Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1992: Tu! Kill the city for me!

"Mingjing!" Su Mu yelled, but Ji Ze Mingjing in his arms was bleeding constantly, and looked at Su Mu with a smile.

Su Mu looked at the people around her while hugging her and shouted, "Pastor, priest!!"

However, at this time, Yoshizawa Mingjing grabbed Su Mu's shoulders, and then shook his head with a smile: "Mr. Su, Su, no need, this dagger is a mysterious thorn!"

"What?!" Su Mu was shocked, and then he was about to grab the dagger, but it was blocked by Jize Mingjing.

She looked at Su Mu with a smile and full of confidence: "Mr. Su, did what you just said count?"

"Forget it! Of course it! I thought about it when I was on Earth, Mingjing, can't do this!" Su Mu was anxious!

Now Su Mu has understood why Yoshizawa Mingjing should always smile, she had already thought about it, even when she walked out of the city gate, she had already figured out what to do, so she was hesitant!

Anyone knows he is about to die like this...

At this time, Yoshizawa Mingjing still fell into Su Mu's arms with a smile, and then smiled: "Mr. Su, I can't forget the kindness of father's nurturing, and the kindness of Mr. Su's knowledge and experience can't be forgotten, so this This is the only thing Mingjing can do. Mingjing knows that the Huadu Empire has already been regarded as Huaxia by Mr. Su, because Mingjing also regards the East Island country as the island of the earth, so this mood...cough... Mingjing can understand... …"

After a while, she continued with a smile: "The Huadu Empire in the cycle of time has been invaded by the East Island Kingdom for more than ten consecutive years. This is a matter of course. This year, Mr. Su finally took the Huadu Empire to stand. Here, to be honest, Mingjing doesn’t know what it feels like, whether it’s joy or sorrow, but when he sees Mr. Su at this moment, Mingjing still understands, Mingjing can’t say that sentence!"

Su Mu's eyes were red, and there was a mysterious thorn! That is a very terrible thing, Yoshizawa Mingjing only needs to turn the handle of the dagger, and then her heart will be destroyed by pressing it instantly. In this way, I can't resurrect!

So at this time Su Mu hurriedly said: "You say it! As long as you say it, I will promise you! Say it!"

That sentence is actually, ‘Mr. Su, retreat! ’!

However, Yoshizawa Mingjing knew that he couldn't say it!

Perhaps Su Mu would retreat when he said this, but the feeling that Su Mu had for Ji Ze Mingjing will no longer exist. This is how people are. Some things can be agreed, but the feeling in his heart will change.

If Yoshizawa clearly said at the beginning, Su Mu, you should retreat, for me!

Su Mu will definitely consider retreating, but after that Su Mu will be a stranger to Yoshizawa!

It is precisely because Yoshizawa knows the result that she will not say, let alone say, even if she chooses to die, she will not choose to leave a scar in Su Mu's heart.

So at this time, Yoshizawa Mingjing still shook his head and said, "Mr. Su, Su... Mingjing will not let you retreat, but Mingjing can't live up to her father's expectations... Although Mingjing has already failed her father by doing so... It was given by my father, and now I'm giving it back to him... Mr. Su... Thank you for your words and promises, Mingjing... Really died without regret..."

Just as Su Mu was about to speak, he saw Ji Ze Mingjing put his arms around her neck, and then approached Su Mu's ear and said, "Mr. Su...I, I love you!"




Part of the dagger was forked, and a dagger turned into three hooks, and then Yoshizawa Mingjing suddenly turned the dagger!

At this moment, Su Mu stayed in place, and his pupils began to dilate to stare at the blood in Yoshizawa Mingjing's mouth...

At this moment, Keren in her arms is still so beautiful, with a smile, even with a sense of satisfaction...

"First, sir, if there is an afterlife, be quiet, certain, certain, born as a Chinese!"

be quiet!

The momentary silence changed the surrounding atmosphere. Su Mu just squatted on the spot and held Yoshizawa Mingjing in his arms, holding Yoshizawa Mingjing who had died, and Yoshizawa Mingjing who was still smiling. Holding Yoshizawa Mingjing who wanted to become a Chinese in the end...

This is just because Su Mu is from China!

Su Mu squatted in place motionless.

Xia Feng, Chen Yongqi, Shan Xiong, Huang Tian, ​​Yin Fengyang and others all stood there and looked at Su Mu and the Ji Ze Mingjing in his arms.

At this time, they didn't give Ji Ze Mingjing a thumbs up, because at this time, if Su Mu gave up this war because of his children's love, where would Su Mu fall into? Infidelity? Or the princes of the beacon show? !

So, this girl committed suicide, and everyone gave this girl thumbs up in their hearts.

Not only for the feelings for Su Mu, but also for the girl's interpretation of the word gratitude.


Su Mu directly hugged Yoshizawa and stood up quietly. At this moment, everyone once again raised their hearts. Everyone looked at Su Mu and watched him holding the dead girl in his arms...


Two steps!

Xia Feng could feel the anger and unwillingness from every step of Su Mu!

Tears, silently dripping, fell on her face, her body...

Su Mu walked back step by step, thinking about the little things he had with this girl. Although I haven't seen each other a few times since the beginning, every time I met, Su Mu gave Su Mu a different feeling, even a very relaxed feeling...

There was a desire in my heart, but this time it became like this.

She, in order not to disappoint her father, and not for herself, resolutely chose to commit suicide?

However, this was all caused by the war, and all by the education of Wadao.

Yoshizawa Chi, originally was not her biological father, but was kind to Yoshizawa Ming with a purpose, and then sent to a special training organization, so that one day can play a role in the country, this kind of thing, there is no Who is right and who is wrong!

But now it seems wrong, wrong, wrong!

Women should not be the victims of wars, and they should not be the spoils of wars!

Women and men are the same, and they are both an indispensable part of the human species!

At this time, Su Mu walked to Xue Qiang's side with Jize Mingjing, and then slowly handed it to Xue Qiang.

The latter quickly hugged Yoshizawa Mingjing, and then asked the priest behind him to perform the resurrection technique, but there was no response...

Xia Feng rushed over quickly, and then stood behind Su Mu.

At this time, Chen Yongqi and others also felt the terrifying aura emanating from Su Mu...At this moment, everyone felt the aura of the shadow of God, the violence of the remnant butcher...

At this time Xue Qiang looked at Su Mu blankly and said, "President, you..."



Su Mu's whole body instantly rose into the sky!

The long sword pointed in the direction of the East Island Kingdom’s imperial city and suddenly roared: "Tu! Tu! Slaughter me!! Tucheng!!!"

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