation of the earth.

And Su Mu nodded and said: "Yes, it should be an earthling. Knowing my name is Muying and the title of the Shadow of God, and dare to send me a letter like this, he must be one of my opponents."

"Also, someone who has always wanted to defeat you, or someone with a bit of strength, right?" Long Xueji is not stupid. Since he knows that Su Mu is the shadow of God, if he dares to send the letter like this, it must be to understand Su Mu, even always The opponent is Su Mu.

"Okay, it's dark, you should go back, as we said before, tomorrow night I will sneak into the eighth district to meet with your father."

"Why are you in such a hurry to rush people? I am your slave, right? I will throw it away when I use it up. I'm not righteous! Humph!" Long Xueji turned around and snorted.

Su Mu was helpless and really didn't know what to say. Once Su Mu and her got serious, they would definitely be molested again, so Su Mu could only shout, "Thank you," watching Long Xueji leaving behind.

"Just a word?" Long Xueji really stopped at the door, this woman, you shouldn't pay attention to her.

Su Mu patted his forehead and didn't know how to answer.

Long Xueji chuckled and said, "It scares you, and you don't need to promise you, are you as good as it is?"


"Go, don't give it away, so your little lover will not be jealous."


After Long Xueji left, Su Mu directly called Fat Pig and Bald Head over, and then discussed today’s attack plan. Originally, according to Long Xueji’s statement, it was impossible to attack again tomorrow, but Su Mu didn’t want to have more dreams at night, so he called Fat Pig and the others. Negotiate.

After listening to Su Mu's plan, the fat pig couldn't help but glanced at his bald head, and then his plump face shook a few times and said, "Brother, you are a bit unkind to do this? Didn't you say that you will go with Miss Long tomorrow night? See Long Tiannan? Didn't you ruin your promise by going tonight?"

Su Mu shook his head and stood up and said: "The ghost knows what will happen tomorrow, so you can't have many dreams at night. You must fight quickly. We must stand in the eighth and ninth areas to avoid being embarrassed on all sides, so we can't wait. On Long Xueji's side, I can explain to her again tonight."

This letter today made Su Mu a little uneasy, so after Long Xueji left, Su Mu still decided not to wait for tomorrow. After all, Su Mu now holds the lives of tens of thousands of people in his hands. He can't make jokes about the lives of these people, so he can only change The plan was discussed with Long Xueji before.

"Then why didn't you explain to Miss Long directly? You suspect her?" The big bald head suddenly said.

The big bald head said that Su Mu didn't know how to answer. For the woman Long Xueji, Su Mu had trust, but also some distrust, but Su Mu was so strange about her identity and her motives.

If Long Xueji just wanted to help Su Mu purely, then even Su Mu's small belly chicken intestines would be fine. It would be a big deal to apologize later, but Su Mu couldn't take the lives of tens of thousands of people in jokes, so he could only nod slightly.

Fat Pig and Bald looked at each other. Is Long Xueji still doubtful? Is Su Mu overly cautious?

"It’s not that I don’t believe her, but now we have tens of thousands of brothers. Even if Long Xueji is sincere to me 90%, what about other factors? Long Tiannan, and People in the first district of Tianyong City, etc. What if they attack tomorrow? Then we really can’t do anything. I ignored this when I discussed with her just now, so it’s too late to talk to her. If I can go tonight, if Long Tiannan does not agree to surrender, then we will directly attack the eighth area, and we will definitely occupy the nine and eighth areas before dawn."

The fat pig and the bald head nodded, and they can only do this now. As Su Mu said, they are not alone now, so they have to think carefully for the brothers.

Now that the matter has been set, Fat Pig and Bald are still planning tonight's offensive. All the soldiers are ready to fight. Although they have not directly issued orders, they are still ready to go.

After dinner, Su Mu left the district government alone and headed straight for the eighth district.

Regardless of the result of going to Long Tiannan this time, he must win the eighth district tonight. This is what Su Mu must do tonight.


Su Mu concealed half of his face, and then entered the 8th district city, avoiding some mixed crowds. Su Mu directly followed all the people running the task into the front yard of the 8th district district government, and then hid away from the crowd...

A black shadow appeared outside the city wall in the inner courtyard of the eighth district, Su Mu avoided the guards in a ‘light car familiar road’, and then fell into the garden again.

The first thing Su Mu had to do was to find Long Xueji. Only she and Su Mu could persuade Long Tiannan, so Su Mu once again infiltrated the eight districts, the district government and Long Xueji’s In front of the boudoir...

It's just that Su Mu stopped when he saw Long Xueji's boudoir door, because he couldn't help but remember the scene of the last time he opened the door and entered, wouldn't it be that coincidence this time?

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