Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1979: Morale

"Shield! Shield defense!" Sasaki roared.

All the soldiers in the front row started to prop up their shields, and then quickly propped up a human wall to block the arrows in the air...

At this time, Sasaki has no way to stop Su Mu's melee soldiers, because if you don't defend against the arrows in the air, you will directly lose the lives of many soldiers. In this kind of war, improper control of the long-range occupation is likely to cause devastating disaster.



Bang bang!




Despite the shield support, they still couldn't completely stop these arrows from falling, and countless people died on these arrows.

However, at this time, Sasaki saw that Xia Feng and Zhang Da rushed out of the sea frantically, and then rushed up with a shout!


"Fuck, brothers!"

Three hundred thousand melee combat, all rushed up, dripping water, holding a knife, and mouth open! Charge suddenly!


Boom boom boom!

The huge collision directly caused the soldiers of the Huadu Empire to crash in front of the soldiers of the East Island country holding the shields. The two teams instantly collided!

The roar sounded completely on the surface of the sea.

Su Mu spread out his blade wings at this time, and then slowly hovered in the air staring at Sasaki.

A master of Profound God Stage, Su Mu had seen him on the battlefield, but he had never played against him.

At this time, all the soldiers of the God's Domain Empire are nervous, so Su Mu must eliminate the fear of these people! After all, this was the first time that the Huadu Empire went to sea to attack the East Island. Therefore, tension was inevitable. In addition, because of the small number of people and the weak, it was necessary to mobilize the fighting ideas of all soldiers.

"All brothers! Do you know what you are here for today?" Su Mu suddenly shouted.


"eye for eye!"

"Let's kill people!"

Although the morale of the people is high, the tension still exists.

Su Mu smiled slightly and said, "I came to attack the East Island for the first time. Did you see the Sasaki in the sky opposite? You are all familiar with it, right?"

Everyone was silent.

Su Mu changed from a smile to a sneer and said, "Brothers! Is Xuan Shenqi difficult to deal with?"

Everyone is still silent!


Su Mu's figure directly disappeared in place, and then a silver light suddenly rushed forward.

All the soldiers of the God's Domain Empire looked at Su Mu's figure in surprise. Is this going to rush into the enemy? What if you can't come back?

The most important thing is that Su Mu's goal seems to be directed at the Profound God Stage...

At this time, Sasaki didn't worry much, because at this time, it has been determined that the total number of God's Domain Empire is not as large as that of the East Island Kingdom. It is also a border defense, so even if the goddess can achieve both defenses, what can he do? The Divine Region Empire still wants to defeat them and rush to the territory of East Island.

But at this time, I saw a silver light flashing in the sky.

Bang! boom! ! !

In the air, Sasaki was instantly repelled by several tens of meters. Not only that, at this time, before Sasaki had not reacted, he saw Su Mu's figure rushing quickly, he instinctively wanted to defend...


A sword pierced Sasaki's throat, and he never thought that Su Mu, who was rushing over, would come behind him!

The momentary seckill shocked all the soldiers of the East Island country!

Because no one would have thought that their commander, the master of the Profound God Stage would be killed instantly, which is very, even hard to encounter in the cycle of time!

And because of this, Su Mu's figure made all soldiers of the East Island country be cautious!

boom! ! !

One person fell, dozens of people around were killed!

Su Mu, who had originally fallen into the encirclement, now became a point of battle between the inside and the outside!


"Haha! Brothers kill me hard! Kill all these grandchildren!" Xia Feng laughed loudly, and all the soldiers had excited smiles on their faces. Su Mu's blow directly made all the soldiers feel high. They were worried about the kind of fighting that left their hometowns and disappeared in an instant. Su Mu told them by action that this was not a war, but a massacre!

The head coach died, and the entire East Island nation’s army was in chaos. Even if there were millions of soldiers, there was no time to react at this time. 300,000 people rushed in and the entire East Island nation’s team broke apart, even many people were unable to. Participating in the battle here, Su Mu's style of play is still the same, he still charges with a gap, and the more people can't use their number advantage!

The rumbling skills and aura exploded across the sea, countless people died, and countless roars formed a tragic ‘landscape’ on the coastline!

"Retreat! Retreat!"

I don’t know who ordered the East Island Country. At this time, everyone began to retreat. Because of the large number of people, the East Island Country’s retreat was very regular. After the order was issued, it took a few minutes. , The whole team retreated more than two hundred meters, and at this time, the people of the God's Domain Empire did not take advantage of the victory, because Su Mu wanted to ensure that everyone could go ashore safely, and the real war would come after landing!

At the same time, Su Mu also allowed people to stay on the battleship, including the Goddess of Aqua, and must ensure that the ships on his side were not threatened. This was almost the means of transportation for the entire Divine Realm Empire to return, although the Goddess of Aqua could freeze the sea. , But this needs to consume the ability and spirit of the goddess of water and blue after all! Besides, if you win or lose, if you can go to the meeting without falling, it will be another situation and morale!

The battle between the two armies completely drove the war to land.

When Sasaki died, Su Mu didn't even give him a chance to resurrect. The soldiers in the entire East Island nation were panicked, and everyone didn't know what to do!

However, at this time, he saw Yu Chuanxin walking from behind and leading a dozen people to come along.

Su Mu, Xia Feng, Chen Yongqi, Zhang Da, Shan Xiong and Yan Jiexing and all the high-level members of the Gods Domain Empire stood at the forefront of the team at this time.

Xia Feng pointed to this Yuchuan channel: "He is Yuchuan Xin!"

Zhang Da's eyes were still red, and it was obvious that he hadn't slept for a long time, and he was completely like an angry tiger!

Zhang Da, who gritted his teeth, clenched his hands and stared at Yu Chuanxin.

Chen Yongqi said calmly: "Pay attention to those people behind him."

Everyone frowned, because at this time, following Chen Yongqi's words, they saw the level of these people...

Su Mu saw it at this time, so he murmured: "It looks like things are a bit difficult to handle..."

When everyone is silent, it is more difficult to do? It's just tricky!

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