Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1983: ‘Black and White’

The black and white Nina goddess seemed a little strange at this time. Originally, Su Mu thought the small world she had summoned would have some side effects on him, but now it seems that it is not the case.

And the goddess Yona, who saw Su Mu’s strange expression, suddenly raised her head and said: “Forget it, you’ll know after a while, I’ll open up my own little world, you must kill it, otherwise, come out and see The picture you should see is not yourself."

Su Mu nodded, Goddess Yona said so seriously, Su Mu could only do it, and it is impossible for Su Mu, the masters of the East Island Country, to kill.

As the goddess Yona spread his hands, Su Mu saw that in this black space, a door slowly opened. Su Mu looked back at the goddess Yona and said, "Is this your ability in the real world?"

Every goddess has an ability, and this black and white goddess hasn't shown her ability since she appeared, so Su Mu asked like this.

And the goddess Yona was taken aback, and then shook her head and said, "It’s not the master, this is just one of Yona’s abilities, and you will know about Yona’s true abilities in the real world, hurry in, just a few Minutes."

Su Mu nodded and went straight through the white door, and then saw a white world that was completely opposite to the outside, surrounded by white, Su Mu could not even tell the world, if it wasn't because he stepped on a physical floor Su Mu doubted that he was in a vacuum world.

In addition to this world being very special, Su Mu also saw the Goatee Profound Sage Master. Su Mu almost subconsciously summoned the Divine Sage Illusion Sword. However, unexpectedly, this Profound Sage Master stood. In the same place, his expression was surprised, but he was motionless, standing stiff as if he had been tapped on an acupuncture point!

"Why are you? What kind of weird technique is this?" The goatee old man was surprised when he saw Su Mu, because he saw that Su Mu was able to walk freely here, but he is now restrained, so there is no need to ask more. I also knew that it was the world summoned by Su Mu.

Su Mu walked up to the old man, then looked at the spiritual energy around the Xuansheng stage masters and couldn't help but sneered: "I heard that the Xuansheng stage masters have an immortal body? I don't know if this legend is true... "

"What are you going to do?" The goatee old man couldn't help worrying at this time. After all, he couldn't move at all here. It seemed to have no effect other than the aura summons on his body. Now even a player of the early stage can come in. Kill him easily...

Especially just now, he clearly killed Su Mu, why did he live again? There must be no priest of the Huadu Empire around, how did he survive? This is the most important point.



The goatee old man suddenly felt a pain in his chest without any preparation at all, and then saw the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword pierce his chest. At this time, he stared at Su Mu in front of him dumbfounded, not knowing what to say, ask for help? Begged Su Mu not to kill him?

Facing the aloofness of the Profound Sage Period, he could never say such a thing, but at the moment of death, everyone has the instinct to survive. The old goatee almost subconsciously said: "You... kill me and I can't kill. Yukawa Shin...He is a member of the East Island"

Su Mu slowly approached the goatee old man and said coldly: "You mean to tell me that killing you is not enough. I have to hit your territory to fulfill my wish?"

"What?!" The goatee old man was shocked when he heard this. He was about to break into the territory of East Island Country? Just rely on those 300,000 people? What's the joke? Not to mention that there are close to one million people in the East Island country on the coastline, and there are hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers defending near the imperial city. He scored with 300,000 people? Why?


The long sword continued to pierce into his body for a certain distance, and the severe pain caused the goatee old man to frown slightly.

In this snow-white world, Su Mu discovered that the blood of the goatee old man was red when it was on his body, and once it was dripped on the ground, it immediately became white and merged with this world, with no difference at all.

"I also heard that after the death of the Xuansheng Stage, it can be resurrected within one day, right?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" It takes a long time to save the corpse after the death of the Profound Sage Period, so under normal circumstances, it is difficult to completely die in the Profound Sage Period, unless it is a different part of the body...or...

Thinking of this, the goatee suddenly stunned.

Hum! !

Gurgle! Gurgle!

There was almost no opportunity to speak to him. Su Mu's shaking sword unfolded directly. Even if he used his toes to think about it, he could think of what it was like when he used the shaking sword inside the body. I instantly lost consciousness within a second... the internal organs were completely shattered, and the direct result was complete death!

Sometimes it is easy to deal with these Profound Sage periods without having to be in a different place!


With the long sword drawn, Su Mu stood there looking at the goatee old man who had lost his vital signs, and then wiped the blood stains on the godly sword with his clothes, even though Su Mu knew that the godly sword would not stain blood...

"When you meet me, you can only say that it is your misfortune..." Su Mu said lightly.

Turning around, Su Mu walked directly in the direction of the gate.

Waiting for the moment Su Mu stepped out, he stopped where he was, his eyes widened, and his mind was even blank...

Because at this time... the picture Su Mu saw was very... very beautiful...

When Su Mu stepped out of the gate with one foot and stayed in the world with one foot, Su Mu saw the black and white goddess standing naked in front of him.

Half black long hair, half white long hair, with distinct pupils and snow-white skin, but...the underside of Nima is also black and white...very distinct...this surprised Su Mu!

Su Mu knew that the water blue goddess had blue hair all over her body, and this goddess... she was actually black and white. This feeling made Su Mu directly spit blood... this fragrant picture finally let Su Mu know why the black and white goddess would be Before I walked in, I would be a little embarrassed. It turned out to be so...

However, after seeing all kinds of immortal beauties, Su Mu’s immunity is already very strong, but seeing the distinctive characteristics of the black and white goddess, Su Mu still feels evil fire in his heart, and even involuntarily secretes more saliva. ...

"Master!" The black and white goddess shouted angrily.

Su Mu laughed loudly in his heart: "So it's like this...what's the principle? Why do I see you without clothes?"

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