Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1918: The source of water (6 more)

In the face of all kinds of ridicule, Su Mu can't say that he is not angry at all, but in order to get news of the goddess of water blue, he can only bear it, and Su Mu is now much calmer than before. Who wouldn't pretend to be such a thing? However, in exchange for the news of the goddess of water and blue at the price of pretending, Su Mu preferred to swallow his breath.

If you fight here, Su Mu has no chance of winning, these Profound God Stage Profound Sage Stage can instantly kill him and Long Xueji in seconds.

So facing Long Xueji's angry eyes, Su Mu just smiled slightly and said, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if the facts are told by others."

"When did you become so awkward?" Long Xueji snorted. Su Mu, who has always been arrogant, actually wilted at this time? This is not the Su Mu she knew Long Xueji.

Yin Fengyang laughed, then levitated instantly.

The buzzing aura directly shook the surrounding snowflakes, as if the snowflakes had avoided Yin Fengyang.

A golden light appeared in the sky, and Yin Fengyang's body was instantly filled with violent aura.

"Mingjin! Reverberating!"

"Get up!"

Buzzing! ! !


Boom boom boom! ! !

A huge sword energy instantly fell on the left-mark stele, which directly caused the entire stele to shake for a few minutes, and then saw a one-foot deep gully appeared on the stele, but the stele remained motionless.

But this kind of deep gully is still shocking, everyone exclaimed, besides being really surprised, it can be regarded as patting the horse Yin Fengyang.


"So deep!"

"If City Lord Yin advances again, I'm afraid he will be able to smash this stone tablet. It seems that the time when the stone tablet is broken is the day that City Lord Yin advances."

"Yeah yeah!"


Yin Fengyang smiled helplessly, then clapped his hands and said: "It's still the same as in previous years. This stele has been around for hundreds of years, and it is still so strong. Please prepare and start entering the land of extreme ice."

Everyone shook their heads, and then began to prepare what they needed. In fact, everyone was already ready, just waiting for Yin Fengyang to open the gate of this extremely ice land.

At this time, Su Mu was staring at the monument that left marks, and then started the technique of insight.

"Ding! Insight into 25% information, reading..."

name:? ?

Qi and blood: 5 million

Attributes:? ?

Introduction: The recovery of everything, the source of water.

Function: It can transform any form, the source of life.

Su Mu was dumb, with blood?

Five million qi and blood, this attribute makes Su Mu feel extremely friendly, because this attribute seems to have not appeared in front of Su Mu for a long time.

However, Su Mu was smiling now.

This stone monument is said to be indestructible, but in reality, it is because everyone can only attack once a year. Otherwise, they would have smashed the stone monument. The second attack would be invalid. Broken is waiting for the coming year.

But it will still be the same in the coming year, and it can only be smashed into pieces by smashing his blood in one effort.

This is the same as Su Mu encountered those high-qi-blood gates, which can be broken by the power of a sword shake.

"What are you laughing at? Did you think of a way to smash this stone tablet? Then smash it, and let these low-dogs look scared to death!" Long Xueji said immediately.

Su Mu smiled and shook his head: "No, it just feels a little ridiculous."

Su Mu can indeed use Shake Sword, add the attributes of God's Domain suit, and then open the God's Domain Merger, but the stone tablet can be killed in one hit. Although there are only 5 million vitality and blood, the defense value is not comparable to those of the bosses of the reincarnation of the earth. Su Mu had a lot of energy.

However, Su Mu did not intend to smash this stone tablet, because besides these introductions, this stone tablet had an introduction that Su Mu did not say. This introduction was the key to making Su Mu smile.

"There is no way you laugh? Tell me, do you really have a way to smash this stone tablet?" Long Xueji was already angry today, and the ridicule of these people is even more unbearable. She is from the earth and young. Sheng, she naturally wanted to make Su Mu pretend to be forced, but who knew what Su Mu was mysteriously like.

As for Su Mu, even if he could smash this stone monument, it would not be right now, but after he emerged from the land of extreme ice!

So, for the ridicule of these people, let them frog in the well for a while.


At this time, under the platform, the huge ice door slowly started, and then made a heavy rubbing sound. Immediately after, the door was separated, and a dazzling blue light was shot from it.

Everyone was approaching the position of the stone gate at this time, but the speed at which the stone gate opened really made Su Mu dare not compliment.

Every second, the opening speed of at most one millimeter makes it feel like the gate of this extremely ice land is stuck...

After watching them curiously for a while, everyone started to discuss it separately.

"Hehe, friend, are you sure you want to follow this extremely ice land?" Suddenly, a voice came from behind Su Mu and Long Xueji.

When Long Xueji turned around, it was a bright light, the head of the second district of Tianlu City, Liu Suifeng!

"What? I can't go?"

Liu Suifeng smiled slightly, but he was very handsome, but the next tone made Su Mu's impression of this person greatly reduced. He only heard him disdain and smiled: "The temperature of this extremely ice land, the first stage, minus 100, Xuan Ling After the period, I can’t hold on at all. I am afraid that you have become an iceman before seeing the true appearance of this Extreme Ice Land. Can you go?"

"I can use props." Su Mu said.

"Well, you can use the props, but your walking speed and your ability will hold everyone back. If you go on like this, it will completely kill you and even hurt us. I advise you to return to Tianyong obediently. Be your own mountain king in the eighth district of the city, haha."

Speaking of Liu Suifeng, he left openly, seemingly not interested in listening to Su Mu.

At this time, another person appeared behind Su Mu and said: "Boy, you dare to go to the extreme ice land in the middle of the Yuan period. I think you are impatient, right? , This beauty next to you will protect you well? Eat soft food? Shameless!"


Su Mu showed a weird smile, what's wrong with this? Even if they know that they can't hold on, they don't need to mock it like this, right? Or is there something in it that I can't let myself know? Or could these people say these things with themselves for another purpose?

"Cut, arrogant! In vain, I still liked him so much just now!" Long Xueji looked at Liu Suifeng's back with disdain.

The door was half open. At this time, Chen Yongqi came to Su Mu's side quietly and said, "Yes, I haven't seen it for a long time, or, I haven't met before?"

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