Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1995: Not accept negotiation



The long sword pierced Yu Chuanxin’s thigh again, Zhang Da, with a frenzied rage attacking his heart, the hatred of killing his fiancée burst out instantly, this kind of pain, no one can understand, let alone no one. I can imagine what kind of mood is suffering the war, the feeling of hatred intertwined.

So even though it was cruel at this time, the members of the Huadu Empire and the God's Domain Empire did not feel relieved. For Yu Chuanxin, this punishment was simply too light, compared with his arrogance in the nine districts of Tianlu City of the Huadu Empire. Arrogance, plus the **** of Zhou Shuang'er, what are these punishments? Not even shit!

"Why the **** didn't you think about today in Tianlu City? Ah? Fuck Nima!" Zhang Da's sword was dripping with blood, and at the same time he was dripping with blood.

Tang Chuanxin's face was sweaty, and blood stains came out of his teeth, but now he still couldn't move, letting Zhang Da stand still and raging his body.

"Please, give me a good time! Let me die! Let me die!!" Yu Chuanxin shouted.

Zhang Da sneered, then swung the long sword again, pierced Yu Chuanxin's chest with a chuckle, and then stared at Tang Chuan and said, "It's easy to die, but it's hard to live!"

The long sword turned, Zhang Da could not give him a chance to resurrect, so Yu Chuanxin's internal organs were instantly shattered, but Yu Chuanxin was suffering with a smile, because it was about to end, he never wanted to live again Bear this pain...

Waiting for Yu Chuanxin to completely cut off his breath, Zhang Da stood at the gate of the Imperial City Mansion of the East Island and raised his hand. The whole surroundings, hundreds of thousands, millions of eyes looked at him...

"Hahaha! Shuang'er! I avenge you! I avenge you! Hahaha!"

Suddenly, Zhang Da burst into laughter crazy. At this time, everyone had a bad feeling, but no one stepped forward to stop him, and Su Mu looked on Zhang Da's head...

"Shuang'er! I'll accompany you!"


"Zhang Da..."

"Zhang Da..."

Everyone exclaimed, Xia Feng and others rushed up when they saw Zhang Da swinging a sword to slay himself...


The huge spiritual energy forced Xia Feng and the others back, and then saw Zhang Da's long sword suddenly touched his neck...


With blood flowing, Zhang Da stood there with a smile, turned around, and then crashed to the ground!


"Zhang Da!"

Everyone screamed, but Xia Feng stared at the spirit barrier released by Su Mu and shouted: "Why? Why not stop him?"

At this time, Chen Yongqi said indifferently: "You saved his person, you can't save his heart. The moment Zhou Shuang'er died, Zhang Da was already heartbroken. You can save someone who has long thought about it. How to die?"

Chen Yongqi’s words instantly surprised the people around him. He had already figured out how to die, and Zhang Da was ready immediately after the revenge, because he was going to match Zhou Shuang'er... and because Su Mu knew this was the case. , So Su Mu didn't stop, and he couldn't stop it either.

People at the scene can indeed prevent Zhang Da from committing suicide, but what about afterwards? Spent the rest of your life in a haunting way? Or do you have to watch him want to die every day?

After Zhang Da participated in this war, Su Mu knew that as long as the revenge was avenged, Zhang Da would definitely die!

But despite this, Su Mu had to mention Zhou Shuang'er's revenge. This incident completely angered Su Mu's bottom line!

So Zhang Da cried herself, as Su Mu expected, but it was not something that could be controlled!

At this time, Yoshizawa Chi slowly walked forward a few steps: "For this matter, Dongdao Country expresses sincere apologies. We also just learned about what Yuchuan Xin did in the Huadu Empire. What about this? You can't treat Yukawa Shin too much, sorry!"

Yoshizawa Zhi slightly bowed to Zhang Da's corpse, then raised his head to look at Su Mu.

At this time, Su Mu said lightly: "Old Chen, take away Zhang Da's body and bury it with Zhou Shuang'er after returning to China."

Chen Yongqi nodded, and then asked people to carry Zhang Da's body back. Everyone felt extremely heavy. After all, Zhang Da's death was too shocking for them and too unacceptable.

After waiting for the on-site processing to be almost done, Yoshizawa Zhicai said to Su Mu: "So..."

"You still owe me an apology." Su Mu said suddenly.

Yoshizawa Chi was startled, and then he came to understand. Apart from Zhang Da's matter, Yoshizawa Akira also killed himself. This matter, Yoshizawa Chi knew how it caused it, and he did not expect it to be like this, let alone. Akira Yoshizawa, who has received professional training since childhood, will fall in love with Su Mu, the target of his mission!

In this matter, Yoshizawa Chi just shook his head and said: "I am also helpless in this matter, Su Mu, my sadness may not be much less than you. For this, I can only say that things are unpredictable!"




To everyone's surprise, all the soldiers from the East Island country quickly surrounded them at this time, but they were intercepted by more people from the Huadu Empire at the gate.

Su Mu lifted the neckline of Yoshizawa Chi, then lifted him up and shouted: "You **** dare to say that you thought about her? When did you think about her? The love for her is just in your use of her. , What else do I use to say? Ah?!"

Yoshizawa Chi was mentioned by Su Mu, and he frowned slightly: "But when it comes to the bottom line, she is my daughter. This can never be wrong, and you should also understand that Mingjing may not completely die, right? ?"

Su Mu sneered, nodded and said, "So, you already knew that this would be the result?"

"I thought about it. Although Mingjing's personality is very quiet, she is also very stubborn. Although she won't directly reject me for what she doesn't want to do, she won't do it either." Yoshizawa Chi said.

He seemed to know a little about Yoshizawa Mingjing, but for the benefit of the East Island country, he could only do so.

But Su Mu stared at him with a sneer at this time: "So, for your country, are you willing to do everything?"

"If you quit now, I can die right in front of you!"

"How much money is your life worth? Fuck!" Su Mu shouted, "You won't be able to get that Jize Mingjing after ten deaths!!"

Because he is a human being on Earth, Yoshizawa Chi feels that Yoshizawa Mingjing still has hope of surviving. Su Mu also knows that there are some opportunities. However, whether this opportunity can succeed is still unknown. What if he can't survive? What if this is not the cycle of time but the real world on earth? Does Yoshizawa Chi still do this?

For Su Mu's curses, Yoshizawa Chi didn't care at all. At this time, if a few curses calmed Su Mu's mood, it would be good for a while of negotiations.

However, Su Mu said coldly at this time: "I don't accept peace talks!"

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