Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1981: Horror change


The long sword pierced Su Mu's chest. At this time, a cold voice came from behind: "The Clone Technique of the Profound Sage Period is an existence that your level cannot perceive. Boy, died in the hands of the Profound Sage Period. Right."




Xia Feng and others rushed up frantically.

However, there were two screams. In addition, even a master of the Profound Sage Period directly intercepted them in front of them, and huge spiritual energy rose into the sky.

With a bang, Xia Feng and others were forced back. Only Chen Yongqi felt better, but was forced back instead of being knocked off!

Xia Feng stared at the long sword pierced in Su Mu's chest dumbly. How could this be?

At this moment, Su Mu directly grabbed the long sword that pierced his chest with both hands, and then dashed forward!


With the long sword drawn out, Su Mu staggered forward a few steps, then stopped in place and slowly turned around to look at the goatee and said: "It is true that I overlooked this problem!"


Goatee was shocked, and the people of East Island were also shocked. This sword didn't kill him?

Most importantly, this person seems to be safe and sound!

Xia Feng and others finally showed a pleasant surprise, Chen Yongqi said: "Don't be impulsive, the gods must have his way! Watch with peace of mind!"

Xia Feng and others nodded wildly.

However, Su Mu was not so comfortable at this time. The Gods Domain Backpack triggered the attributes, and the first back attack was considered invalid, but because this time cycle is an entity through time, this sword still pierced Su Mu's chest. It didn't play the role it should have.

The Profound Sage Period is still an existence that Su Mu cannot defeat at present!

That goatee's shock is only short-lived now, after all, Su Mu's strength is there, even if this sword did not kill him, this Profound Sage Period would not be too surprised for a long time!

However, exactly as Su Mu thought, this goatee Profound Saint Stage master disappeared in the same place in the next second.

Su Mu directly opened the technique of insight!



The long sword collided, and Su Mu was forced to retreat a distance of tens of meters, but he had to pull it back quickly, and he had no chance to attack the opponent...

After a few moves, the goatee couldn't help but smiled: "Sure enough, unlike ordinary players, Da Yuanqi can actually resist my attack until now, it's kind of interesting..."

"Red Light Penetrating Sword!!!"

Hum! ! !

Hum! ! !

In an instant, a soaring red light enveloped the entire beach. At this time, people on the periphery couldn't see what was going on inside. Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi could only watch the red light surrounding the two people worriedly.

Only two people frowned slightly, they were the two Profound Sage periods of the Second of the Three Sages.

The eldest brother actually took out this move. What is the origin of the Great Yuan period of the Huadu Empire?


Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The sand around the red light was instantly rolled up, and then a super large tornado red light aura was formed, which instantly stirred the entire ground!

Hula la...


Bang bang... bang bang...

Su Mu's figure fell out in an instant, and then it rolled like a ball on the beach and then bounced again... Sand was everywhere on her body, and the figure was extremely embarrassed!


A mouthful of blood was spit out, Su Mu directly squatted on the spot, with a long sword in the sand, and then slowly raised his head to look at the Profound Sage Period of the goatee!

The latter slowly walked forward, and said as he walked: "If your physique and ability are in fifty or one hundred years, it is estimated that you can kill the Mahayana stage during the Profound Sage stage. You have excellent talents, but unfortunately. It's..."

One step, two steps...

The old man’s footsteps on the beach were like the arrival of death... Su Mu was sore all over at this time, as if he had lost all his aura...

At this time, Xia Feng and others behind him were blocked by the other two Profound Sage Stage masters. They could only shout and shout desperately, but there was no way.

At this time, Su Mu also understood another thing, that is, why the Huadu Empire did not want to start a war with the East Island Kingdom. In addition to the overall situation, it was probably because of this high-level player.

These three holy and seven gods, just one of them is so violent, so what kind of combat power should these ten people shoot together?

Slowly, the goatee old man raised his hand, and a fire element aura fell instantly, and then directly wrapped Su Mu's throat, and immediately saw that Su Mu was caught directly... and his face flushed... …

"Heh...Are there any last words or wishes? Of course, it depends on whether I am willing to help you..." Goatbeard pinched Su Mu's throat in the air, with a face of disdain and sneer, like a human looking at him. Just like an ant...



"Fuck Nima!! Let go of him!!"


The crowd rushed forward...

At this moment, the two masters of the Profound Saint Stage waved their hands...

Rumble! ! !

A huge spiritual energy instantly enveloped a position 100 meters wide, Xia Feng and others were directly blocked in front, no matter how angry it was, it would not help...

Seeing Su Mu being choked on his neck, Xia Feng felt helpless... This feeling made him extremely hate himself... Why couldn't he help Su Mu every time? Do you always watch him fight with others? Every time I feel that I and him are not the same level of fighting ability...

why? !


With a clear voice, Xia Feng's roar fell silent, and the entire scene was instantly audible. All the eager members of God's Domain Empire stared at Su Mu's position with wide eyes...

At this time, Su Mu's head was already tilted... the cracking sound of fracture just now... It was obviously the sound of his neck being twisted by the goatee...

The moment of silence made everyone present feel deadly silent, as if they had fallen into an ice cave...

What's the point of this battle if Su Mu is dead? !



The sea breeze was blowing, and the goddess of water blue standing on the side of the ship suddenly tilted, and then the whole person fell into the sea...

"Sister Shuilan!"


Seeing the goddess of water blue disappeared in the sea, Fuyu and Fuchu Wan'er had a thud in their hearts!

A very bad feeling, coupled with the result of the water blue goddess's momentary coma, they seemed to have expected something...

Silent, tears filled his eyes instantly!

In front of the entire battleship, Fuchu Wan'er and Fu Huan fell to the ground almost at the same time... and then looked at the soldiers on the shore with the guardrail on the deck... How could this be? !

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