Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1925: See water blue

"How did he get there?"

"How can this be?"

"What exactly is going on?"

All the people standing across the abyss opened their eyes wide in shock.

No one has passed through this place for hundreds of years. Anyone who wants to fly over has been swallowed by the void, and now this guy in the Middle Yuan period actually jumped past? And hasn't been swallowed by the void? How can this be?

Although I couldn't believe it, Su Mu was standing under the statue on the opposite side, and then slowly stretched out his hand to stroke the statue of the goddess of water blue.

At this time, Chen Yongqi and Huo Da looked at each other, and the two stood opposite each other, then both stretched out their hands, and instantly took off the two surrounding ice ridges to the abyss.



That Bingling immediately turned into a powder state.

The two looked at each other again, but still couldn't pass.

At this time, everyone no longer looked for institutions or anything. They all stood on the edge and looked at Su Mu who was on the opposite side. Some even shouted Su Mu not to desecrate the statue.

Su Mu was stroking the statue's long skirt while moving around the statue.

After that, Su Mu looked at the location of a hole behind the statue, then slowly turned around and walked over, not facing the various shouts of the so-called masters...

After passing through this small cave, Su Mu saw another scene.

It was as if suddenly came to the night sky again, the stars were a little bit more, as if they were in the starry sky, if it weren't the floor, Su Mu even felt like he was in the starry sky.

There was no light in the surrounding environment except the dots of starlight, and Su Mu walked forward step by step along the front, speeding up his pace after seeing the water ball in the front.

When Su Mu came to the position where the water polo was less than 20 meters, he suddenly stopped in place.

Inside the bubble of the water polo, it is the goddess of water slowly spinning, naked, her hands covering her chest, her legs falling naturally, and her eyes closed, as if she were sleeping quietly.

"Shuilan!" Su Mu screamed in surprise.


The aura of the outer layer of the water polo shot Su Mu flying instantly.

As for the water blue goddess in the water ball, her eyes were still closed, as if she hadn't heard Su Mu's voice.

Standing up slowly, Su Mu came to the water polo again.

Smooth white skin, azure blue hair, almost perfect carcass slowly spinning in the bubbles, especially the diamond-shaped mark on the forehead of the goddess of water blue, unusually beautiful, red lips slightly open, faintly still Can see her white teeth.

"Shui Lan! I am Su Mu! Shui Lan wake up!" Su Mu shouted, standing on the edge of the bubble, but the Goddess of Shui Lan still did not move.

Su Mu was anxious, and finally found the Goddess of Water Blue. He didn't want to miss anything, so at this time Su Mu could only walk around the bubble, trying to find the mechanism to untie it.

However, Su Mu researched for more than ten minutes and couldn't find any traces of opening this bubble. The surroundings were empty and dark, and then there seemed to be stars in the distance.

At this time, the water blue goddess was quietly spinning in the bubbles like a virgin, but Su Mu was helpless.

But now Su Mu was smiling instead, and the purpose of coming to the cycle of time was finally opened. Seeing the goddess of water blue and alleviating a trace of lovesickness, Su Mu is now very content.

Because the water ball could not be activated, and the water blue goddess was in a coma again, Su Mu could only stand still and watch, watch, watch...

I don’t know how long it took, or whether Su Mu was tired. He suddenly sat on the spot, and then looked at the water blue goddess in the bubble and smiled: "Maybe this is your real body? I don’t know. What is your identity in this world, but I just know that you are my blue water, and I don't care who you are sealed up to this point, Susu swears, I will save you.

"Remember the first time we met? At that time, you were almost the same as now. The only difference is that you were surrounded by a long blue silk floating around you, and I almost saw your body completely. At that time, I was completely confused. Status, because you are not only a boss, but also a goddess boss, and you can speak and talk to me, and you have killed me several times. At that time, I felt that the DNA of entering reincarnation was abolished, and I never thought about God’s domain. The tower finally subdued you..."

Speaking of this, Su Mu was shocked suddenly, he jumped up, then looked at the bubbles in front of him, and then took out the Tower of God's Domain on his neck.

The first time the goddess was conquered because of the tower of the gods, and how similar is the goddess of water and blue now? So Su Mu directly took out the Tower of God's Domain and took a look.

The blue light keeps spinning, proving that she is the goddess of water blue, but how to unlock this water ball?

With a few bangs, Su Mu stepped back ten meters, then stood still and looked at the goddess Shuilan and said, "Try it anyway!"

"Holy! Light! Power! Pressure!"

Hum! ! !

A huge golden light shot out from Su Mu's body again, and then formed a gas that directly hit the middle of the bubble.

The buzzing sound continued, and the golden light seemed to be unable to move forward, as sparks continued to appear on the bubbles...

Su Mu frowned. This was the only sign that the Holy Light's coercion could not penetrate the entity when faced with it. Su Muqin took his breath and continued to convey the elemental aura in his body.

Buzzing! Buzzing!


With the sound of crashing, the blisters were instantly crushed by the pressure of the Holy Light, and the liquid inside was seen directly flowing out, and Su Mu quickly put away the pressure of the Holy Light at this time.

The body of the water blue goddess slowly began to turn right, and then floated in the air, her hands still protecting her chest, her legs close together, she appeared in front of Su Mu like a frightened and shy little girl.

At this time, Su Mu's heartbeat was about to reach the mechanism, and he even felt that his heart couldn't bear it anymore.

The Goddess Aqua is right in front of him, but Su Mu is afraid to move forward, because he is afraid that the moment the Goddess Aqua wakes up with hostile eyes, he is afraid that the memory of the Goddess Aqua will disappear...

The long blue eyelashes trembled slightly, and then, the eyelids opened slightly...

Su Mu's rapid heartbeat stopped instantly, and his breathing also stopped...

The blue pupils appeared in front of Su Mu's eyes. Those eyeballs were beautiful, stunning and delicate...

At this moment, the water blue goddess's long hair flew backwards instantly, and the water stains on it were directly shaken. The silky long hair fell on the water blue goddess' shoulders again, and at this time, her The hands protecting the chest also slowly loosened...

All the goddess of water blue appeared before Su Mu's eyes.

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