Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1914: Anti-control

The baby’s clothes are a bit messy, the collarbone and snow-white skin on the chest are exposed, but the smile on his face is undiminished. Although it is pressed, even with a suppression ring, it is not as embarrassed as expected, and after seeing Su Mu Still thinking about joking, Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief, but it made Xie Ming and Sinan Kong extremely angry.

"Fuck! Are you conscious? Do you know what you are doing now?" Xie Ming couldn't help but swear.

Su Mu and Long Xueji looked at Xie Ming. The former pretended to suddenly say: "Oh, we are here to redeem people. Are you robbing people, right?"


Long Xueji can't help but laugh, when is this Su Mu still thinking about playing tricks?

Xie Ming frowned. Su Mu's performance made him feel worse and worse, as if he felt like being tricked, but now this woman is indeed in their hands. Why is this Su Mu still so bold?

Although Sinankong felt this way, he did not know the true identities of Su Mu and Ying, nor did he know the true identities of Xie Ming, let alone what Liangzi was between them, so he said at this time: "Su Mu , Our request is very simple, that is, you cannot go to the Imperial City Summit. Now that the Imperial City has recognized your Divine Realm empire, going to the summit now means sending you to death. Everyone is smart, and you should know what I mean."

Su Mu nodded and said: "Yes, I went to the summit. If I truly return to the Huadu Empire, I will definitely be assigned a position. Your position as district mayor will not be guaranteed. I can understand your original intention. It's just Xie Ming, you. What did mom eat? You don’t have a long memory?"

"You!" Xie Ming was speechless. Whether in the cycle of earth or time, Xie Ming and his son were defeated by Su Mu, and they were killed in an instant, so Su Mu's words undoubtedly stabbed Xie Ming. Sore spots.

"Su Mu, you pretend less, your woman is in my hands now, I have only one request, write a letter of rejection and submit it to the imperial city, and then refuse to participate in the summit, refuse to submit, otherwise... Ha!" Xie Ming said back Look at the baby's position, otherwise, this woman would never want to survive, this is Xie Ming's subtext.

Su Mu nodded: "I didn't intend to submit, but you are forcing me to use a woman. Isn't it a bit too promiscuous?"

"You don't have any **** brilliance, don't talk nonsense, agree or not, you choose."

"Oh, why should I choose by myself? Baby, what do you think I should do?"

The atmosphere in the hall changed instantly, with a bang.

The infant behind him was directly out of the control of the two people, and then moved his wrists while walking towards Su Mu and smiled: "These people are really capable, if it weren't for the death of Xuexue desperately, he would have almost said the day before yesterday. Tsk tsk, Xie Ming, Is the president of Longmen Villa?"

"You, you, you!" Xie Ming and Sinankong were shocked.

With the suppression ring and being controlled by two masters of the profound spirit stage, how could she escape instantly? Moreover, it seems that the strength of this woman is the most profound stage.

However, Ying's confident and ironic smile and the reality out of control still made them a little unbelievable.

Walking up to Su Mu's, Ying said, "How is Xueer?"

"Sister Ying, don’t worry, Wang Xue has nothing to do now. He has cultivated in District 8, but who is the mysterious person you are talking about?" Long Xueji didn’t know the identity of that person from Su Mu’s mouth, so now only Can expect the baby to tell her.

Ying Ying glanced at Su Mu curiously and said, "You didn't tell him?"


"It's not a secret, why not tell me?"

"I just don't believe it, so I want to see it with my own eyes, Sinan Kong, please invite that person out." Su Mu looked at Sinan Kong.

Si Nankong and Xie Ming were completely stunned at this time, because Ying had broken free, and now they were not threatening Su Mu at all, but it seemed that Su Mu was ordering them.

Now Si Nankong finally knows why Xie Ming must target Su Mu. According to his strength and the strength of the people around him, let alone Tianyong City, even certain positions in the Imperial City, Su Mu, can do it easily, Yin Fengyang I would never let such a strong master take it for his own use, of course, the premise is that Su Mu would return to Yin Fengyang.

Xie Ming glanced around, then rolled his eyes a few times, and shouted: "Su Mu, even if you are in this situation now, I still have to tell you, don't have too many women around you, you feel that I can't control her or others. Huh? We are all from the same place, and you are too underestimated."

"Are you talking about Wan'er and Fu Yao?" Su Mu sneered.



At this moment, Sinan Kong's heart was shocked, but he saw Ying's body appear in front of Xie Ming's body, and pinched Xie Ming's throat, only to hear Ying's gentle and frightening voice. Said: "Yesterday, did you touch my arm?"




There was no sign at all, Xie Ming's left arm was cut off by Ying's dagger in an instant, blood splashed on the floor of the hall instantly, and Ying Ying had returned to Su Mu's side with a faint smile.

"Where is that person?" Su Mu asked again.

Si Nankong was completely sluggish at this time. He knew that this situation was no longer because they were trying to threaten Su Mu. They were digging holes and jumping for themselves. This woman was beyond their control. The day before yesterday was able to subdue her entirely because of the imperial city. that person.

"Forget it, don't ask, he has already returned to the imperial city, you won't see him." Ying said.

Su Mu nodded: "Yes, you can stay here and proceed according to the original plan."

Ying nodded and said, "It's okay. It's time to do something big. You can't always be decadent in this time cycle, right?"

Su Mu turned around and walked in the direction of the gate and said, "I will go to the summit, and if nothing happens, I will be back within three days. After returning, we will start our plan."

"You just left? You are not comforting others?" Although Ying's tone was aggrieved and coquettish, the smile on his face was charming and moving, which was obviously a way of molesting Su Mu.

Su Mu didn't speak, Long Xueji hurriedly walked to Ying's side and said, "Sister Ying, who is that person?"

Ying Ying smiled slightly: "Do you really want to know?"

"Yeah! Think!" Long Xueji's head was like a chicken pecking rice. She was so curious that Su Mu had kept her from her all the way. Now that Ying Ying is okay, Xie Ming and Sinankong are controlled again, she doesn't want to It's the one who knows the person who can control Yingying. Why should Yingming be kidnapped by Xie Ming and Sinankong because Ying has such a strong strength? Isn't this unnecessary?

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