Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1929: Stunning the audience

The entrance platform of the Extreme Ice Land, under the monument.

There were still a hundred people standing in place, looking at Yin Fengyang directly in front of them in twos and threes.

At this time, everyone had left the Extreme Ice Land, and now only Su Mu had not come out, so Yin Fengyang said: "According to what you said, only Su Mu has entered the Xuanbing Cliff?"

Standing in front of the crowd, Liu Suifeng said: "Yes, the cliff of Xuanbing is still the same as in previous years, the void is torn apart, no one can pass, only Su Mu flew over."

Yin Fengyang glanced at Liu Suifeng and the weaker son, and the task assigned to them failed. Aside from this, letting Su Mu walk in alone now made Yin Fengyang feel a bad premonition.

This extremely ice land is only open once a year, every year someone brings out rare ores and props from it, and every year they cannot pass the mysterious ice cliff. No one, including Yin Fengyang, would have thought that Su Mu would be alone this year. In the past, what treasure was behind this Xuanbing Cliff was a mystery.

So now, Yin Fengyang saw the scene where everyone refused to leave, and said, "In that case, let's wait for Su Mu's good news. For safety, Su Mu's companion, Long Xueji, is personally protected by District Chief Chen."

After hearing this, Chen Yongqi glanced at Long Xueji standing on the side, then took her arm and walked to Yin Fengyang's side.

Long Xueji snorted: "It's so nice. If you want to kidnap me, kidnap me."

Su Mu broke in alone, and the good things he brought out must be extraordinary. In order not to let Su Mu swallow it alone, and because Su Mu was a rebellion, Yin Fengyang’s plan was to kill Su Mu here, but now that such an accident occurs, he naturally wants Take Long Xueji as a bargaining chip.

However, Chen Yongqi on the side said faintly: "No matter what, this year's Extreme Ice Land is open."

Long Xueji glanced at Chen Yongqi curiously, and then whispered: "I know who you are, why do you want to be in trouble with Yin Fengyang?"

"Then do you know what happened between me and Su Mu?"

"You and him? Have grudges?"

"Ha ha."

At this time, everyone stood in place and whispered, Su Mu entered the Xuanbing Cliff alone, and he was also the leader of the rebellion. If he was asked to take things away, it would be more difficult for both Tianyong City and Imperial City. He subdued him, so they naturally knew what was going on about Long Xueji being'protected' at this time.

Everyone sneered in their hearts. After all, Su Mu was not an upright district chief, so Yin Fengyang’s failure to kill him in the Extreme Ice Land had surprised everyone. So at this time everyone wanted to see what Yin Fengyang could bring out besides being curious about what Su Mu could bring out. Regarding Su Mu, I wanted to see how Su Mu dealt with this incident.


A gust of wind suddenly came out of the gate of the Extreme Ice Land, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the gate, as if they were afraid of missing something.

At this moment, a shadow figure came out from the gate, undoubtedly Su Mu.

After that, what shocked and shocked everyone was that a woman in a blue dress walked out with Su Mu. What shocked them the most was that this woman was exactly the same as the statue they had seen before!

Liu Suifeng, Weak Young Master and the others were completely shocked. They stared blankly at the girl who was following Su Mu and couldn't help but open their mouths.

At this time, everyone saw that the goddess of water blue had a sweet smile, and then slowly stood opposite the crowd holding Su Mu's arm.

Chen Yongqi and Yin Fengyang were also surprised at this time. No matter how old they are, as long as they see a perfect woman such as the goddess of water, it is impossible to say that they are not shocked, especially the goddess of water with a sweet smile. Has visual lethality.

Perfect blue long hair, there is a blue ribbon with a diamond-shaped crystal on the head, plus the blue braid on the forehead, plus the glaze skirt of the water blue goddess, and the multi-layered skirt Pendulum, thin bee waist, combined with the stunning and exquisite features of the water blue goddess, who can't speed up his heartbeat?

Even if Long Xueji is staring at this time, she can't believe that there are such beautiful women in this world, especially if she is still a beautiful woman, but now compared with this girl with blue long hair, There is simply a feeling of shame and ugliness born of the heart.

Beauty, in addition to facial features and body, is the kind of temperament that is not human. This is the beauty in beauty. The water blue goddess is exactly this type, the kind of beauty that makes you forget to breathe...

Everyone held their breath and watched Su Mu and Shuilan Goddess approaching them step by step.

At this time, Yin Fengyang reacted instantly, and then stared at the water blue goddess beside Su Mu and said: "She, is the statue owner of this Xuanbing Cliff?"

Everyone also wakes up instantly, but Chen Yongqi is sluggish, because he has seen the water blue goddess, the water blue goddess who has been completely stunning in the reincarnation of the earth, this time is more beautiful, even more stunning than when he saw it on earth. The kind of amazing that can't be described in words.

Therefore, at this time, the eyes of Liu Suifeng and the weak son can be imagined. Everyone's eyes are flooded with an unspeakable feeling, with desires, divine awe, and blank minds. .

But undoubtedly, after the inviolable heart, full of desires will fill everyone's minds, and countless people have gathered at this time, and then surrounded Su Mu Tuan Tuan.

Su Mu glanced at Long Xueji, then looked at Yin Fengyang and said, "City Lord, in this extremely ice land, apart from an acquaintance of mine, there is no treasure. You are all deceived."

Yin Fengyang's loss of consciousness once again immediately recovered. The expression he kept looking at the goddess of water made Su Mu very disgusted, but Yin Fengyang looked at Su Mu the next moment and said, "President Su, if I am not mistaken, when you enter Only with Long Xueji, this person is your acquaintance? Is it a mistake?"

"Yes, this is obviously the owner of the statue, the goddess of the Extreme Ice Land!"

"Yes! This is the goddess of the Extreme Ice Land!"

In an instant, a group of people argued. After all, they would be surprised by the statue of the blue goddess every year when they went to this extremely ice land. So at this time, they would naturally not agree with Su Mu's words, and who didn’t want it selfishly. Occupy the goddess of water blue?

No one can resist a goddess of this level. Therefore, even if it is desperate, it is worth fighting for. Moreover, in the hearts of people born and bred like time reincarnation, the goddess of water blue is just a person, a woman, and a beautiful person. What a shameless woman!

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