Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1990: The unexpected person (6 more)

Amway Jinsan looked at Yoshizawa Chi for a while, then looked at Yukawa Shin.

At this time, Tang Chuan’s confidence jumped faster, but he knew very well what would happen after he was handed over, so at this time he could only calm down and say: "Lord, you must understand that the Huadu Empire just wants to humiliate us. , Even if you hand over me, what can you do? Kill me, they will never let it go. Thinking about the years we blackmailed their money, you can understand, Lord, you can’t lose too much because you are small."

Until now, these high-level officials had not known about Yu Chuanxin’s **** of Zhou Shuang'er in the Huadu Empire, so they still don’t know why Su Mu had to surrender Yu Chuanxin, but there is one thing. The millions of empires will rush in. At that time, it really made me late...

It’s just that time is waiting for no one. Time has passed for five minutes. In the last five minutes, Amway Jinsan was also very nervous and entangled. So at this time, he could only sigh and sigh: "Now, the head of the team has more Is it a good way?"

Yu Chuanxin felt a chill when he heard that, it was over!

It's really over!

He quickly stepped forward and said: "Lord, you can't open this hole. How do you make other players in the East Island country look at our royal family? How do you treat the entire high-level? You can't do this!

Suddenly, Yu Chuanxin looked at Yoshizawa Chi and said, "Yoshizawa Chi, didn't your daughter know this person? Why don't you let her go and persuade her? Even if she persists for a few hours without taking action, Lord, this matter feasible!"

Amway was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Yoshizawa Chi.

The latter frowned slightly, then clasped his fist and said: "Lord, do you think that someone who can hit here will stop for the sake of their children? Do you think this matter can be solved even if the little girl is allowed to go? If you can The old man has arranged this a long time ago and it doesn't work."

"How can I know if I don't try?!" Yuchuan said.

Amway hesitated for a while and said: "You can try, Commander Yoshizawa, you can try this thing, but it won't work, let's talk about it."

Yoshizawa Chi knew that Yukawa Xin could think of any **** when he was surviving, so he could only turn around and leave the hall quickly.



At this time, the Million Army was standing around the imperial city. Su Mu glanced at the time, and then said: "Xia Feng, Chen Yongqi, and Shan Xiong, you are divided into three batches, and you begin to surround the entire city gate and city wall, waiting for my order!"




The three of them all looked excited. They were already impatient. If they don't attack the little devil at this time, when will they attack?

Although they knew that Su Mu wanted to make some benefits for the Huadu Empire, these were not the most important thing. The most important thing was to let the soldiers of the Huadu Empire vent their frustrations over the years!

The sound of footsteps came, and the soldiers of the entire East Island Kingdom began to become nervous, because they knew that they would not have the ability to defend once the battle started. Not to mention the disparity in numbers. Now the soldiers of the entire East Island Kingdom are immersed in fear and worry. Among them, after all, the failure of the Three Holy Seven Gods has spread throughout the entire imperial city.

Su Mu stared coldly at the gate of the imperial city. Su Mu himself did not expect to be able to reach here today. No one thought that people from the Huadu Empire would come to support it. Since things have reached this point, Su Mu must be thorough. I was scared to fight this small country, and I would not dare to invade the Huadu Empire after the fight!

Therefore, when time was about to reach the ten minutes Su Mu said, the gate of the imperial city opened again.

Everyone was also a little surprised at this time, did the East Island country agree to hand over Yukawa letter?

Standing in front of the crowd, Zhang Da clasped his hands and avenged him! Must have revenge!

However, the team that came out surprised everyone.

A girl walked over slowly. With the amazingness just now, Dongdao Kingdom didn't let anyone **** the girl, and then stopped at the moat. The girl walked over slowly.

She walks very slowly, very slowly...

He was wearing a black dress, with long hair falling on his shoulders, with almost no expression on his face. Putting his hands in front of him, he walked slowly...

Only this time Su Mu was shocked.

Because the girl who came by was actually... Yoshizawa Mingjing!

Isn't she in the first district of Tianyong City? When did you come to Dongdao Country? Although she is from the Wadao country on earth, she may not have anything to do with Wadao here. She was still treated as a slave before...

Everyone was very surprised. At this time, find a girl to come to negotiate? There are no men in East Island?

However, most of this time, it was obvious that Su Mu's expression was not right, especially these high-level officials looked at Su Mu strangely.

Therefore, at this time Su Mu waved his hand to signal that all the soldiers stopped moving. This gesture directly caused all the senior officials and the soldiers to understand that this woman was really related to Su Mu.

Su Mu walked forward slowly, and then stood a hundred meters in front of the soldier and stopped. This is Yoshizawa Mingjing who also stood in place, and the two were ten meters apart.

The hesitation on her face seemed to be something unspeakable. Su Mu even saw her clasping her hands together, and then bit her red lips and stood in place looking at Su Mu. His eyes were reluctant, hesitant and helpless. ...

"When did you come back? Why didn't you tell me?" Su Mu reluctantly smiled, but his heart was astonished. At this time, Yoshizawa appeared quietly. It was obvious that he was going to be a lobbyist for the East Island. Identity can also be this lobbyist.

At this time, Yoshizawa Mingjing raised his head, and then tried to keep himself smiling while watching Su Mu said: "Mr. Su, we cannot get together on earth because of the positions of two countries. Samsara is like copying the plot of the earth again, so hateful..."

Su Mu shook his head: "This matter has nothing to do with us? Even if it is different internationally, the hearts of the people are the same. Whether it is in the cycle of time or on the earth."

"Yes, the hearts are the same, the only difference is the borders, but...Mr. Su, Mingjing, sorry... Mingjing left without saying goodbye because..."

"You don't need to tell me about this, you are free, and no one can restrain your freedom, so go wherever you want, do whatever you want, I won't blame you." Su Mu said with a smile.

Yoshizawa Mingjing was stunned when she heard the words. Su Mu's words were telling her, even if she stood here now, Su Mu didn't blame her?

However, the more Yoshizawa Mingjing is like this, the more he blames himself. After all, Su Mu has rescued her many times and helped her. Thinking about it, in addition to telling him about the Dragon Soul Group himself on Earth, It seems that nothing has been done for him...

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