"Holy! Light! Prestige! Pressure!!!"

In the air, Su Mu fell in a Tathagata palm posture, and then the long sword burst out with dazzling golden light, instantly impacting down.

This skill has helped Su Mu to subdue the goddesses countless times, and now, Su Mu took it out again. It’s not that Su Mu could not restrain the **** pet by other means, but that Su Mu had to create absolute suppression ability and must kill with one blow. Moreover, there is no penalty for the coercion of the Holy Light after Su Mu's equipment evolves, and there is no limit on the number of times, and some are just time cooling.

So at this time, the pressure of the Holy Light fell instantly!

A round, golden beam of light instantly fell on the white-haired old man's head!

God pet also has his own active intelligence, so at this time, the white-haired old man instantly propped up the defensive shield, and it was a thick white shield!

boom! ! ! !

The golden light fell in an instant, hitting the old man’s shield directly, but in an instant, the shield was defensive for an instant, and then it was directly cracked like an egg shell...

At this moment, whether it was Xie Ming or Ting Tse, including all the players who watched the game, their eyes widened. And watched in horror that the golden light fell directly on the white-haired old man's head...


The **** pet screamed, because after the power of the holy light broke through the defensive shield, it melted the head of the **** pet directly like burning...then the neck, body, and the sound of chuckling makes people listen. I feel panic, not to mention the fact that the pet is instantly attacked into a powder state...

boom! ! !

Skills fall!

Su Mu's figure also fell in an instant. At this time, around Su Mu, some dust that resembled being burned was slowly drifting, what about God's favor? It has disappeared completely, and there seems to be nothing but the staff to prove that the pet has appeared...

At this time, the scene was extremely quiet, terribly quiet.

As for Su Mu, he stood there with a smile, feeling the strong power from his body, as if he had returned to the peak of the shadow of God, he slowly raised his head, and then looked at Xie Ming and his son. Four cold words: "How do you want to die?"

In the audience, there is still a quiet needle drop that can be heard.

Xie Ming and Ting Ting were shocked to speak after seeing that the **** pet was killed again. At this time, Ting Ting was absolutely broken. For the second time, Su Mu killed his **** pet, and every time. It's one hit kills.

Is the gap between himself and him always so big? Isn't he restrained in strength? Why now feel that he is more enchanting than when he was on earth?

Xie Ming's eyes widened, as if he knew what the result was, but he was still unwilling to believe that Su Mu's combat effectiveness was still so crazy.


Before the father and son could react from the shock, they saw that Su Mu's figure quickly disappeared in place, and once again appeared to be in the middle of the father and son.

Unexpectedly, Su Mu's long sword had disappeared, and the silver armor on his body was still so dazzling, and then he saw the silver light coming to Xie Ming's body instantly.



As if playing in slow motion, Xie Ming's feet left the ground instantly, and his head was raised, and he opened his mouth and three teeth flew out instantly...

This was not over yet, Xie Ming's body had just been beaten up when he saw the silver figure approaching Ting Ting's side, and then he heard a bang, like a fist hit the human abdomen.

It was just that Xie Ting instantly bowed his waist, and then saw blood spray out of his mouth.




The silver figure shuttled back and forth between the two of them, father and son, and then kept making banging noises. He couldn't even see how Su Mu did it, or even how he made moves!

Bang bang bang!

It lasted for a full ten seconds, and then everyone finally caught Su Mu's figure, only seeing the silver figure directly above Xie Ming's body that was hit in the air.

"Try the Chinese ancient martial arts!"

"Lost Shadow Foot!!"

A cheating lifted up, and Su Mu burst into a loud shout on the top of Xie Ming's head. At this moment, he saw Xie Ming's eyes widened and watched Su Mu's heels on top of his head, and then there was a boom!

Bang! ! !

Xie Ming was shot down to the ground in an instant, and then it seemed to be embedded in the grass!

But the battle was not over yet, Su Mu's figure disappeared again and came to the top of Ting Ting's head, shouting: "Shadow Palm!"


In the painting style just now, Xie Ting's eyes widened and watched Su Mu's palm coming to his Tianling cover. When he saw it, it was too late to escape, so he could only subconsciously close his eyes!

boom! ! ! !

It was shot to the ground with a palm again!

In the quiet scene, Su Mu's light and fluttering figure slowly landed on the ground, and then took a breath, feeling all kinds of speed and power flowing on the body, that feeling, warm and comfortable...

At this time, the quiet scene had reached a terrifying point, but Su Mu slowly turned around and looked at Xie Ming and Xie Ting.

"You have the right to scream, but you have to recognize what you are! The end of clamoring with Lao Tzu is a punch and kick. You can't buckle the punches!!"



The members of the God's Domain Empire instantly roared.

At this time, Xie Ming and Xie Ting really couldn't buckle them out. They were completely embedded in the grass, but they were not killed by Su Mu. They seemed to have done so deliberately.

The roar was deafening, but Su Mu slowly walked up to Xie Ming's, then squatted down and looked at Xie Ming's horrified face with a sneer, "Xie Ming, do you know, stupid is never going to be smart? Human, because you will never recognize the facts. Do you know how many wars the Shadow of God has participated in? Also, do you know why there were no small guilds in the war between China and Wadao three years ago Is it over?"

"It's you!" Xie Ming suddenly surprised.

Su Mu stood up and smiled: "It's not that I don't care about the people, but you, you don't know what unity is. I tried to help the people, but the result? This year I led God's Domain to participate in the national war, but the result?"

Su Mu directly sacrificed the sword of the gods, and pointed to the front of Si Nankong and shouted: "Even if you don't come to Tianyong City, I have to fight over! Si Nankong, if you have a seed, you can step forward and try!"



The God's Domain Empire shouted again, and the atmosphere reached its climax, especially Su Mu's last words directly made the blood of the people of the God's Domain Empire boil!

If you don't come to Tianyong City, I will attack you! What a feat of rhetoric!

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