Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1985: Population suppression

Goddess Wona looked at Su Mu helplessly, thinking about how these things would notice other things.

"Master, this perspective is not entirely a perspective of other people without clothes, but you can see some special abilities, elemental auras, and some special **** pets on some people. You are not surprised why I and you Did you know that you have a favorite of the eight elements when you first met? It was this ability to see through." Wo Na said.

Su Mu thought for a while, and then suddenly said, "You mean you can easily find the location of the dark element through this ability?"

"In other words, who is the dark element can be judged by this ability." Wina nodded and finally said the topic. The biggest advantage of this ability is not to see through others, but to see whether there are other creatures in the other party's body. Wait.

In this way, through this ability, anyone who has a favorite of God can be judged, even if they are not by his side, they can see it.

Su Mu nodded and said, "It turns out that this is the case, but I can use it when looking for dark elements, but I still like the perspective of others, haha!"

Nina glanced at Su Mu speechlessly, and then waved her little hand slightly.


The world returned to its original state again, everyone was shocked, and then briefly lost their memory!

At this time, even Su Mu had a short period of amnesia, and then he recovered immediately.

"Master, Yuna's control of the world’s dark and white memories will make everyone’s short-lived memory loss permanently unrecoverable. Therefore, they were frightened when the world was dark, but now they will forget what was just now, so don’t worry. Known by others, even the world's most powerful master can't perceive the existence of Wo Na, feel at ease."

Nina’s voice came from her mind, and Su Mu at this time was not concerned about this matter, but the sudden loss of the water blue goddess. That feeling was very strange, as if something had been taken from Su Mu’s mind. It was the same as cutting off his thoughts, but when Su Mu returned to the original place, he suddenly connected with the goddess of water blue.

In the next moment, that uneasy feeling slowly disappeared...

And on the beach at this time.

Xia Feng, Chen Yongqi and others still maintained their previous actions, and then recovered instantly...

"Brother you..." Xia Feng was stunned, because he felt very angry and sad, and yelled hysterically, but instantly wondered why he did this?

Su Mu naturally knew that Xia Feng had just seen his death, and then burst into anger, but Wina’s ability broke his memory fragments instantly, so he suddenly didn’t know what he was doing...

Not only him, but all the people present at this time were surprised. However, everyone was shocked when they saw the three Profound Saint Stage masters lying on the ground...

The soldiers of the East Island Kingdom were completely shocked and speechless, and Xia Feng and others were also shocked and dumbfounded at this time.

Are all three Profound Sage Stages dead? And dead?

That was Xuanshengqi, just like this?

The people of the East Island Kingdom thought that the war would be over after the Three Saints and Seven Gods came out, but now it doesn’t seem to be the opposite. The legendary masters of the three Profound Saints on their side are directly unclear. Is dead? In the end what happened?


With the blade spreading out, Su Mu hovered in the air and shouted at the soldiers of the East Island Country: "Hand over Yu Chuanxin! Otherwise, kill him!"


"Stop it!"

The people of the Gods Domain Empire instantly cheered up at this moment. They were still immersed in the oppression of the Profound Sage Period just now, and now they suddenly saw the Profound Sage Period all die, but Su Mu was floating above them intact. Very strange, but also very relieved!

Everyone shouted!

The morale of the God's Domain Empire was agitated again, and the people of the East Island Kingdom had no idea what had happened, and everyone looked at Su Mu in the sky in shock.

"Impossible! How is this possible?!"

The remaining seven Profound God Stage masters all stared in surprise at this time, because they couldn't believe this fact at all, and they didn't know how they died.

"Priest! Pastor, hurry up!"

"What about the priest?!"

The Profound God Stage and the high-level officials of the East Island Country shouted.

Countless priests rushed up, and then surrounded the three Profound Saint Stage masters, one after another, the resurrection skills fell down, but Su Mu in the air watched them busy with a sneer.

The people of the Divine Realm Empire were also worried at this time, because they were also afraid that these three Profound Sage periods would be resurrected again.

However, dozens of seconds passed.

All the pastors stood up in surprise, then looked back at the high-level members of the East Island Country and shook their heads, indicating that they could no longer be resurrected!

The whole scene suddenly became quiet and terrible.

And the people of God's Domain Empire finally breathed a sigh of relief. After Xuan Shengqi died, it was relatively simple...

However, there are still seven masters of the Profound God Stage in the East Island Country at this time, staring at Su Mu and the members of the God Realm Empire in the air with their eyes braved in flames!

"No matter what sorcery you use, you must die here today! Kill!"


Huh! Huh! Huh!

The seven Profound God Stage masters instantly rushed towards Su Mu in the air.

Bang! Bang!

Chen Yongqi, Shan Xiong, Xia Feng and others rushed up quickly and instantly blocked the charge of these seven people to ensure that Su Mu would not be affected.

But Su Mu in the sky smiled coldly and shouted: "All brothers! Kill me! Kill! Kill!"


"Fuck, brothers!"

"Fuck! Blood is paid for!"




The war starts instantly.

However, after the start of the war, Su Mu discovered that the suppression of the number of people was too great. There were too many people in the East Island Kingdom. The 300,000 people of the Gods Domain Empire had no time to estimate the left and right wings. As a result, the speed of death increased. Up.

Countless people fell, countless people rushed up. Su Mu was more pleased that no one was timid. At this time, Su Mu was looking for Yu Chuanxin's trace, but I don’t know when this person has completely disappeared in the East Island country soldier. In front of the team, it seems that he hasn't seen this person since he came out of the world of the goddess of the black border.

Su Mu couldn't help frowning. This time I came here for this person. If the war on this coastline fails to achieve the goal, it will be in vain, because Su Mu knows that it is almost impossible to use this force to enter the East Island country. The difference in the number of people is too great. Although Su Mu can release skills such as Scourge, what can he do? What about killing him ten thousand twenty thousand? It is impossible to fundamentally solve the suppression of this number.

However, at this moment, the voice of the goddess of water blue suddenly came from his mind: "Susu is not good, a large number of ships appeared least one million people..."


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