Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1949: Defend but not attack

"What the **** is making us a death squad?" Xia Feng was angry, and Liu Suifeng's order was to make the 100,000 people of the Gods Domain Empire rush down, and then act as a death squad, and still want to rush all down?

At this time, Chen Yongqi also felt that something was wrong. He glanced at Su Mu and said, "God, this matter may be strange. Although it is said that the war is killing people, Liu Suifeng's team is still more than 100 meters behind us. Distance, and we are now at the forefront, and now we have to let our people rush forward, this is to let us die in vain."

Su Mu hung a sneer. If by this time Su Mu still didn't understand the truth, he would have been the president for so many years for nothing, but Su Muyi issued an order: "Close combat, approach 50 meters forward, and follow me remotely. "

"Brother?" Xia Feng couldn't help but want to call him as Su Mu went straight to the Gaopo Mountain on the right.

But at this time Chen Yongqi stopped Xia Feng and said, "You have been with the boss for so long, when have you seen him fight an uncertain war?"

Xia Feng was taken aback, then glanced at Chen Yongqi and smiled: "It's not true."

Chen Yongqi rolled his eyes, Xia Feng’s smile is undoubtedly saying that he has fought so many wars with Datang World, and every time there are many people in the world of Datang, but every time he loses to Ziyang God Realm, so Xia Feng’s smile is Chen Yongqi was a bit speechless.

According to Su Mu’s order, all the melee professions were neatly approaching fifty meters forward. This distance was less than two kilometers away from the melee combat of the East Island Kingdom. Collisions and charges may occur at any time, but at this time Su Mu was carrying one. Wanduo's long-range professional rushed to the top of the hill on the right, and saw many dead soldiers of the Huadu Empire on the top of the hill.

Therefore, it can be seen that the Huadu Empire had also thought about containing the East Island country remotely in the previous wars, and I am afraid it was not successful.

Su Mu led everyone to the top of the mountain, and then let everyone hide.

Looking down from this high mountain, the battlefield on the left is still densely confronted by soldiers, and in front of this mountain range, a mountain range similar to a cliff appeared, and when Su Mu launched the art of insight, he discovered that the remote east island country was also on the opposite side. On the mountain, did the Huadu Empire lose in the long-range battle with the East Island Kingdom? So after Su Mu arrived on this battlefield, he did not see the Huadu Empire remotely appearing on the mountains.

boom! boom! boom!

Boom boom boom!

The charge started instantly, and the squeaky Dongdaoguo soldiers started to rush forward like crazy, and the Dongdaoguo Remote on the opposite mountain began to move around. When the members of the Gods Domain Empire rushed forward less than 500 meters, countless arrows Ya flew into the air.

Su Mu shouted loudly: "Fight!"



Whizzing! Whizzing!

Arrows flew all over the sky, and countless long-range attacks instantly landed on the opposite mountain.

Unexpectedly, when all the arrows fell in an instant, a huge defensive gas appeared on the opposite mountain, all the arrows were blocked, but the other's arrows went straight to the Gods Domain Empire. Among the members of the team.

Countless people were shot to death, causing the first wave of assault God’s Domain Empire to be at a disadvantage. This is nothing. Su Mu looked back at this time. At this time, Liu Suifeng’s army of nearly 200,000 people stood still in the original position. The ground, as if to watch the team of God's Domain Empire charge.

Although Su Mu had long thought about what Liu Suifeng's plan was, he didn't expect Liu Suifeng to be so obvious. Even if he wanted to take the God's Domain Empire to death, he should pretend to be a little bit like. Just like that, Chi Guoguo stood watching? Isn't it afraid that the royal family will blame it?

But the next moment Su Mu understood that Liu Suifeng was the commander-in-chief on this battlefield, and Su Mu's identity was rebellious again, so even if this matter was reported to the imperial city by Su Mu, he would not be convinced, so Liu Suifeng Just like this openly let the members of the God's Domain Empire rush to die, I am not afraid that someone will sue the imperial city...

Su Mu snorted, then stood on the top of the mountain and suddenly shook the sword of the gods in his hand. In an instant, the long sword changed into a bow, and Su Mu directly drew the long bow, and aimed at the person on the opposite mountain!


When an arrow flew, the people of the East Island Kingdom didn't care at all, and didn't even look at it. It seemed that they knew that the arrow could not fly over...


boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

This arrow fell on the defensive shield like a cannonball, causing a violent explosion in an instant, and even blasting the surrounding jungle trees to pieces, while the remote soldiers of the East Island Kingdom below were Sputtering hurt hundreds of people!




The shield was broken, and the longbow of the Ten Thousand Long Range of the God's Domain Empire was instantly full of longbows, and tens of thousands of arrows flew away.

Puff puff!

Puff puff!

Countless arrows fell, the people of the East Island Kingdom did not even think that such a thing would happen, because their Xuansheng Period array has withstood the Huadu Empire’s long-range attack for two consecutive days, but now they are suddenly broken. Before he could retreat, thousands of people were hit by arrows.

At this time, because of the madman Xia Feng leading, the charge immediately began to take advantage. Although the charge caused the death of at least 5,000 people in the God's Domain Empire, it still did not reduce the momentum of the God's Domain Empire. Ten thousand people squeezed the more than 200,000 people in the East Island nation to be unable to move forward, and even caused the members of the East Island nation to continue to retreat. In addition, Chen Yongqi, a master of the Profound Sage Period, stood in front, and for a while the East Island nation’s army stepped forward Hard to get in!

At this moment, a flame bomb suddenly rose behind him, and Su Mu couldn't help turning around.

"Retreat signal?"

Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi were also full of killing intent, and suddenly heard the sound of the retreat signal. They both couldn't help but glance at each other. Why are they retreating at this time?

Shouldn't it be Liu Suifeng who rushed down with 200,000 people to follow suit?

"Fuck! What the **** is this?" Xia Feng cursed.

However, Chen Yongqi glanced at the mountain on the right and said, "Go back, the boss has taken someone back."

Xia Feng also saw Su Mu retreating back with the people at this time, so he could only spit out unwillingly, "Retreat!"



The end of the team changed its head and immediately began to retreat. The countless members of the Gods Domain Empire were still in a daze. Now it is clear that the Huadu Empire has the advantage, why do they want to retreat? However, commands are commands, so they can only be obeyed.

Back in the safe area, Su Mu went straight to Liu Suifeng's location.

It seemed that he had prepared his words a long time ago. Liu Suifeng said before Su Mu could speak: "The center of the East Island nation has retreated, and the whole army has been reorganized. Commander Su, you should also lead your soldiers to rectify and prepare for the next defense! "

"Defense?!" Su Mu's eyes widened, Nima, could it be said that the East Island Kingdom is coming to attack the Huadu Empire, what he can do here is defense? Haven't thought of attacking?

In war, offense is the most important thing to defensive. The most important thing is that the east island country that is fighting does not dare to come back. And now, it retreats and rectifies under the advantage? You are paralyzed!

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