Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1941: Frozen Eight District

In the high altitude of the eighth district, at the moment when everyone was preparing for the biggest attack of Tianyong City, the cold fell in an instant. The Huadu Empire, which was originally winter, did not surprise people at this time.

However, the blue gas that suddenly appeared in the sky still stunned all the members of the Gods Domain Empire, and then they saw countless dense crystals falling on the periphery of the city wall...

It feels like snow falling and turning into blue crystal...

Everyone opened their eyes wide, and then they saw...

Puff puff!

Arrows in the air instantly hit these blue crystals, and then they were directly blocked in the air...not only that, as these crystals fell, countless things like glass ice flowers formed on the periphery of the city wall, and they were directly surrounded in parallel. The eight districts of the entire God's Domain Empire are outside the nine districts...

Puff puff puff!

The arrows were all blocked outside, and Pang Zhihu, Fat Pig and others were completely shocked at this time.

"what happened?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"what are these?"

Long Xueji also opened her eyes wide at this time, and then involuntarily raised her head to look towards the sky, but at this time there was no one in the sky, and the height of the goddess of water blue was completely invisible to the people below.

At this time, Chen Yongqi smiled. He has fought Su Mu more than once, not only in singles, but also in various team battles. He is also familiar with the goddess of water blue, Chen Yongqi. In this situation, Chen Yongqi instantly thought of being on earth. The scene, including Chen Dongchen, showed a strange expression at this time.

"Is it that favorite?" Chen Dongchen muttered as he stood beside Chen Yongqi.

Chen Yongqi glanced at the stunned members of the Gods Domain Empire and shouted: "Long range, offense!"

Everyone was startled, and then released the arrow at the moment the longbow was fully drawn!





Yin Fengyang also stood up at this time, and then watched the God's Domain Empire surrounded by this layer of blue ice...

"City Lord! Our arrows are all blocked, and the offense can't get in..."

The report of the incoming people directly shocked Yin Fengyang. Hundreds of thousands of people attacked, and nearly a hundred thousand long-range professions released arrows together. At this time, they were all blocked out?

He couldn't help but raised his head and looked into the air, and then stared at the sky above the God Realm Empire where nothing could be seen...

How is this going? Who on earth is it? This range of defensive skills, let alone the Profound Sage Period, even the Mahayana Period cannot do it, so this shocked Yin Fengyang.

He knew that the God's Domain Empire now had Chen Yongqi in the Profound Sage Period, and therefore he personally led the team, but he didn't expect such an accident to happen, which Yin Fengyang hadn't expected.

At this moment, dense arrows appeared again in the air.

This time, it was not their offense, but the arrows shot from the God's Domain Empire...




Boom boom boom!



Puff! Puff!

Countless arrows fell. Although the soldiers of Tianyong City had been prepared for a long time, their defense preparations were affected by the scene just now. Countless arrows fell, and nearly 50% of the soldiers in the front row of Tianyong City were hit. in!

Yin Fengyang couldn't help but shouted: "All back!"


The hula-la crowd quickly retreated, and then stayed away from the attack range of the remote class.

But, like this, everyone can’t attack the God’s Domain Empire, Yin Fengyang frowns, because his time is limited, he must take the God’s Domain Empire within two days, otherwise the international war will begin, and the imperial city’s person cannot allow it. I have fought a protracted battle with the God’s Domain Empire. After all, this God’s Domain Empire has only two areas as big as a piece of land, and nearly 500,000 soldiers were used to attack the God’s Domain Empire. If this can’t be taken down, Yin Fengyang has any face to lead. The imperial city goes to the eastern battlefield?

Liu Suifeng ran over at this moment and said, "City Lord, what's going on? How can defense suddenly appear?"

The weak son also rushed over at this time and said: "I received the news that the entire area of ​​the eighth district and the ninth district was surrounded by ice flowers like this kind of enchantment. It is impossible to enter from a distance, and the melee professional does not dare to approach it. do?"

What can Yin Fengyang do? Now they don't even know what happened, how to attack?

So at this time, Yin Fengyang flew up with his spiritual energy in an instant, and then said as he flew: "Let the whole army stand by, no attack without my instructions!"

Following Yin Fengyang flying into the sky, it was clear that an ice flower resembling a super cylinder surrounded the entire 8th and 9th districts outside the city walls, with countless arrows hanging on it, as if it were The arrow of Tianyong City was completely shot on a wooden barrel, and all the attacks were blocked!

The most important thing is that Yin Fengyang saw in the air that the arrow shot from the eighth area was completely unimpressed by this ice flower. Then it was obvious that the defense must be released by the people in the eighth area.

However, he couldn't figure out how, who on earth could hold up such a big defense? Not to mention that this area is the Mahayana period, even the highest-ranking people in this world can't do it, so I'm afraid it's not a holy-ranking person!

The area is too big.

But there is still nothing unusual in the air. The ice flower has been extending from high to the ground, and even the end of the sky is not visible...

Yin Fengyang was not convinced, and continued to fly upwards.

Waiting until he stood there and saw the end of the ice flower before stopping...

From his direction, this defense system is like a huge iron net welded into a circular barrel, and then enveloped the entire 8th and 9th district walls, but now he still hasn't seen it. Who made it...


As Yin Fengyang wanted to go deeper, a cold current struck again. He almost subconsciously stepped back several tens of meters, and then saw a thick white mist extending from the ice flower...following the ice flower Flow down quickly...

Yin Fengyang has been drifting down slowly with the thick white fog...Having been waiting for the white fog to reach the position of the arrows, Yin Fengyang saw that all the arrows shot on the ice flower were slowly being taken down at this time It melted into the ice blossoms, and then was sucked in, and fell towards the eighth district...

The arrow was sucked away!

And has become the weapon of the members of the eight districts, then it means that the next wave of offensive will be the God's Domain Empire with the arrow of Tianyong City to attack them!

For a while, Yin Fengyang was helpless.

In addition to the problems here, major events have also occurred in the current district, and news quickly spread...

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