Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1927: Such as Su Muxin

The starry sky is a little bit, in the dazzling dark night, the goddess of water blue lies on Su Mu’s chest, with one hand on Su Mu’s back waist, and one hand on Su Mu’s chest, holding him tightly, as if there is a kind of never again The same determination not to separate.

Su Mu also hugged the goddess in his arms tightly, or Keren... the excitement and joy in his heart is self-evident.

"Susu..." The voice of the goddess of water blue was sweet and gentle, and it was full of a tingling feeling that men could not resist.

Su Mu closed his eyes, hugged her, and hummed softly.

With an unconcealable smile and happiness on the face of the goddess Shuilan said: "Shuilan will never be separated from Susu again, forever, forever."

"Huh!" After more than three months of separation, Su Mu also understood the place of the goddess of water blue in his heart. At this moment, didn't Su Mu want to be with her forever.

With a faint fragrance and a soft body, Su Mu feels that he has no regrets in this life.

At this moment, Su Mu suddenly felt his body fluttering and the soles of his feet were off the ground. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the two were slowly flying into the air, and the goddess of water blue released Su Mu at this time, and then held Su Mu's little hand. The big hand suddenly parted in the air...

The two held hands, as if they were dancing ballroom dance, she pulled him, and he led her...spinning...fluttering...flying...

"Hehe... Su Su..."

The whole space is filled with the subtle and puffy laughter of the goddess of water and blue. It seems that the whole world has become beautiful because of her laughter. There is no killing, no conspiracy, no hunger, and no negative emotions. .

Yes, all are happiness and joy.


She took Su Mu's big hand and fluttered backwards suddenly, and then suddenly returned to Su Mu's arms because of holding hands. She slowly turned around in Su Mu's arms, and then separated again, dancing in the air, beautiful and stunning.

There is no room for music, but it is replaced by the laughter like the silver bell of the goddess of water blue. The dark night without spectators is evidenced by countless stars. At this moment, the goddess of water blue and Su Mu are completely immersed in the world of the two. Dancing and beautiful.

After waiting for the goddess of water and blue to breathe slightly, tired, the two stopped, and then pulled each other's hands slowly to the ground.

There was a bang.

With Su Mu and the Goddess of Water Blue as the center, the night turned into a colorful scene. The Goddess of Water Blue slowly backed up holding Su Mu's hand, and said with a beautiful smile while walking out: "Su Su... so happy... You can come to the cycle of time, oh, the world of blue water..."

"So, is the water blue now a flesh and blood body?" Su Mu said with a smile on his face.

The goddess of Aquamarine was startled when she heard the words, and then lowered her head slightly, a blush appeared on her cheeks, but she still raised her head and said: "Yes, so, Susu will not refuse anything Aquamarine wants to do."

"Haha! I don't want to do anything yet, I just want to be with you."

"Really?" Goddess Shuilan walked backwards and smiled at Su Mu.

And this is, Su Mu suddenly pulled back, and the goddess Shuilan gave a slight exclamation and came directly to Su Mu's arms. He only heard Su Mu smiled and said: "Then, Su Su wants Shuilan to give Su Su a birth Where is the little water blue?"

The face of the goddess Shuilan flushed, she pushed Su Mu away, and then took Su Mu as she walked and said, "Susu, don't you say that every time you see Shuilan, you can't raise your blasphemous mind?"

"Yeah, I don't dare to profanity, but I can't help but think about it."

"The rhetoric is a contradiction."

"Haha, doesn't Shui Lan want to be with Su Su?"

You don’t need to look at the face of the water blue goddess at this time to know how red it is. As she walked, she said softly: "Shuilan and Shuilan want to... just..."

Su Mu hung a sly smile, and then he smiled: "I know that Shui Lan is worried about the Empress and the others, so Su Su, etc., when everything is over, I must give Shui Lan a perfect memory."

Why doesn't Su Mu know the meaning of the goddess of water blue?

At the beginning, in the flower country of Earth’s reincarnation, that is, when the goddess of wood was conquered, the goddess of water and blue had already told Su Mu on that prairie that she could always give herself to Su Mu, and in the real world, water The Blue Goddess also stated that she can completely hand over all of her to Su Mu.

But the two times couldn’t make sense, and now, it’s still the case. After all, the goddess of water blue is a goddess. Her mind and her life experience are completely beyond the imagination of people on earth. She may have an experience of tens of thousands of years. Maintaining perfection, Su Mu couldn't make her feel any uncomfortable, even if it was psychological...

Therefore, before the matter of reincarnation is completely resolved, Su Mu will not force the goddess of Shuilan even if he wants to. This is Su Mu's bottom line for Shuilan.

The Goddess Shuilan also knows Su Mu's thoughts, so she can feel Su Mu's attitude towards her in these two initiatives. Therefore, the Goddess Shuilan also knows and knows that Jichu is like Su and Muxin.

The Shuilan goddess lowered her head and walked a distance, then turned around and looked at Su Mu with a smile: "Su Su, Sister Empress and they are in the cycle of time now, let's go find them together."

"Where are they? Do you know about the Ninth Element?"

"Of course." The Goddess Aquarium raised her hand, and then pointed to her forehead with her green little finger: "The Goddess Aquarium is the supreme divine body. All memories are restored. Susu wants to know what Aquarium can tell Su Sue."

Su Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief, the goddess of water and blue came to the heyday, completely heyday, rather than the goddess Lieyu used the transition of time to reach the heyday, these are two different concepts.

So at this time, Su Mu didn't rush to ask about the Ninth Element, but turned the topic directly to the Goddess Shuilan herself, which can be regarded as a kind of care for the soul of the Goddess Shuilan.

Otherwise, as soon as I learned that the water blue goddess had returned to its heyday, I would ask Dongwenxi instead of ignoring how the water blue goddess entered the earth, how it was sealed, etc. That would be equivalent to ignoring her, or neglecting him, Su Mu didn’t want to. In any matter, if Su Mu knew that the goddess of the water blue would not care about any harm to the goddess of the water blue, but this did not represent the reason why Su Mu had paid for trampling the goddess of water blue.

"Then Shuilan first tell Susu how Shuilan entered the earth and who sealed it."

Su Mu's words made the goddess Shuilan startled, and then she saw her charming smile: "Thank you Susu."

"Tell me thank you? Just a kiss."

"Hee hee, Susu, you're just lust."

"Why don't men look bad? You think about blue water too much."

"No...Do you still want to listen to Shui Lan's past?"

"Hmm, you say."

Su Mu determined that this would be a story and clue about himself, about the ninth element.

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