Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1987: Go straight to Huanglong

Seeing countless soldiers rushing to the beach below, Su Mu hung up in the air and smiled and said: "Now the Huadu Empire is probably the whole area of ​​Zhou Shuang'er, right?"

Huang Tian and Yin Fengyang nodded and said, "It is true. I don't know what's going on. They let the whole country know about it in an instant."

Su Mu laughed, don't ask, this is Ying's masterpiece!

However, Su Mu still took a look at Yin Fengyang and said, "If this incident did not force you to send troops, would you still have to endure the oppression of the East Island Country?"

Yin Fengyang was startled, then looked at Su Mu and said, "Chairman Su, the clay figurines are still three-way angry, let alone a living person? I personally dealt with Zhou Shuang'er's affairs. At that time, I also wished to squeeze Tang Chuan's letter. His order was peace talks. It was worthless to destroy the peace talks because of an unimportant girl, but now it seems that this is not an unimportant girl at all, but represents the face of the entire Huadu empire! Being raped to death is still indifferent If so, the whole country will come to an end!"

Su Mu nodded, because he knew that Yin Fengyang obeyed the orders from above, so some things were helpless.

Huang Tiandao: "Since everyone has become comrades-in-arms again, then, please ask President Su to give the task!"

"President Su, please give the task!" Yin Feng Yang said.

At this time, the members of the God's Domain Empire were full of excitement, because at this time more than one million people from the entire Huadu Empire joined, and their team instantly expanded to a super army of 1.5 million people!

The most important thing is that there is no intrigue now, and no one looks down on anyone, because at this time all the soldiers understand in their hearts who they are going to fight. The people standing next to them, whether it is the Gods Domain Empire or the Huadu Empire, are a family. The little devil on the opposite side is what they are targeting today!

Therefore, the whole army is in harmony, which is also more gratifying for Su Mu.

"Yellow Sky!"


"Leading half a million people and outflanking the right! People from the East Island country must not be allowed to insert from the rear!"


"Yin Fengyang!"


"Left-wing outflank, same as above!"


Su Mu looked down at this moment and shouted: "Xia Feng, Liu Suifeng, weak son!"

The three of them were startled, but immediately clasped their fists to give orders.

"The three of you, lead the team to charge forward. You are not allowed to stop without my order. The only task I give you is to fight Laozi to the imperial city of the East Island country!!!"

The faces of the three people suddenly condensed, and then they showed excitement.

"Brother, please, please! Don't hit the little devil imperial city Lao Tzu to raise the head!"

"Subordinates follow the order!"

"Subordinates follow the order!"

Liu Suifeng and the weaker son nodded heavily.

No matter how big Liangzi and hatred there were before, at this time, everyone is in one mind. After all, no matter how big animosity or hatred is, it is not enough to make you even more angry with the oppression of the East Island Kingdom. The anger of a nation!

God's Domain Empire, Huadu Empire, 1.2 million people, instantly charged!



This time, the loud footsteps turned into rumbling sounds, and then they rushed forward quickly.

At this time, the hundreds of thousands of people in the East Island Kingdom began to retreat in horror. Yuchuan Xin was absent, Sasaki was killed, and the three Profound Sage Stages were killed. Now there are no masters in the entire battlefield except the seven Profound God Stage masters. Supported.

And these seven Profound God Stages were instantly entangled by three by Su Mu, and the other four were entangled together by the Profound God Stage masters from the Huadu Empire, and the soldiers below were crushed by the number of soldiers fighting. The people who came to the Shanghuadu Empire this time were all angry with Zhou Shuang'er!

Who else is not angry when the whole country talks about this woman? !


"Kill haha!"


"It should have been like this long ago!"

The soldiers charged like crazy, and even felt that this was not a real war, as if no one would be afraid of death!

Because, in the previous ten years, the East Island Kingdom has invaded the coast of the Huadu Empire every year, and the orders above only defend and do not attack. Many soldiers who have participated in the war are provoked and mocked by the East Island Kingdom people, but they have to obey the orders!

But today!

Today's Huadu Empire suddenly became stronger, and with anger towards Zhou Shuang'er, the soldiers of the entire Huadu Empire were extremely relieved, and everyone rushed forward as if they had taken a stimulant!

The soldiers of the East Island Nation suddenly became defeated, the entire front was pulled apart, and everyone began to rout and retreated to the position of the East Island Nation’s imperial city!

The area of ​​the East Island country is limited, and the location where Su Mu chose to land is exactly the location of the imperial city. Therefore, at the head of the war that lasted for a long time, all the soldiers were on the ground!

Xia Feng, Liu Suifeng, Weak Son, Yan Jiexing and others are standing in front of the team with blood all over their faces. Everyone has a smile on their faces. They are excited, excited, and even have an uncontrollable excitement. Broke out.

Xia Feng raised his sword and laughed wildly: "The game is invincible, and the world is crazy. Raise the sword to dominate the world. You don't want the game to be invincible, just to be worthy of your brother!! Hahaha!

Liu Suifeng and the weak son were startled, what an invincible world mad, what a worthy brother!

This sentence seems to have been said on the earth, and now that Xia Feng took it out and shouted, the atmosphere of the whole scene reached its climax in an instant!

Millions of people shouted in unison: "Kill, kill, kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

There was a loud sound, the entire East Island Kingdom’s imperial city players all hid in the imperial city, the gates were closed, and countless remote soldiers stood on the city wall nervously watching the millions of people outside!

At this time, Su Mu, Huang Tian and Yin Fengyang fell at the front of the crowd.

"Unexpectedly... the old man could also see this scene when he was alive! Relieve his qi!" Even though Huang Tian was old, he still couldn't overwhelm that kind of qi and blood.

The same is true for Yin Fengyang. The expression of relief is unobstructed. After all, they were too angry before, and they had to do so due to orders. Now, they have directly entered the imperial city of the East Island. What kind of mood is this!

Although it is impossible for the entire East Island Country to have these hundreds of thousands of soldiers, but now the distant water cannot save the near fire, and now the East Island Country is at stake!

Huang Tian looked at the imperial city of the East Island Kingdom not far away, and felt the morale of the millions around him. He finally said, "Chairman Su, if no surprises, the people of the East Island Kingdom will send a peace ambassador to us. Before, the Lord personally explained that everything was up to you."

Su Mu was startled, so trusting himself?

Yin Fengyang also laughed: "Chairman Su, it's up to you to decide how to make a decision. We are waiting for a good show!"

Su Mu looked at the two serious men, and then smiled: "The decision of this matter is no longer mine, it's him..."

As they said, everyone looked at Zhang Da, who was standing at the forefront of the soldiers, covered in blood.

The latter's eyes were flushed, his face was angry and grinning!

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